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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if that's they're NEW one, it's the same as Ours, from KAW. Bobrock put his models up for purchase, and they bought it. So... if you have ours, it's the same. And with no strings attached
  2. oh goodie! that's another one I don't have! thanks strahi!!!
  3. Meanwhile, in the Med, former Vichy squadrons are now operating with the Allies in the Free French AF GC II/7 over Malta
  4. that's an environmental effect, and will need to be downloaded separately. play it stock for a while first, so's you get used to things, THEN start add sky effect (just some free advice!)
  5. both the newest Flagons are now in the SF2 / Aircraft / Cold War Aircraft / Soviet Origin / Su-15 nice catch! the pdf .. attached below ya made me look for it!!
  6. or against the unfinished Me-262 (yah, i'm a pain!!! my standin is ok, but real Mk.III would be better!
  7. Coca's Spitfire Mk.V, both in European and Trop (with Volkes) For the life of me, I just can't get the camo pattern right along the wing root and fuselage join. With a basic pattern done, they can be finished in standard RAF Day scheme, and Desert camo. Everything else is pretty much done; decals are all plotted, FM, all the lights and muzzle flashes and so forth. Other than dirtying up the aircraft, and the aforementioned brain-farts I'm having, The template is complete, with all the lines and so forth (minus weathering, stains and such) I'd sent it to one of CA's good skinners, but it's been several months, and no response or progress. I'd really like to have these out a new freeware aircraft. So, I asking for a good skinner to step up, and just tweek the damn green sections so they fit properly! Once those are aligned, repainting them into Dark Earth will give use the MTO skins. Template will be provided. Cocas also had a Seafire III in the works, but it too is stalled by some issues with the wing folding, and Real Life ™ commitments. These aircraft are BADLY needed for YOUR WW2 flying pleasure! thanks in advance!
  8. the 'show grid' in PS is what I used to help line up the panel lines - and rivets!! Great tool!! work is progressing very well .. the Euro skin is finished, just need to adjust the upper/lower parting line on the desert. and have Daniel move the 20mm upper wing blister slight forwards (see ww2 screenshots thread)
  9. I used them on the Ertrea map and they were damn near perfect for it. I also added over a dozen new tiles, filling in some transitions for that terrain as well.
  10. missing the deicer boots on the vert fins and horizontal stabs But.. lower observation windows, aft of the ball turret!! Very Nice!! good thing is, all the decals I made for Pasko's can be reused! any plans for the J/M models?
  11. File Name: WW2 Battle of Britain Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 October 2013 File Category: Full Terrains WW2 Battle of Britain Terrain for SF2 8/16/2013 - For SF2, (Full 5 Merged REQUIRED!!!*) "The Battle of France is over; the Battle of Britain is about to begin..." This is a (nearly complete) rebuild of the Battle of Britain map by Gepard. It has been brought (as much as possible) up to SF2 standards, at the May 2013 patch level. It it designed for use in WW2 ETO mods folders built =FROM= the SF2:NA exe. The terrain has also been completely (well, nearly ~98.6%) retiled using the GermanyCE tile set. Please see the "Notes" section for more info on the tiles. There ARE some custom tiles and TODs. If you have the original version, or any updated versions, it's suggested you move THAT terrain sub-folder to a storage section, rename it, or delete it from your WW2 ETO mods folder. This version =WILL= completly replace it. This is map covers western France and Southern England, from Paris to Brisol (east and west) and RAF Whittering to Breast (n/s), with the majority of the target areas in S/E England, and the French Channel Coast. For other targets further inland, and later time frames, it's reccomened you use my EAW WW2 Euro Rebuild, as it's much more detailed and covers a substantially larger area. This map makes use of the LimitedNations, AllowedDates and AllowedMission statements. There are =NO= CAS routes, ground attack missions are limited to Armed Recon and Anti-Shipping. Strike, of course, for the bombers, remains valid (expecially for the Luftwaffe!). Armed Recon mission are constrained to within approximately 100km of the coastlines (more or less) for BOTH sides. As this map is more designed for the defense of England, rather than cross-channel RAF strikes, this works well (also, vice versa for Luftwaffe bombers and fighters). For those wanting more, use the EAW Euro WW2 rebuild. OTH, since there is (nearly) enough sea room, several SF2NA "ship zones" are placed on the water bmp. This allows for the generation of Kriegsmarine Surface Action Groups, as well as CV operations for the Royal Navy. If you find these