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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: SF2 WW2 P-47D Razorback, 91st FS, 81sth FG, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 December 2013 File Category: P-47 SF2 WW2 P-47D Razorback, 91st FS, 81sth FG, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak 12/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 CBI players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder. In fact, research seems to indicate this unit (81st FG) operated only over China from mid-1944* New skin and decal set for Wolf257's P-47D-20 Razorback Thunderbolt, recreate the 91st FS, 81st FG as seen in China from mid-1944 thru war's end. The included data ini has several changes (listed below in "Change List") The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. The serial numbers, while 'generic' in nature, ARE correct for the model variant depicted. In the folder "for china usage only", is a theatre-specific data ini, with the approximated start date/month of P-47 operations in the CBI. You should ONLY use that one. OTH, the other ini, in the main aircraft folder, can be used for any of Wolf's Jugs for ETO or MTO usage (after removal of the ADF loop statements, of course!) REMINDER!! Jugs in the PTO (ie: SoWesPac and Central Pacific), did NOT use the DF loop; it is a CBI thing only. Once again, making the point of having a CBI-only Mods Folder. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    SF2 WW2 P-47D Razorback, 91st FS, 81sth FG, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak 12/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 CBI players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder. In fact, research seems to indicate this unit (81st FG) operated only over China from mid-1944* New skin and decal set for Wolf257's P-47D-20 Razorback Thunderbolt, recreate the 91st FS, 81st FG as seen in China from mid-1944 thru war's end. The included data ini has several changes (listed below in "Change List") The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. The serial numbers, while 'generic' in nature, ARE correct for the model variant depicted. In the folder "for china usage only", is a theatre-specific data ini, with the approximated start date/month of P-47 operations in the CBI. You should ONLY use that one. OTH, the other ini, in the main aircraft folder, can be used for any of Wolf's Jugs for ETO or MTO usage (after removal of the ADF loop statements, of course!) REMINDER!! Jugs in the PTO (ie: SoWesPac and Central Pacific), did NOT use the DF loop; it is a CBI thing only. Once again, making the point of having a CBI-only Mods Folder. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. File Name: SF2 WW2 Ki-43iib, 25 Sentai, 2 Chutai, China Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 December 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 Ki-43iib, 25 Sentai, 2 Chutai, China Skin/Decal Pak 12/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 CBI players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder In fact, 25 Sentai seems to have =ONLY= operated over China, not further out into Burma/Indochina.** This pak is to be applied to the Ki-43 Oscar Pak (original aircraft by Wolf257), available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13248-sf2-ki-43-hayabusa-oscar-pak-by-wolf257/ This pack depicts 2nd Chutai, 25th Sentai, IJAAF over China in late 43 thru late 44 timeframe (actully, unitl war's end). As all Wolf's Oscars are the same, it can be used on any other of the various marks available in the pack listed above. As the Chutai marking is a decal, one can easily recreate the other Chutai by making a new one, in that Chutai color. A psd is provided for those with the talent and willlingness to do so. Of course, new plane-in-group number decals will also need creation; that also up to those End Users ™ that choose to take on the task. As you can guess, the Chutai markings and numbers are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. When in game, you'll see 25 Sentai, 2 Chutai (China) on the skin selection drop down on the Loadout Screen. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    SF2 WW2 Ki-43iib, 25 Sentai, 2 Chutai, China Skin/Decal Pak 12/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 CBI players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder In fact, 25 Sentai seems to have =ONLY= operated over China, not further out into Burma/Indochina.** This pak is to be applied to the Ki-43 Oscar Pak (original aircraft by Wolf257), available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13248-sf2-ki-43-hayabusa-oscar-pak-by-wolf257/ This pack depicts 2nd Chutai, 25th Sentai, IJAAF over China in late 43 thru late 44 timeframe (actully, unitl war's end). As all Wolf's Oscars are the same, it can be used on any other of the various marks available in the pack listed above. As the Chutai marking is a decal, one can easily recreate the other Chutai by making a new one, in that Chutai color. A psd is provided for those with the talent and willlingness to do so. Of course, new plane-in-group number decals will also need creation; that also up to those End Users ™ that choose to take on the task. As you can guess, the Chutai markings and numbers are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. When in game, you'll see 25 Sentai, 2 Chutai (China) on the skin selection drop down on the Loadout Screen. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. F-102s probably retired by then, too (approx. 1970 from the SSP book "F-102 Delta Dagger in Europe")
