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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. not understanding the question... that's the destroyed model. are you wanting them to be 'repaired and/or rebuilt?' that's controlled in the _types ini although, unfortunately, I don't know exactly what that number means. I assume (oh! that word!!) that I higher number means a faster repair rate. Maybe Jonathon would know, as I think it's campaign related
  2. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday, Ed!! Hope the day is Great One!!
  3. Happy Birthday

    HB, KB!!!
  4. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO Heinkel He 177 Greif Pak by Veltro2K File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 August 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 ETO Heinkel He 177 Greif Pak 8/26/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as this references destroyed model for the 3W C-47A. If you do =NOT= have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.** This is a reissue of Veltro2K's Heinkel He 177 Greif Luftwaffe Medium Bomber. It has been partly reskinned and decaled and had some tweeking done. Much of the work is based off Cliff11's SF/Wo* 1stGen pak, with as stated, some tweeking by me. In essence, 98.6% of his work remains intact. That having been said, further tweeking may be necessary to fully bring it to SF2 levels All original readmes are included. The single skin included, still in bmp format, represents II/KG 40 based in Western Europe. 26 New decals for the radio call letters (or whatever they are) have been created. Historically, I know this is FAR more than operationaly used, but it makes for a nice change. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also, there's new damage textures, in DDS format. New AvHistory Engine sounds, pilot figures, new SF2 compliant Hangar and Loading screens (in jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not; you should have them already. The Fritz X Glide bomb, however, is. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, you may wish to examine THIS package before installing over said original. There have been some minor, but relevant changes. **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost or destroyed, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept it with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created** Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  5. I was thinking the same thing while working on it!!
  6. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO Heinkel He 177 Greif Pak 8/26/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as this references destroyed model for the 3W C-47A. If you do =NOT= have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.** This is a reissue of Veltro2K's Heinkel He 177 Greif Luftwaffe Medium Bomber. It has been partly reskinned and decaled and had some tweeking done. Much of the work is based off Cliff11's SF/Wo* 1stGen pak, with as stated, some tweeking by me. In essence, 98.6% of his work remains intact. That having been said, further tweeking may be necessary to fully bring it to SF2 levels All original readmes are included. The single skin included, still in bmp format, represents II/KG 40 based in Western Europe. 26 New decals for the radio call letters (or whatever they are) have been created. Historically, I know this is FAR more than operationaly used, but it makes for a nice change. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also, there's new damage textures, in DDS format. New AvHistory Engine sounds, pilot figures, new SF2 compliant Hangar and Loading screens (in jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not; you should have them already. The Fritz X Glide bomb, however, is. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, you may wish to examine THIS package before installing over said original. There have been some minor, but relevant changes. **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost or destroyed, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept it with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created** Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. this'll make the North Pacific a much nastier place!! thanks!!
  8. I have a MASSIVE amount of upgrades for B-49. Just never converted to SF2. 4 different variants, 6 different skins; all sorts of tweeks. Unfortunately, even if I do upload it, not everyone can benefit do to the lod being proprietary to the DAT
  9. The Burma terrain has had some minor retiling done a few month ago as an experiment, but needs to have the targets ini (which I'd already tweeked) shitcanned and rebuilt from scratch. the terrain also has some HORRIFIC height field issues in southern China. the major problem of the terrain, is it represents the 'front line' around Jan - March 42. Anything after that (excepting parts of China) were in Japanese control. All the British forces (including Indian army units) would be in what is now Bangledesh, off the map
  10. warrior, have you copied ALL the prop tgas into ALL the skin folders??? in SF2, I have static props.... looks like I'll be updating this one for SF2 soon
  11. it's a LOD issue. can't be fixed as the source files were destroyed
  12. they have to go into a "category", not just the first page. in the case of the Stuka, SF2 downloads /Add on Aircraft/ WW2 Aircraft/ German Origin/ Other (as we don't have a category for Ju-87s) give that a try Monty!
  13. Version


