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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sorry! Yes, you'll need the 3rd Wire cat extractor tool. We should have it here, in the SF2 downloads, or you can get it straight from TK http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm the latest is the one at the top, dated April 2012. However, THAT version doesn't "see" lod files. You can probably get by with an earlier one. Pick one that's dated closest to which ever version of FE you're running.
  2. MissionData001.cat is where the original Nations.ini resides (on all 3W sims)
  3. Moved to the appropriate Forum. Try and watch WHERE you're posting -- the original topic was in a Forum dedicated to REAL WORLD Military & General aviation, NOT modding game items. ------------
  4. the Argentinian Modder guys have those FAA ones pretty well covered. honestly, I prefer the stock 3W Mirages; not to say the TMF ones are bad; they're just old (2005/6ish). The cockpits are showing their age. Not to denigrate your work; it really looks good, but using newer made for SF2 models would just seem a better way to go. Just saying, brother! Just my thoughts! Don't let ME deter you!!
  5. easy peasy (there should also be these instructions someplace in the Knowledge Base; along the lines of "patching made easy") 1) Back up mods folder by renaming (I usually just us "z-*name-of-mods-folder*) Also back up Options & Version inis via the same rename 2) Install patch. 3) Run the newly patched game's exe, allow it to build "new" mods folder. 4) Start the game, pick a plane and fly it for a few minutes. 5) Copy/Paste the NEW Options and Version inis to the backed up mods folder 6) DELETE the newly build mods folder 7) Rename the backed up mods folder back to it's original name 8) Play and enjoy please note, some things may have been updated; data inis, AI's made flyable may revert, and so on It's also usually a pretty smart thing, to keep a back up of the back up (stored on an external HD, or zipped or however one wishes to do it)
  6. only if you can use the terrain editor (or maybe gerwin's tool)
  7. it isn't just great, it FANTASTIC, like his F-80s edit: hmmm... did it ever get released? I can't find it in the downloads; not in the F-80/RF-80/T-33A pack from KAW.. odd!
  8. the way the movement ini was written, the actual vehicles involved, and the formations used
  9. Sally is introduced to her new Beau. The meeting did not go her way....
  10. Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy Birthday, brudda!!!
  11. Chuck: all you really want is the cockpit (and all it's bits), cockpit ini, and maybe the avionics ini. you're better off using the SF2V A-6, and adding the Razbam pit. Search around here someplace, as we've already worked out the 'move or hide' parameters', and proper positioning
  12. this is just a very small sample of what I go through...on a daily basis ------------- if the items are NOT showing, and the are GROUND OBJECTS, make sure the inis within said GO's folder are correct If the items NOT showing are TERRAIN OBJECTS, make sure all the necessary pieces are residing WITHIN the correct terrain folder. for all, make triple damn sure all the type names match those used on the targets ini another thing you've not answered ... how are you locating YOURSELF when placing the targets? Are you starting airborne over then target area being built, or using the free camera view to travel through-space to arrive? and I certainly hope you're NOT messing with MY Korea terrain ...
  13. FE2 Mod Question

    Geezer, do you have a list of what's what?? I can ID most of them but a couple of the IJAAF/IJN are eluding me I've got: BF2C Gladiator B-10 A-17 Condor Ki-5 bomber A5M Claude one I think is a D2M IJN carrier based torpedo (just below the Gladiator) another possibly a Babs? Sonia? or Mary? some of the early Ki-??? fighters are stumping me! thanks! ps: they look good, even in the renders!
  14. yeah baby! get to reuse the decals I'd done for the DAT Tiffy update
  15. thanks Rends!! that would have been MY question!!
  16. FE2 Mod Question

    (cough) China (cough) http://combatace.com/files/file/14456-ww2-eastern-china-terrain-for-sf2/ hopefully, those models can be ported to SF2. Love that Curtis Condor!!
  17. Esc in First Eagles I

    by any odd chances, did any of the mods you installed contain something called "AircraftObject.ini"?? It'll be residing in the root of the /Objects folder. IF so, rename it so the game won't see it. then, get rid of the fiddled-with default ini, and let the game create a "stock" one. Then see if they keystrokes return to normal
  18. so, we're getting a 1B. What about a 1A, with the 'car door' ??
  19. yes, we know where they are. try converting to jpg, or better yet, open them in you imaging software, like PS, and take a screenshot, "save as ... " jpg and attach. Thusly (see below) also, those are 512x512 -- you're NOT going to get them any better, unless you double their size and repaint every single item on them
  20. the less "things" that are needed from the DAT, the better for the general community overall. Learn to "make do" without them, or find Freeware alternatives. and, you're thinking is incorrect. that model is very much "off" , even for a Turbo Mentor. those stab extensions are WAAAAYYY off scale (and ONLY on Turbo Mentors). I'd hate to see if there are any shadow artifacts, as you have shadows turned off. There's several within walking distance (or used to be - they may have left) of my home, here at Santa Monica Airport, so I know whereof I speak. To say nothing of Bonazas and Debonairs
  21. some time spent in BOTH the SF/Wo* and SF2 Knowledge Bases will pay off greatly in the end. ===== while the screens are different, the "basic" instructions are pretty much the same from Skypat's 1stGen Extractor: http://combatace.com/topic/32706-using-skypats-cat-extraction-tool/ BUT you MUST have the latest 3rd Wire extractor (the one you've shown above)

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