historically offensive, a second _water.bmp is provided, withOUT the zones. A simple bmp rename, and text edit of the terrain's main ini will remove this function. Instructions are in the "Notes" section. There are some new GroundObjects included; these are ALL at the latest SF2 patch level, and will replace any others. Most are Raven's new LW radars (the Natter SAM is NOT included, as it's 1945 start date is outside this maps operational life span), and some ships by Stephan1918, imported from FE2, and modifided for SF2 usage . *Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may NOT follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into this classification; Some populated places may exist only as "named places" on the map. This was done for historical reasons. Many airfields/airports, some of historical significance, may also not exist or placed in the Real Life ™ locations due to tiling constraints.* When in-game, you'll still see "Battle of Britain" on the terrain selection dropdown window. It's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read -and Obey- the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been modified to reflect changes in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  12. Version 2.0


    WW2 Battle of Britain Terrain for SF2 8/16/2013 - For SF2, (Full 5 Merged REQUIRED!!!*) "The Battle of France is over; the Battle of Britain is about to begin..." This is a (nearly complete) rebuild of the Battle of Britain map by Gepard. It has been brought (as much as possible) up to SF2 standards, at the May 2013 patch level. It it designed for use in WW2 ETO mods folders built =FROM= the SF2:NA exe. The terrain has also been completely (well, nearly ~98.6%) retiled using the GermanyCE tile set. Please see the "Notes" section for more info on the tiles. There ARE some custom tiles and TODs. If you have the original version, or any updated versions, it's suggested you move THAT terrain sub-folder to a storage section, rename it, or delete it from your WW2 ETO mods folder. This version =WILL= completly replace it. This is map covers western France and Southern England, from Paris to Brisol (east and west) and RAF Whittering to Breast (n/s), with the majority of the target areas in S/E England, and the French Channel Coast. For other targets further inland, and later time frames, it's reccomened you use my EAW WW2 Euro Rebuild, as it's much more detailed and covers a substantially larger area. This map makes use of the LimitedNations, AllowedDates and AllowedMission statements. There are =NO= CAS routes, ground attack missions are limited to Armed Recon and Anti-Shipping. Strike, of course, for the bombers, remains valid (expecially for the Luftwaffe!). Armed Recon mission are constrained to within approximately 100km of the coastlines (more or less) for BOTH sides. As this map is more designed for the defense of England, rather than cross-channel RAF strikes, this works well (also, vice versa for Luftwaffe bombers and fighters). For those wanting more, use the EAW Euro WW2 rebuild. OTH, since there is (nearly) enough sea room, several SF2NA "ship zones" are placed on the water bmp. This allows for the generation of Kriegsmarine Surface Action Groups, as well as CV operations for the Royal Navy. If you find these historically offensive, a second _water.bmp is provided, withOUT the zones. A simple bmp rename, and text edit of the terrain's main ini will remove this function. Instructions are in the "Notes" section. There are some new GroundObjects included; these are ALL at the latest SF2 patch level, and will replace any others. Most are Raven's new LW radars (the Natter SAM is NOT included, as it's 1945 start date is outside this maps operational life span), and some ships by Stephan1918, imported from FE2, and modifided for SF2 usage . *Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may NOT follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into this classification; Some populated places may exist only as "named places" on the map. This was done for historical reasons. Many airfields/airports, some of historical significance, may also not exist or placed in the Real Life ™ locations due to tiling constraints.* When in-game, you'll still see "Battle of Britain" on the terrain selection dropdown window. It's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read -and Obey- the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been modified to reflect changes in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. there are 2 Balkan maps already, one by Colum 5 (that I have and needs MAJOR reworking), and one by Baltika, that I don't know the status of -but that's more better than C5s (and was much further along last I saw, 18+ months ago)
  14. sometimes, lowering the rolling radi REALLLY screws up ground handling. If it's moving ok now, I'd leave it alone SF2 reads the wheel's axle position differently from SF1 and can induce some awfully strange behaviours!!