    B-58A "Hustler" -- For SF2, Any and All -- This is a modification of Pasko's B-58 Hustler, to bring it more in line with SF2 standards. If you have the 2009 SF2 Update, just install this directly OVER your pre-existing folders, allowing the overwrite. If you don't, don't worry about it. Two skins are included (the same basic skin used twice), with all new 100% Historicaly Correct ™ serial numbers, listing each operational aircraft that served with the 43rd and 305th Bomb Wings. Unfortunatly, I was unable to break them down each into which served with each of the 6 Squadrons in the 2 Wings, but this should do nicely. There are also 2 cockpits included: The original SF2 mod by Dave (USAFMTL), that uses the F-106 pit and, An extensivelly modified F-4 Phantom pit (stock 3W ini only -as the cockpit exists in all versions of the game). This one makes use of many 'moves' to drop items out if sight, and uses the physical external model for the windshield framing. Neither one is perfect ... this is elaborated further in the "Notes" section, with instructions on what to switch or turn off in the various inis; depending on which you choose. Right now, it's using the Phantom pit, as it really is quite a bit closer than the 106's. In the Loadout ini, several alternate loadouts are listed. These can be accessed from the 3rdWire mission editor screen (for post-Expansion Pak 2 users). Other ini edits repositon the running & landing lights, add 'virtual' flaps (as this aircraft made use of drooping elevons -without the original source file this is impossible to duplicate-), minor engine adjustments, and avionics tweeks. It could also stand a slightly improved FM; the changes and other comments are in the "Notes" section. Weapons are included, the nuke explosion effects are =NOT=. YOu should probably have them from the GunnyPak. Speaking of weapons, a "new" 8kt ARM is included; this is a fictional ARM version of the Genie, more in line with "Fail Safe" and the No.6 Decoy/EW/Escort aircraft, and gives you a SEAD load. Kill SAM sites DEAD!!! Since real decoys don't/can't exist....it's just for fun! There's also and EO version, that can be used for STRIKE or SEAD missions. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. This =IS= Required reading -- there are some issues that are addressed there. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  14. it that a MAX render?? is that ONE piece?? meaning, all one lod?? or tile plus lods and how big is it???
  15. my wish exactly, brother!! some are just too nice to loose, or to force someone to start fresh wish we could get Pasko's MAX files for ALL his planes ... so much needs tweeking on those, not the least of which are the decal bleeds. and animation fixes!
  16. looks like the alpha channel isn't "hard" enough on the transparent edges. I build my decals from bmps, then do the tgas. try painting the RGB layer(s) full black, and see if it hardens up. If you look at TK decals, you have the transparent sections in the alpha, and the RGB layer is full black should be able to do it all in GIMP
  17. airfields should be 5x5 km in squareness (or maybe roundness?) minimum. For runways 1,4,5 & 6 I use 6x6 land water transitions should read HasWater=1 tiles without water, shouldn't even have the HasWater= statement I'm surprised you've gotten Gerwins tool to flatten anything ... all it does form me when adjusting HFD is lockup and crash. I do it ALL in TE. do you just copy/paste the new HFD into the terrain folder, and allow the overwrite? Try this: rename the HFD to today's date (as a safety backup --8-24-2013***.HFD), then, generate the new one, and drop it in. also double check the coordinates in the 'edit cities' dropdown. I don't even generate full city lists anymore. I just create one, with only the one city (airfield) listed, and do it that way. I'd asked TK about that several years ago, and that's what he said to do. So, I have a "kj-*nameofterrain*-cities.ini, with only the one at a time to be leveled region listed. That way, it won't mess up any others. of course, I'll be glad to look at if you want (of course, I"ll need the terrain's TE -so I don't have to build a new one, and the terrain itself)
  18. have you looked in the /Aircraft folder? That's where you'll find them.....
  19. File Name: SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 August 2013 File Category: Other SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak 8/21/2013 = For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended!) **This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs** This pak contains a new _data.ini for the recently re-released La-9 packakage by PauloPanz. It incorporates a new FM, much closer to SF2 standards, that will prevent the aircraft from 'mushing' into the ground on AI controled wingmates. See "Notes" for (mostly) coherent Change List Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: wilches prop fix has already been applied to this data ini Click here to download this file
  20. SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak



    SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak 8/21/2013 = For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended!) **This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs** This pak contains a new _data.ini for the recently re-released La-9 packakage by PauloPanz. It incorporates a new FM, much closer to SF2 standards, that will prevent the aircraft from 'mushing' into the ground on AI controled wingmates. See "Notes" for (mostly) coherent Change List Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: wilches prop fix has already been applied to this data ini
  21. Kamchatka is in the hanger even as we speak, undergoing a MAJOR overhaul. as to the main question,, don't know!
  22. which DLCs??? don't forget the last 2 pack were AI-only aircraft, and therefore "invisible" to the player (unless may player-flyable)

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