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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Getting closer! and the damage textures work, too!!
  2. R-60/AA-8 Aphid - A Good Design Philosophy?

    I would never discount "old technology". Given a 'golden BB', even a Brown Bess could take down an F-22!!
  3. Frisian Flag 2014

    great pics! thanks!
  4. this might be the best bet. don't forget, even in the NA environment, CVBGs act distinctly "odd", when not on the IcelandNA map. Code glitches that have never been properly addressed, or even questions on the answered. even on the Persian Gulf map, where I have them (more or less) in the right places, they don't properly generate -- sometimes in the Quatarn desert. and don't forget the Hawkeyes always orbit out 200 miles from the carrier, making it important that Iran be NEUTRAL
  5. I stumbled across a pdf of the pilot's flight manual. didn't download it -like a dummy! I guess I can try and find it again, and attach. would be cool to have! EDIT: nuts! It's for the A model!!!
  6. actually, I'm quite enjoying seeing the beer adverts from around the world!! (no screenie, sorry; i'll post one later)
  7. check the Freeware thread; I'm pretty sure WBS is a signatory and Aleks ???? ok, so Saudi becomes NEUTRAL, too. But, be advised ... that map is completely WRONG for carrier ops. There isn't enough sea room at the top of the Gulf (as no self respecting CVBG commander would get his task force pinned into such narrow and shallow waters)
  8. for the terrain targets ini: Iran = neutral Iraq = enemy Everybody Else ™ = Friendly the bitch if finding out who's on what side!! The planning maps will show that, even though I never did switch them! But you'll get the idea, or at worst, the locations on either side of The Front Line (which will need to be completely redrawn; not difficult at all). and don't forget to ask before tweeking the terrain. (I usually always say Yes, but like to asked first It's a personal thang )
  9. File Name: SF2 WW2/Post-War Lockheed P-38L Lightning File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 10 April 2014 File Category: P-38 SF2 WW2/Post-War Lockheed P-38L Lightning 4/9/2014 -- Something for, well, Anyone! -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Some mods for Wolf257's P-38L Lightning give you a version for late WW2 and the early Post War Time frame. While keeping the standard WW2 start date, the service time has been extended to include some use by the newly formed USAF (post October, 1947). Meaning, retirement date is December 1949 (approximately true!). This is =NOT= a "What If..." aircraft. 2 skins are included, both are in Natural Metal. They're names are: NM (a generic type, with plane-in-group numbers) USAF (with post-1947 markings) There are no squadron or unit markings for either skin. There is litterally NO data available. The NM skin can be used pretty much anywere for WW2. The USAF skin will automtically "switch on" in 10/1947. All new skins (now with rivets!!) are in jpg format. Both aircraft use a 'pool' of Serial numbers and they should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for the model variant depicted. The post-1947 skin has the addition of "Buzz Numbers", that have the correct letter prefix assigned to P-38s All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All weapons, sounds, and a pilot figure are included. Both skins have individual Hangar Screens. When in game, you'll see: P-38L Lightning (Post War) (w) This, and the folder being name "P-38L_pw" will seperate it from any WW2 types you may have. The "PW" is for "Post War". The "W" is for Wolf, further diferentiating this from other Lightnings that you may or may not have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  10. indeed, we do! Like Gocad's 1st FG Lightnings I (re)did last month!
  11. Version


