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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. USS Miami to be scrapped...

    from Yahoo news: http://news.yahoo.com/navy-says-goodbye-sub-damaged-workers-arson-204840789.html unbelievable, so lazy MF gets off with only 17 years..
  2. the stuff on Don's site (C5) have NOT been updated in the at least the last 3 years (that 2009 update on the Hustler as an example -- there's a better on that I did in 2013 in the D/L section http://combatace.com/files/file/12128-b-58a-huster-for-sf-upgradeupdate-pak/). Everything that's "new and improved" will be found here, in the CA downloads The links are still active, because the entire site is here on the CA servers. But really, nothing there is up to the latest standards.
  3. yes to all the folder structure is identical, it's just not in the same place anymore. check the SF2 Knowledge Base for more detailed explinations you won't be sorry you've moved
  4. umm.... like download it, but DON'T unzip it. Place the zip on your desktop, let the unzipper open it, and run the exe from there
  5. where is the game install located? on win7, especially for 1stGens, DO NOT PLACE THE GAME INSTALL INTO THE USUAL LOCATION IN THE C:/PROGRAMS FOLDER. They will work, but will be unmoddable due to that location being a 'protected' region. Move it to root of C: ie: C/Wings over Europe adjust shortcut accordingly as to the CTD and editor malfunctions, ???? don't know (actually, don't remember!) if you're already at Win7, why not just evolve up and go to SF2??? It's a hell of a lot easier, and what everyone mods for these days (being that 1stGens are dead)
  6. canopy = animation key Shift/0 by modder consensus
  7. the trucks or the fueling station? the fueling station we've had for many years, by wingwinner, iirc
  8. after installilng the ww2 stuff also, is important to leave at least one each player flyable and AI controlled 'modern' aircraft in the install. I use a A-4E and MiG-21MF. For some reason, this seem to prevent the game engine's automatic rewrite, which reinstalls all the modern aircraft again. You can leave all the modern ground objects alone, too, as they ALL have start dates well beyond WW2
  9. because that's old and outdated stuff. I thought C5's site was closed ...???? I'd check the SF2 downloads HERE at CA first; it may come with the relevant folders included if not... I'd recommend the Gunny Pak (Gunny's Ordanance Shop*, iirc). It should have the items needed. If not, they're easily made (I don't have the F-35 in my installs -- too busy with ww2 mods). Or a kind hearted soul will upload/attach the required folders (*you may want that anyway! ) EDIT:!! Well, I didn't know I had them, in my 'all is everything mods folder!! (you made me look!!!) instructions: unzip the attached, and drop the /Objects folder into you mod folder of choice. No effects for the guns are included, but if you need them, I'll try and locate them
  10. you mean folder. maps have nothing to do with weapons! -- gundata ini are no longer required, as each gun has their own data ini within their respective folders. Said folders go in the /Objects/Guns folder
  11. something I've been experimentating with, on and off, for the last few years ... getting motivated a bit more! (very much WIP - needs more corrective work on the panels, and something is wonky on the tail meshes.)
  12. I was actually wondering if Macelena was going to pull his April Fools again! I'm NOT disappointed!
  13. you just saved me 5 bucks! I'll be waiting for the new N/S RavenClaw Specials!!
  14. and, yes I know we've plenty of native German speakers I just came across the official 1944 Luftwaffe manual for the FuG-217 radar on pdf. (see below) meaning: if Veltro is going to give us 262B-1a/U1, we might as well get the avionics right!!! (and yes I know it carried the 218 Neptun, but this is damn close enough!)
  15. no nononono!!! ALL add-on go into the mods folder (ie: saved games/...whatever). NOTHING ever goes into the 'core install' in the C:/Program Files (x86) section. you need not ever touch the original terrain cats right from the readme: also, remember, it's designed for WW2 useage only! That's how the targeting is set up (to say nothing of the bases and stuff). Running it in years post-1946 may have some "issues".
  16. I was wondering if we were going to see the B NJ!!! the Tiffy is looking good too!
  17. Russ, YOU did the Emils Wolf did the F and G (one of which this is based on)
  18. File Name: SF2 WW2 & Post-War Spitfire XIV Skin/Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 March 2014 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 & Post-War Spitfire XIV Skin/Ini Pak 3/31/2014 -- Something for the WW2 ETO (and post war) players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *** DLC #29 REQUIRED for this Mod!!!! *** A reskinning of the stock 3W DLC 29 Spit XIV (14), adds a WW2 skin, and 2 early post-war RAF skins. They are: No 130 "Punjab" Squadron (as seen in the ETO in late 44-thru wars end) No 60 Squadron (Malaya, 1946) No 28 Squadron (as seen at Tengah, 1948) The Squadron Crest for each is used as the 'paint chip' seen on the loading screen. Included are modified data and loadout, userlist & main inis. For you viewing pleasure, a brand NEW SF2-style Hangar screen. The assumption (oh! that word!!) is being made that you've already made the aircraft player flyable, so no cockpit bits are included. However, my "One Click Restore Main Ini" (patent pending) is. No weapons (bombs and guns) are included, as all stock items are being used, but a drip tank is. The canopy has been activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. All markings are decals (excepting SEAC bands), and decal randomization is TRUE (but is acting quite "oddly" for some reason). *Please Note: if you have PauloPanz's EXCELLENT Spit 14 skin pak, you may want to backup and compare his data ini to mine. You may also want to create a NEW One Click Restore ini ™, after it automaticly adds his skins -- See notes for changes.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    SF2 WW2 & Post-War Spitfire XIV Skin/Ini Pak 3/31/2014 -- Something for the WW2 ETO (and post war) players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *** DLC #29 REQUIRED for this Mod!!!! *** A reskinning of the stock 3W DLC 29 Spit XIV (14), adds a WW2 skin, and 2 early post-war RAF skins. They are: No 130 "Punjab" Squadron (as seen in the ETO in late 44-thru wars end) No 60 Squadron (Malaya, 1946) No 28 Squadron (as seen at Tengah, 1948) The Squadron Crest for each is used as the 'paint chip' seen on the loading screen. Included are modified data and loadout, userlist & main inis. For you viewing pleasure, a brand NEW SF2-style Hangar screen. The assumption (oh! that word!!) is being made that you've already made the aircraft player flyable, so no cockpit bits are included. However, my "One Click Restore Main Ini" (patent pending) is. No weapons (bombs and guns) are included, as all stock items are being used, but a drip tank is. The canopy has been activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. All markings are decals (excepting SEAC bands), and decal randomization is TRUE (but is acting quite "oddly" for some reason). *Please Note: if you have PauloPanz's EXCELLENT Spit 14 skin pak, you may want to backup and compare his data ini to mine. You may also want to create a NEW One Click Restore ini ™, after it automaticly adds his skins -- See notes for changes.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. More FE Ground Objects

    yes to be more specific, ALL objects require Lods!
  21. shouldn't the Jags have BL-755 clusters? And SNEB pods?
  22. it doesn't work with sf2 anymore

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