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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. some inaccuracies are due to the tiling or mountains or just general Terrain Engine constraints (gods, I wish it was better!!!) yes, please post some screenies; like most terrain work, one can go QUITE mad trying to place things to be where they're supposed to be in Real Life ™
  2. I hope you're not using the original version from 2003-ish. That one has NO water tgas, as it pre-dates TK giving us actual water effects. now, mind you in SF2, all the water works. at least for me!! :)
  3. in my mind, I know what the insignia would look like....
  4. raven, you want it for 06/08 or SF2??? for 06/08, just back up the original data ini (from my latest sf2 version), and copy/paste the statement above directly OVER the existing one, right down to the first tile listing.
  5. PLEASE DO!!! Make use of anything you need!!! I see it's an early production, with the flat stabs. Is it safe to assume we'll be seeing later variants, VI, TF(x) both with and without the thimble nose radars? And with and without the fin extension? (if you copy of the modlers datafile is like mine, some parts -expecially drawing of the variants is VERY hard to read. bad scans)
  6. In truth, I don't see that as a bad thing!! Perhaps something like that could (and here's the big IF), lead those players --that might want more than a casual arcade shooter-- to the PC versions. TK always been very quite about what's coming -- look at the AI planes DLCs. Those were a MOST pleasant surprise
  7. so does EXPORTED=TRUE I've seen us planes on French carriers -although very rarely-, and FAA planes on US carriers (which I think did happen, more in Phantom cases, but still) tank dropping is hard coded; can't be changed. The game doesn't take into account Real World ™ "bring back weights"
  8. doing it that would should eliminate any change of cross-pollination (or conflicts with existing)
  9. iirc, after adding a new nation, (call it number ***), you should be able to call it out, if the insignia decal carries the same number. for instance: Hooterland, nation 369, would use a decal named insignia369. Like MB said, I'd put the new tga at the root of the /Decals folder, edit the user list for the aircraft to add the "new user" (unless the aircraft is nationalized for Hooterland only in it's data ini), So, selecting it on the service drop down, SHOULD automatically add the correct national insignia. it's more than just adding a new named nation, but should be fairly easily done
  10. some other members reported some problems with Avast, but I don't remember if it was sound related. I think it was installing patches or something
  11. has the AI Mk.1 antenna, making it the NightFigther version. Which is, as you said, the Mk 1. It's actually NF Mk.1F, because of the radar. Standard Day Fighter (Mk.1) didn't have the antenna. Otherwise, there's no real difference Daniel, do you have the Modeler's Datafile on the Beau??? I used it EXTENSIVELY when updated the DAT Beaus earlier this year.
  12. or, something like this ... http://combatace.com/topic/34386-adding-a-3rd-party-aircraft-where-a-stock-one-already-exists/ 5 minutes work
  13. Follow the Link, Follow the Instructions http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/
  14. Instructions are in the Knowledge Base on how to make AI's flyable. although there's not much for cargo birds to do in game, except get shot down.
  15. File Name: SF2 WW2 Hurricane IIb RAF, CBI File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 December 2013 File Category: Hurricane SF2 WW2 Hurricane IIb RAF, CBI 12/15/2013 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = - For WW2 CBI Usage =ONLY!= - *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, many features will not be functional. End Users that choose to use this in SF/Wo* do so on their own.* While this mod CAN be used on the older (earlier) releases of the Hurricane, it's designed for use on the latest Hurricane IIB Ver 3.0 (hence it's delayed release), available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13630-hurricane-mkiib/ The skin represents No.17 Squadron, when they first arrived in theatre (India) in late 1941/early 42, and as used in Burma. The skin remains in BMP format. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Included are modified main and data inis that have some very minor changes (component removals, new engine sound, slightly repositioned pilot, and so forth). An SF2-converted version of the NEW 44 gallon drop tank (from V.3) is included; everything else you should already have. A new hangar screen, somewhat theatre themed, is included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. In fact, as we're creating a theatre-specific version, READ the install instructions AFTER unzipping, but BEFORE installing this mod!!! Seriously, DO it!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    SF2 WW2 Hurricane IIb RAF, CBI 12/15/2013 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = - For WW2 CBI Usage =ONLY!= - *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, many features will not be functional. End Users that choose to use this in SF/Wo* do so on their own.* While this mod CAN be used on the older (earlier) releases of the Hurricane, it's designed for use on the latest Hurricane IIB Ver 3.0 (hence it's delayed release), available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13630-hurricane-mkiib/ The skin represents No.17 Squadron, when they first arrived in theatre (India) in late 1941/early 42, and as used in Burma. The skin remains in BMP format. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Included are modified main and data inis that have some very minor changes (component removals, new engine sound, slightly repositioned pilot, and so forth). An SF2-converted version of the NEW 44 gallon drop tank (from V.3) is included; everything else you should already have. A new hangar screen, somewhat theatre themed, is included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. In fact, as we're creating a theatre-specific version, READ the install instructions AFTER unzipping, but BEFORE installing this mod!!! Seriously, DO it!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. what you're looking for is more like "sailing in company with...???" maybe navy.mil??? Doing the KAW stuff, I'd stumbled over TF component ship listings. but can't remember exactly where. May have to go CV by CV, year by year and deployment by deployment
  18. yes, new paddy river tiles, on the old Burma terrain (wish I'd thought of doing them for China remod!!) ============================ 885 NAS carrier qualifications -- Cocas' new Seafire Mk.IIb
  19. Kiel-hauled something one of our recce Spit's brought back
  20. yes, grasshopper, sometimes it's nice to just fly around, enjoying the view
  21. New WW II terrain....

    LOVE IT!!!!
  22. WIP painted train tracks

    you still need the terrain's TFD and HFD, as the TE 'needs' the HFD to look at (as far as I understand it!), Why it needs the TFD, I can only assume to 'see' the terrain all assembled. The full texture list, all the tiles, etc. Then just open normally; selecting the ***.HFD, and go the edit 'texture map list', select the tile, open it, make sure the solid and alpha object boxes are 'active', with the items listed, then go to "Place Object". I usually us 200% zoom, and just follow the 'dark green' areas for trees. Don't forget, after saving, use max zoom, and check the lower left corner. The cursed thing ALWAYS places something down there, and you'll have to delete it, and re-save. "Save texturelist", will generate the new TOD in that terrain's folder. But I ALWAYS use the 'SAVE', and then "SAVE ALL" buttons because I'm paranoid!! Then, its a simple copy/paste of the new TOD into the terrain folder. (making sure the alpha and solid object statements are in that tile's listing in the terrain's _data ini. Fly and check (had to do this twice yesterday, rebuilding a couple city city/port tiles for Kiel) DEMs only for new terrain creation. I'll try and work up some screenshots over the weekend, if that'll help!
  23. don't forget to put the OLD lines back in. (these are 08 level, but should work) those statements in the HeightOffset, I think are the ones. Stary would know!!
  24. WIP painted train tracks

    don't remember exactly, but either Gepard or Kesselbrut made the train items (pretty sure it was Gepard, though) loading into the TE and using just the stock alpha and solids is NOT that hard! Really!!! A great trick using the river tiles as a base! I'd have never thought of that!! So, for example, city-farm-river becomes city-farm-rail! (in desert tiling parlance; in GCE/VNSEA GC-Rail) Very cool!! I may have to steal that Idea ™ at some point!!

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