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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. TE's not hard to set up at all. Use the WoE terrain editor, even for 'desert' tiles -- of the two (and both suck) it's the better one. Having the texture list ini is the important thing -- which may need to be (re)built by hand. Time consuming, but fairly easily done. Just follow the tile sequence from the terrains original _data.ini I could send you my WoE-Based FE Terrain Editor, if you want Quack. Right now, it's got the old Gibralter terrain/tiles in it, so you may have make some "adjustments" (like, creating a separate one for Jan Tuma's tile --which is HIGHLY recommended!!) TOD creation takes some practice, and I've never learned the ins-and-outs of importing new 3d objects for buildings and such.
  2. None of the original (Zur) Sabres have animated canopies. The nodes were never cut, as that wasn't a "thing" back in 2003 (?) when they were released
  3. screenshot??? It's kinda required
  4. as I said, delete it on ANY land tiles that means **farm, **desert, **mountain, ** city ... etc anything that doesn't have Sea2*** and those, reduce the Height = to 2.00 EDIT: in fact, instead of screwing around with it anymore, why not just download the fixed and targets expanded version?? http://combatace.com/files/file/7430-isreal2-ver-25-by-gepard/ don't even bother with the Suez map. Isreal2 covers it all, and is 100% scale. Suez in NOT - it's 63% scale
  5. I'd posted that fix right after the Mustangs and Spitfire first came out. They're ALL fighters
  6. it's a HeightField issue, either in the data ini itself or the HFD do the desert tiles (or, to be exact ANY land tiles -NOT sea/land transitions) have an associated _hm.bmp? If so, what is the height sepecified? As so: [Texture015] Filename=desert1.BMP HasWater=0 HeightMap=desert1_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=20.000000 Color=0.858675,0.710850,0.489428 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture= if so, you'll have to either delete those to line or comment them out Thusly: [Texture015] Filename=desert1.BMP HasWater=0 //HeightMap=desert1_hm.BMP //HeightMapScale=20.000000 Color=0.858675,0.710850,0.489428 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture= the rebuilt versions I did, have this already done cause it simply don't work right (as you see)
  7. SAAB has caught up with the sins of TSF...

    how COOL!!!!
  8. Version


    SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG 10/20/2013 = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = *For the 3rd Wire F-16A as repainted for USAF/NATO/Etc Users* *Note: you MUST have SF2:I as part of your merged install for this to work. Designed for use =ONLY= on this pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/12643-f-16a-falcon-generic-usafnato-gray-skindecalini-pak/ This is a skin and decal set representation the 138th TFS "The Boys from Syaracuse", New York Air National Guard F-16A as seen in the late 70s/Early 80s. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage, and the FM. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. File Name: SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 October 2013 File Category: F-16 SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG 10/20/2013 = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = *For the 3rd Wire F-16A as repainted for USAF/NATO/Etc Users* *Note: you MUST have SF2:I as part of your merged install for this to work. Designed for use =ONLY= on this pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/12643-f-16a-falcon-generic-usafnato-gray-skindecalini-pak/ This is a skin and decal set representation the 138th TFS "The Boys from Syaracuse", New York Air National Guard F-16A as seen in the late 70s/Early 80s. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage, and the FM. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian Air Force =For SF2, Any & All* = -An additon for the India-Pakistan Mod- *Note: reccomended/required to have at least one stock 3W Mirage available in your game install(s), as this aircraft references the Mirage destroyed model for it's own* Modifications/Corrections/Additions and general 'clean-up' of the M2000H from ace888's "Foreign Users Pak" create a more accurate representation of the IAF variant. See 'Change List' below the Install Instructions for details. All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, droptanks, seat, etc are included. Canopy operates on the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Skins for 3 squadrons are included; No. 1 Squadron "Tigers" No. 7 Squadron "Battleaxes" No. 9 Squadron "Wolfpak" Each skin uses the Squadron Crest as the paint chip on the loadout screen. A new SF2 compliant Hangar screen is included, as are 2 Loading screens to select from. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed changes/corrections list. Be advised, this mod REPLACES the Mirage2000_HAL in its entirety!!! Do NOT install this mod over the original. You WILL create problems!! Happy Landings! Kevin 'wrench' Stein Sandesh 'ghostrider883' Kanchan
  11. Version


