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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. same as you make a road.... join them end to end!! I'm not exactly clear on the question ... could you elaborate, Chuck??
  2. Version


    SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen 10/4/2012 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this is a re-upload, as the original was damaged in the recent unpleasentness. you do NOT need to redownload if you have it already!*** A brand new aircraft, that will replace the orignal 1stGen SFP1 version you may have. This is the Lockheed F-94B 'Starfire', all-weather interceptor. This is a BRAND NEW MODEL, by ErikGen; part of his exceptional Lockheed Shooting Star series. The aircraft comes with 4 skin/decal sets: 69th FIS 319th FIS (both for KAW) USAFSilver a generic NM skin 449th FIS, as used by the ADC at Ladd Field (AFB), Alaska. * The skins are set to 'turn on' at specific years; in 1948 you'll get the 'generic', 51 the 2 KAW skins, and iirc, the Alaskan ADC 449th. All skins are in DDS format. The first 2 have all new decal sets; the later 2 reuse those I made for the old Pasko Starfire. All decals are Randomized; all skins are in DDS format. A new SF2-style hangar screen, sounds, pilots and drop tanks (same as the Shooting Stars, btw) are included. Other weapons used can be found in the GunnyPak, or the KAW Misc Items downloads. The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Did I happen to mention, this is a BRAND NEW aircraft? Just checking...as there seems to be the occasional doubt. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein //for the KAW Team// *everyone know how much I hate wasting good decals!
  3. it's just OD/Neutral Gray!! and never saw service outside ConUS; relegated to training squadrons Neutral Grey RGB Values (to recreate the color in you color pallete 128/129/135 OD RBG values: 94/97/74 ANA matched ======= required screenie
  4. hmm... given the known length of the P-4 is 19.something meters.... that makes the "smallcargoship/FSS" about 30???
  5. Yarp (yah, was watching "Hot Fuzz" again last night)
  6. oh my!!! i'm sure a use for that can found!!!
  7. that's the DAT PTO mod Zeke. Destroyed models ONLY show when hitting solid ground. Impacting the water leaves an oil slick. On mine, I rewrote all the data inis and moved the destroyed models and their skins to the root of the main /Aircraft folder. That's a proven "it's works" solution I'd also post over there, and let Charles know.
  8. don't want to add too much to Kirovsky, as it's not a 'major' base on the west side -- that'll be at Vilyuchinsk (at Petropalvosk). THAT one is gonna be a nightmare mass of ships!!! Now, IF we had barges/lighters...i'd be placing them! below is the best(ish) ... my repurposed/repainted smallcargoship as an "FSS" (general fleet support ship) I'll move the Nanuchkas, and maybe add a couple more. Russ, the empty space between the fuel tanks, long warehouse thingy and the 2 covered boat docks.
  9. my 2cents... hope all goes well (I know this all TOO well .. since last November, in my family, it's been one medical disaster after another) and thanks again for the Warhawks!
  10. Version


    SF2 Korean War Era A-26B Invader Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: This mod will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due usage of the latest TW Exporter, and DDS format skins. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.* *Note: this aircraft =WILL= replace any other A/B-26B Invader you may (or may not) have. It's HIGHLY advisable you delete said aircraft and decals from your game install* *Note: (again!) In 1947, the "A" for "Attack" designation was removed from use, and the A-26 Invader renamed to B-26 Invader (for Light Bomber Squadrons). Also, with the retirement of the Martin B-26 Marauder after WW2, the name was "open for reuse". To that end, the displayed name on the Single Mission screen will read "A-26B Invader (B-26B)". The skins represent aircraft from the 13th BS, 3rd BG, as seen in Korea. Aircraft are finished in 'Night Intruder Black". Serial numbers and nose are are 98.6% historically correct; nose arts are matched to the aircraft's serial and ID Letter, via exhaustive research (oh, boy it was!). Weapons are NOT included; they can be found in the KAW Weapons Pak. However, the 'para-illuminator flare pod' is, for those pesky night interdiction mission. In fact, just as a CYA measure, my /Effect folder is included (which is also available in one of the KAW Mod Paks -forget which one, exactly!) Pilot figures, sounds are included, as is a SF2-style version of the my original "Box Art" Hangar screen. A Userlist.ini was also created. The canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for the KAW Team- **Parentel Advisory: Many (ok, more than a lot) of the nose art decals depict the unclothed female form. If you find nudiditity offensive, seek medical help immeaditly, if not sooner. This mod is rated PG-13**
  11. that grey IS the the skin of the aircraft. Unskinned models in SF2 show up as black. what you're missing are the decals
  12. what part of "hard coded, directly name called SAM/Radars don't register on the RWR/TEWS" wasn't quite clear? They will still engage, but they are invisible to the Player. Until you get within visual range, and can have the 'red target box' show up. (on Normal or Easy Mode) yes, it works fine in 1stGens, as they lack the game coding for 'late model' RWR (including Vector and TEWS). But ALL directly named units will go 'stealth' in SF2 -- including hand-placed ships. This is why one needs to use the generic terms "SAMLauncher" "SAMRadar" and "EWR", and hope the item's Userlist forces the Game Engine ™ to group the appropriate units together (and sometimes it don't). The 3W editor will NOT do it correctly. Which is why all batteries are placed INTO the terrain's targets ini. And in my terrains, pretty damn close to their Real Life ™ locations. (yes, I have a map; actually a kmz)
  13. iirc, that's MontyCZ's S-99 "repurposed". And it IS fantastic!! ----- required screenie
  14. normally, by runway size however, if one looks at the IcelandNA_targets.ini, you'll NOT see any runways listed. Just a location. Safe to assume (oh! that word!), that those aircraft are 'air starts' (or spawn).
  15. why not just extract a fresh one from the Object cat? Be easier, and safer
  16. location on EVERY terrain is determined from the 0/0 point OF that terrain .. which is the lower left corner. IIRC, said coordinates 123456, 789101, for example is distance in KM from that corner It has no relation to the Real World ™ lat/long coordinates (for the most part). Oddly the TE "builds" the height field from a DEM, from the UPPER left corner down and to the right. to find out where something goes on a terrain, one needs to learn how to read Real World maps (specifically navigational charts -which I use HEAVILY!!), and convert the physical location of a place to it's location on a given terrain map, by comparing it with the Terrain Editor tiles, and using the "display height field' view, for coastal edges and/or mountains and such like. GE can also be useful - at times. But not always, given the tile shaping limitations And it takes a good deal of time to learn that, I'm here to tell.
  17. File Name: SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 May 2013 File Category: Other SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's O-2A FAC aircraft. **Note: due to extensive modifications to the cockpit and other ini tweeks, it will =NOT= work in 1stGen SF/Wo* games at ANY patch level** As stated above, a reissue of the Skymaster FAC bird. Included in this pak are all the mods from the "O-2 Tweeks Pak' I issued in 2009 (and it's attendant readme). This is the complete aircraft. Skins remain in their bmp format; Decal radomization is set to TRUE. A user list is supplied. New damage textures are in DDS format. All weapons referenced are STOCK 3rd Wire items, available in full 4/5 merged installs. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Included is my original readme for the "Tweeks Pak"; it's suggested you read this as well, as it contains a listing of all the changes, tweeks, mods and so forth. The Legal Statement has also been changed with regards to this aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis you may wish to examine, you may wish to replace the originals with these. **This aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2



    Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2 by Veltro2K = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E, both with Expansion Pak 2 (Reccomended!) = (A Re-Upload, as the original seems to have vanished) -- *Important Note: The main reasoning for the need for Expansion Pak 2, is the aircraft's inis are pointing to the stock 3W EE Lighting's cockpit and avionics. This is required for proper use of the rebuilt Firestreak missiles (included). However, if you do not have the required game installs/ExpPak, a simple edit of the main ini will return it to use the cockpit supplied, from the original 1stGen release. BE ADVISED -- You will NOT have the proper "shoot-cue" in the gunsight for missile launch, and will be using some 'Kentucky Windage' and range guess-timations. A more detailed explaination is to be found in the "Notes" section. --- This is an upgrade/mod of Veltro2K's Gloster Javelin. Several of the inis have been tweeked, peaked and fiddled with. Although primarly tasked with CAP and INTERCEPT mission profiles in Real Life ™, the ESCORT and RECON profiles have been added for player enjoyment. There is NO ground attack capability. Several weapons are included; a updated FirestreakIR (from the old BunyPak, with all new data*), a 230 gallon wing drop tank, and the centerline tank from Veltro has been repainted. Skins/decal sets included are: 5 Squadron 11 Squadron 33 Squadron 41 Squadron by LloydNB 60 Squadron 85 Squadron by Syrinx (iirc!) All skins now have the proper RAF Squadron Badge for their 'paint chip' on the Loadout Screen. Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints; one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use the new wing drop tanks. All lighting has been updated and repositioned, with the addition of landing lights. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to "center on the pipper" A new 'damage' dds file is included, as are new Hangar and Loading Screens for your viewing pleasure. A Userlist has been generated, even though these aircraft were never exported. It should be noted, that the destroyed model pointed to is the MirageIII, so having SF2E or SF2I is a MUST!! As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein *=this is a seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.*
  19. File Name: Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 August 2013 File Category: Other Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2 by Veltro2K = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E, both with Expansion Pak 2 (Reccomended!) = (A Re-Upload, as the original seems to have vanished) -- *Important Note: The main reasoning for the need for Expansion Pak 2, is the aircraft's inis are pointing to the stock 3W EE Lighting's cockpit and avionics. This is required for proper use of the rebuilt Firestreak missiles (included). However, if you do not have the required game installs/ExpPak, a simple edit of the main ini will return it to use the cockpit supplied, from the original 1stGen release. BE ADVISED -- You will NOT have the proper "shoot-cue" in the gunsight for missile launch, and will be using some 'Kentucky Windage' and range guess-timations. A more detailed explaination is to be found in the "Notes" section. --- This is an upgrade/mod of Veltro2K's Gloster Javelin. Several of the inis have been tweeked, peaked and fiddled with. Although primarly tasked with CAP and INTERCEPT mission profiles in Real Life ™, the ESCORT and RECON profiles have been added for player enjoyment. There is NO ground attack capability. Several weapons are included; a updated FirestreakIR (from the old BunyPak, with all new data*), a 230 gallon wing drop tank, and the centerline tank from Veltro has been repainted. Skins/decal sets included are: 5 Squadron 11 Squadron 33 Squadron 41 Squadron by LloydNB 60 Squadron 85 Squadron by Syrinx (iirc!) All skins now have the proper RAF Squadron Badge for their 'paint chip' on the Loadout Screen. Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints; one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use the new wing drop tanks. All lighting has been updated and repositioned, with the addition of landing lights. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to "center on the pipper" A new 'damage' dds file is included, as are new Hangar and Loading Screens for your viewing pleasure. A Userlist has been generated, even though these aircraft were never exported. It should be noted, that the destroyed model pointed to is the MirageIII, so having SF2E or SF2I is a MUST!! As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein *=this is a seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.* Click here to download this file
  20. reup because of the file issues don't worry, its the same one as before

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