    SF2 WW2/Post-War Lockheed P-38L Lightning 4/9/2014 -- Something for, well, Anyone! -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Some mods for Wolf257's P-38L Lightning give you a version for late WW2 and the early Post War Time frame. While keeping the standard WW2 start date, the service time has been extended to include some use by the newly formed USAF (post October, 1947). Meaning, retirement date is December 1949 (approximately true!). This is =NOT= a "What If..." aircraft. 2 skins are included, both are in Natural Metal. They're names are: NM (a generic type, with plane-in-group numbers) USAF (with post-1947 markings) There are no squadron or unit markings for either skin. There is litterally NO data available. The NM skin can be used pretty much anywere for WW2. The USAF skin will automtically "switch on" in 10/1947. All new skins (now with rivets!!) are in jpg format. Both aircraft use a 'pool' of Serial numbers and they should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for the model variant depicted. The post-1947 skin has the addition of "Buzz Numbers", that have the correct letter prefix assigned to P-38s All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All weapons, sounds, and a pilot figure are included. Both skins have individual Hangar Screens. When in game, you'll see: P-38L Lightning (Post War) (w) This, and the folder being name "P-38L_pw" will seperate it from any WW2 types you may have. The "PW" is for "Post War". The "W" is for Wolf, further diferentiating this from other Lightnings that you may or may not have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. yes, they do. it's a detachable mesh just try what I've suggested, and let us know. the original D are in cat 008
  13. THAT sounds like a data ini problem. don't forget, sf2 introduced the "built in drop tanks"; meaning they're not longer separate lods, but part of the aircraft model. outdated data and loadout ini WILL cause this. you never said exactly WHICH F-4E it is ... but I'd start looking in cat 8
  14. sovietgunner.bmp should be the skin map the infantry squad. however, there are a couple others around, so double check.. it all depends on WHICH of the squad lods was used as a base there are no OUT files available for the main lod, only the destroyed one. at worst, open the main lod in a hex editor, and search for bmp. that'll give you the name
  15. I actually have a full copy of MAX, but need the key (not sure the code key generator I have is current). Less said of HOW I got it, the better, (wink, wink, nudge nudge) if you know what I mean ---------- ok, skins are just about done!
  16. Moors?? I thought they left in the 1400s!!!
  17. it all depends on which model Rhino it is they're scattered all over....
  18. and Piecemeal's Desert 4 thingy, all the bases get new accessories
  19. File Name: SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 April 2014 File Category: A-1 SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy" 4/1/2014 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = **Note: Actually, SF2NA is actually -REQUIRED- in merged installs, due to NA coding used for this aircraft's operational statements. It is also HIGHLY SUGGESTED!! that this be =ONLY= used in the NA envrionment (read: in SF2:NA only). It was tested only in the NA environment, but there are a few issues (see Notes below).*** A rebuild of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider give us the AD-4W "Guppy" Naval Airborne Early Warning aircraft of the 1950s. Included are 4 skins, representing the aircrft from 1950 through 1960. They are: USN: VC-11 USMC: VMC-1 British Royal Navy (AEW.1) No 849 Naval Air Squadron; in 'normal' garb No 849 NAS, HMS Albion, during the Suez Crisis (with Suez 'Invasion Stripes') The USN/USMC skins use a painted on fueselage national marking (not enough meshes for all decals); All other markings are decals. All aircraft are in 'standard' Dark Gloss Navy Blue. For the RN skins, ALL markings are decals. Serial numbers are 100% historically accurate for the model depicted, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As there is no possible way to run down the US serials, they should be considered 'generic' in nature. However, you may experience some 'unusual' shuffling' of the CV and Flight letter codes on the Royal Navy (non Suez) skin. Further explinations for this are in the 'Notes' Section. The Suez skin depicts 849's "C" flight as embarked during Operation Musketeer, and are 100% correct. Skins remain in lo-rez bmp format, but new DDS damage textures are supplied (just in case). Each skins has it's own hangar screen. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. As mentioned above, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. some months ago, somebody asked about this. I have one. What little data is available seems to indicate they only served within the Continental US, and were retired by late 48/early 49 Is there any interest in my releasing it?? Just for fun, grins and giggles kind of thing? I'm pretty sure it's the L model.
  21. yes, indeed. I have a full listing. I'm also thinking some of the AdA and AMI's might have been F-5; the recon variant. But they don't count!!
  22. also, check that the aircraft's data in is the latest one, for whatever patch level your at. if in doubt, back up the old one, and extract a new, drop it in the aircraft folder and retest (before condemming the weapons) just to be safe

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