  15. File Name: 3W Textures Lists for Terrain Editor File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 October 2013 File Category: Utilities / Editors in this zip are the 4 STOCK textures lists for use with the 3rd Wire Terrain Editor (both versions) Included are lists for: Desert GermanyCE VietnamSEA IsraelME (the Isreal one was compiled by me, as one was never issued by TK) These are usable for terrain creation for BOTH SF/Wo* and SF2 (excepting the IcelandNA terrain, of course). The differences between 1stGen and SF2 are all in the data ini, so there's no change in these. It's recommended, that if doing ANY terrain work, you have a large store of asprin, and remove all sharp implements (and by inference, firearms) from you house. These are being uploaded, as several people have requested the IME list. So, Here's All Four have fun! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  16. Antarctica. it's be easy ... no cities, no trees, and maybe uses 10 tiles j/k!!! was thinking of the old board game 'war on the ice'
  17. I was able to talk Stephan1918 into modifying his First Eagles North Sea mod British Destroyer, by animating the turrets, giving them guns and so forth, for use in our WW2 mods. They are 95+% perfect for the V/W Class for both WWI, intra-war years, and WW2. but I can't seem to get the guns to work properly. So, I'm asking for help from our various Naval Engineers. I'll give you the ship, sounds, guns, inis and all the rest. Just need the Ship Guru's to look over and fix my mistakes in the ini If MAX work is needed, I'm sure Stephan will do his best! below is the boat in question. As the terrain it's used on in just about ready for (re)release -was hoping to post it this weekend-, there will be a version included. Any newer version will be a replacement for that one. Thanks In Advance!
  18. I was HOPING you'd respond!! you're one of our best shipwrights! i'll pm you the necessary files! thanks, brudda!!
  19. I know you're SUPER busy with all the FE stuff you've got going, but I'd like to request a few 'tweeks' to one of your ships from the North Sea. The British destroyer is REALLY close to the V & W classes, as used through WW2. Would it be possible to animate the main gun turrets and the central AAA guns? And give them guns, of course. I assume this means a new lod, but the skins are perfect. These are nearly perfect for us WW2 guys for use in Europe and the Med. thanks for all your work!
  20. a reminder folks, it'll be for SF2 at the latest patch level, for the NA envorinment, for my WW2 mods with many thanks to Stephan!!
  21. unfortunately, the ability to use that ini trick for AFR was removed from SF2 in 2012 (or maybe even earlier) by one of patches. So, back to square one on that. OTH, tankers ARE nice eye candy to have sitting on the ramps (which is why I rereleased Veltor's birds) as to revitments, see below. It's a simple bmp rename. But it remains this way for Eternity. Which is why one would need to clone the original PIt1, 8, 16, hex edit for either the sanbags or the original metal wall, and use the InActiveYear= and ActiveYear= switchs in the targets ini to them off and on, and create a new Terrain Object in the _types ini.
  22. yes. check the 1stGen downloads; should be SEVERAL different tilesets. IIRC, there's Polaks, JSF_Aggies, a rebuild by Piecemeal and prolly several others
  23. Believe it or not, I actually use RLM Gelb. it's the closest match I've seen to US serial number yellow RGB values: 228/164/0 spinners' is right ... some GREAT PB4Y pics there!!

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