    Sea Harrier Mk.51, Indian Naval Air Service = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! = -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod- *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' in brings. Also, you'll need any/all version of the game with access to the "bits and bobs" from the stock F-15A Eagle's avionics, as this is referenced for the LUSH variant. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.* This package contians 2 complete aircraft; Sea Harrier Mk.51 (with 4 skins) Sea Harrier Mk.51 LUSH (upgraded, with Derby & New avionics) These aircraft have been upgraded to the latest patch standard (as of June 2012) and are designed to work in a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan mods folder. They have NOT been tested in an "all-is-everything-game install". It is highly suggested it be used as created. If used otherwise, you're on your own; as no support is or will be available for those not following instructions. They are fully carrier rated. All weapons are included (almost), including new 'loviz' gray fuel tanks for the LUSH and 'standard' Mk.51 with lo-viz skin. Rocket pods, Magic missiles and dumb bombs use stock 3rd Wire versions. All skins are in jpg format - End Users ™ NOT up to speed with the latest patch levels take note. Decal randomization is TRUE on all skins. Also included is a modified Nations.ini, and a new 'RanksINAS.LST', adding the correct rank structure for the Indian Naval Air Service. This goes into your /Flight folder. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of several people, this mod wouldn't be possible. For historical purposes, all the TMF Original Release Readmes are included. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  12. download the Horten Ho-229 or the "What If" F-79 Manta flying wings. STUDY the data ini, and all should become clear
  13. you can't add pylons to the MAIN model without the MAX files. This has been asked and answered several thousand times over the years. IF you add pylons via the fake pilot method (and it works just fine, thank you very much) In SF2, they are permanently attacked to the aircraft. Quite easily done
  14. for those not reading the WW2 forums, there's a new northern Europe terrain in the works. So, I'm just checking to make sure I've divided the 'world' into the appropriate country regions. (I also understand WHY no one has really attempted the Norwegian coast line -- it's gonna be a frakking nightmare!!!) it covers approx. 1/3 the region the EAWEuro WW2 rebuild did, so I know I"ll be adding the airbases from Amsterdam north. France and the UK south of Kingston-upon-Tyne will not exist. It's the Danish bases I'm not to sure of (especially Luftwaffe ones) Safe to assume 'modern' airports were/are built from the old ones? Sweden poses a unique problem, as I KNOW JRL wants it for more modern times, but for ww2 usage, it's neutral (of course, that don't mean I won't add things!!)
  15. already handled, but thanks for the advice. as for the map, you may have heard of this strange thing called "building the targets ini"
  16. A cure for a boring day at the office

    Ed; Gotta be a Dennis story. Nobody else is/was that nuts!
  17. why not just edit the targets ini, and make the NEUTRAL? That will preclude any and all incidents against "The Wall". They were left out of my original build for a reason...
  18. they may need some ini editing to bring them to SF2 standard (well, 08 standard, too). Mostly, that'll be in the main ini, adding iirc, one line example: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=3.7 In.AA ObjectDataFile=37InchAA_DATA.INI if it looks like that, it's good to go
  19. Oh No! They've gone and caught Clem!

    Another one just washed up in Oceanside (north of San Diego) http://gma.yahoo.com/second-sea-serpent-washes-california-001622390--abc-news-topstories.html I fear we're in for a Megladon infestation (or another sharknado)
  20. NP, brudda!! =========================== been messing with it on and off most of the day. This is the best I can do. Just can't get those frakking checks right!! They're painted on, as is the "NY" (and that's yet another brain buster! stupid me couldn't get the 'reverse, upside down backwards ' letters right, then it just "popped" into place) have to figure out a way to use a decal for the checks....
  21. we fixed that a llllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. just remove the runway statements. I think I even posted a modified targets ini back in 06 or 07 about that. Don't even remember, now. Age and all. Geary, now you go me thinking. Maybe it don't!!!!
  22. for the 3rd Wire F-16A, made from the Netz??? that's what he's asking about there's one for the C model in the Blk 25/30 Viper pak well, if he really wants, the templates (for the 3W Netz) have been in the d/l section for at least 2 years... might be a good time to start learing how to skin, perhaps?? I found one I'd started for the A-16, but never finished. Couldn't get the damn tilted "NY" tags right on the right side, and the triple cursed checks on the fin....eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr. gave up on it
  23. yeah, use it only in SF2 did you change all the shader statements in the _data ini, BACK to 1stGen style?? go the SF2 KB, look for the thread on "How To Make Terrains Work in SF2" (or something like that), and follow the instructions BACKWARDS (seriously!)
  24. yah, it WOULD have been nice to have a read me ... that IS a requirement

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