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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. bump updated model, skins and goodies released
  2. hmmmm ... have to think about this one....
  3. "the more you overthink the drains, the easier it is to stop up the plumbing", eh, Mr. Scott?!! it's the technician side of me!! Thanks, Martin, for laugh! I needed it!!
  4. I should add, that over the years, I never plotted/measured the footprint of the individual objects (in some cases, yes, but keep forgetting to write it down!!!)
  5. good god!!! generate a REAL planning map!!! <cough> TFD tool <cough> that Matador looks familiar....
  6. I'm a CYA kinda guy .... I always have it IN the terrain folder, expecially if the terrain is modified in any way Extract it from the VietnamSEA.cat, and drop it in the /VeitnamSEA terrain folder.
  7. Version


    Object Library 1 by Polak & CFS2 Midway Group 11/30/2013 This is the collection, once posted at SimHQ of various and sundry buildings for use by terrain builders to add a to the target areas when building terrains. It is being reposted here at CA by request. Originally, it was NOT supposed to be posted elsewhere (than the original a SHQ), but as so much time has passed ... my judgement call is sharing is allowed. Thses objects will work perfectly in ANY of the 3W series: SF/Wo* 1stGens, SF2, and FE/FE2. This has been tested by me, over the years in ALL versions of the game. While more designed with WW2 Pacific (including CBI) in mind, they can be used even Europe and North Africa/Med. Well, pretty much anywhere that catches your fancy. Even unto Modern Times ™. Included, of course, are Polak's original readme, and the config files: a Desert_targets and Desert_types inis that lists the various objects for importation to other terrains. I've gone through all the skin tgas, and have painted out the odd green color, so they should look a bit better. However, that does NOT fix certain visual issues with some of the models from close up and at some angles. Also, there are a couple of them that simply do NOT work at all; they will cause CTDs or other game issues. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly WHICH ones they are. Be adivsed: the _types listing is AS RELEASED in 2007 and/or 2009 (I think I made some changes back then). It does NOT reflect those change I do when adding them to my terrain works. This means the destroyed models, destroyed effects and secondary effects listed are NOT proper and correct. YOU will need to make the adjustments (or locate the object in the multitude of types inis from MY terrain mods, and copy/paste!) This is =NOT= a package of objects that can be used by the 'general masses'. It is being rereleased for those terraformers that can actually make use of them. As always READ Polak's readme, enclosed in the 'readme_and_configuration files' folder. Happy Targeting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. did you add the inis that came with GH3.5?? you still need the VietnamSEA.ini VietnamSEA_Data.ini IN the terrain folder. if it included an HFD and TFD, them too (I don't remember!)
  9. I'd look at Del's Hercs first. odds are, removing the gun barrels will leave a gaping hole in the hull
  10. oh really??? sounds like an advocation for piracy to me ... we banned an entire mod group for that very same thing. tread carefully -- things like that; even the suggestion thereof, don't fly well here
  11. put that in the data ini, in the ]AircraftData[ section near the top
  12. some have been repainted already. with luck, I put the tgas BACK into the appropriate folders (I know the af51 small crane is/was one of the worst offenders) I"ll through the folders again, and triple check that I do have the fixed ones inside. If not, I'll fix them!!
  13. great rocky mountain tiles!!! Me Likes!! pm inbound --------- don't forget Reggio Calabira, Cantania, Catania-Sigonella (and naval base!), Tripanni. Also looks like jjuuuuuuussst enough room to the west to add Tunis-Carthage Int'l . Malta, can't tell from this scale. You know how I hate empty spaces I should have some of my 'specials', port tiles in GCE format laying around some place (probably in the WW2 Norway!!) Unfortunately, using stock TOD objects
  14. THIS could be where you went wrong ... all you need from the Razbam Intruder is the cockpit folder, and the cockpit ini. IIRC, these plus the _avionics ini are included in the SuperPak. you don't install the full aircraft -- this WILL cause a conflict all I did for mine, was just used the cockpit folder
  15. why would you want to remove them? we have regular Hercs (non-AC variants)
  16. after things quite down from the holiday, i'll get the package posted. the work in 1stGens, SF2 and FE/FE2. no issues whatsoever
  17. once they're exported, that's it. they're done.
  18. I would have NEVER thought to have looked into a TOD with a hex editor!!! what it's probably saying, is similar to what the *name-of-tile*.ini says. for example, like below one I made for the Vietnam G-rivT3 (grass river turn, #3) tile the angle is self explanatory the MapClass I don't know; maybe referencing if it's a solid object or alpha object? position is also self explainitory; the 0/0 point is the lower left corner of the tile (all tiles, and terrains too for that matter) hope this helps some! edit: yes, it appears MapClass defines solid or alpha. looked at a city tile, and the various buildings are MapClass=0 how to import the solid objects ... that's beyond me! I think Stary and Brain32 know!
  19. they'd also need to be destroyable, each building mesh seperately, so to replicate bombed out sections of the city. as you mentioned, all cities would need to be perfectly flat (this can be seen with TOD solid objects too, as they're always vertical to the earth's center) using large lods like that, preclude the use of individual targetable objects (and many city TODs do this as well) making it intensely difficult to put things in cities to destroy (example: evildamncommbuilding, steel mills, generators, hot-dog stands) I'm also sure there would be frame rate loss, as well. Add multiple AAA/SAMs, it'll get lower
  20. Happy Thanksgiving.............

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  21. baltika, if you need maps ... i'll pm you the link to my secret stash. most charts, however are dated from the 1950s thru the 1980s. which is also good for a clod war timeframe ================== btw, YOUR GE is working??? mine is tits up most of the time ... start the cursed thing, and the earth starts rotating ... from the N/S axis!! I'm not the only one having issues with it. uninstalled/reinstalled 4 times just this month!!
  22. don't EVEN get me started.... I don't think they're mismatched, just missing a few transitions

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