  6. File Name: SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 December 2013 File Category: P-51 SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak 12/05/2013 -- Something for the WW2 players -- = For SF2 =ONLY=, Full-5 Merged, plus ExPak 1 (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: must have the SF2I Expansion Pak (whichever one gave us the Mustang) in your Merged Installs, due to this aircraft referencing the Stock 3rd Wire Mustang serial number decals* A simple reskin for the KAW Era RF-51D, creates a "Plane Jane" F6D Mustang for WW2 usage. The aircrat has no squadron or other type of markings. This makes it usable in any theatre. However, it should be noted, SOME units did have their own markings. Consider THIS skin for exactly what it is: Generic ™ To be used on the KAW RF-51D; the aircraft is available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13518-sf2-kaw-rf-51d-mustang/ Like the original, it uses DDS textues, and will NOT work in any 1stGen game installs at all. This skin uses the "StartDefaultDate=" statement, so as to start in 1944 (aircraft's default in service year). National markings are painted on; decal randomization (for the serials) is TRUE When in game, you'll see: "Natural Metal (WW2) on the skin selection drop down menu. REMINDER: you MUST have the RF-51D installed BEFORE installing this skinpak. See "To Insall" for more details As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak 12/05/2013 -- Something for the WW2 players -- = For SF2 =ONLY=, Full-5 Merged, plus ExPak 1 (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: must have the SF2I Expansion Pak (whichever one gave us the Mustang) in your Merged Installs, due to this aircraft referencing the Stock 3rd Wire Mustang serial number decals* A simple reskin for the KAW Era RF-51D, creates a "Plane Jane" F6D Mustang for WW2 usage. The aircrat has no squadron or other type of markings. This makes it usable in any theatre. However, it should be noted, SOME units did have their own markings. Consider THIS skin for exactly what it is: Generic ™ To be used on the KAW RF-51D; the aircraft is available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13518-sf2-kaw-rf-51d-mustang/ Like the original, it uses DDS textues, and will NOT work in any 1stGen game installs at all. This skin uses the "StartDefaultDate=" statement, so as to start in 1944 (aircraft's default in service year). National markings are painted on; decal randomization (for the serials) is TRUE When in game, you'll see: "Natural Metal (WW2) on the skin selection drop down menu. REMINDER: you MUST have the RF-51D installed BEFORE installing this skinpak. See "To Insall" for more details As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Can you be more specific? What part of the world? What exact timeframe? And so forth the Cold War (semi) officially starts in 47, with the Berlin Blockade
  9. if one can't avail themselves of Photoshop, the best alternative are GIMP and Paint.net. Both free if you plan on doing ANY kind of skin work, now would be the time to go get 'em
  10. yarp. modified B Rhino --- required screenie
  11. here's the actual exported bmp maybe that'll work??
  12. compass, stopwatch and airspeed indicator. what else do you need?
  13. tried that ... it does and it doesn't. The bay of Bengal gets filled with jungle islands, with means hand (re)tiling pretty much the entire map. and then it still locks/crashes at 100%. well, at least I've got the DEM now!!
  14. Excellent! That the link I've been looking for (just in case I have to start completely over!) ---------------------------------------------- this is the exported height field bmp, converted to RGB and jpg. What I'm trying to do, is to not have to start with a fresh DEM, but use this as the base, and create a HFD/TFD from this. If I have to of course, I will. The original terrain, even when updated to SF2 standards (data ini statements, targets ini tweeks, etc) simply won't run. Gets to 100% and crashes. Obviously, for WW2, eastern India (including what is now Bangladesh -as it was still India then) and Burma/SEA/ Need someplace for Heck's 'Burma Banshees' P-40s to play in (to say nothing of RAF SEAC units)
  15. extract HUDData.in, place in /Flight folder, edit to taste there should be several hundred (if not thousands!) of posts both here (SF2) and 1stGens about it.
  16. I don't think so... I exported the China, just to see. looks as square as it should be! that just be strange!! (oh, and do I know about feature creep!!)
  17. thanks! it's actually one of my BETTER ideas. Just like in cartoons, it came to me like a bolt from the blue (light bulb included!!)
  18. good movie ... if you havn't see it, DO so
  19. looked in the downloads section? http://combatace.com/files/file/13910-br1150-atlantique/
  20. Andravida Araxos Kalamata Athens Tanagra Greece is a bit empty!!!
  21. you shouldn't combine them. most are designed as 'stand alones' (ODS, Darius, Vietnam). methinks something is overwriting something else, and that's causing the oddity.
  22. just renumber the *nameofaircraft*.ini (aka 'the main ini') with the skin you want most as number 001. will automatically be used by your entire flight

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