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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Have you read this??? http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/
  2. Meanwhile, in the Soviet Far East.... (dlc29 fishpot)
  3. "Homebuilt" -- the dlc S-99 repurposed as a 109G6. Just threw some decals at it ... we need a template to make the right camo patterns, of course. Just don't have time! and it lacks the attachment points for the drop tanks, but what the hell, right?
  4. has anyone done up templates for these yet? Be nice to see it in RLM splinter and mottle. (and...if one builds a 'new' BF-109 out of it, it doesn't rewrite itself at random intervals like all other AIs made flyable)
  5. RAAF Kittyhawk 1A P-40E all SWP, (New Guinea in particular) (full white tails are mostly found in N models -- which I seem to have diverted Raven from by asking him to look over Zur's F6F Hellcat max files, and you know the story..) these are the same pack that are in the D/L section. The USAAF one, iirc, is NOT the complete aircraft (missing some lods, cockpit maybe?? disremember) the RAAF Kittyhawk is complete, so you should be able to copy stuff over. what I don' remember is if either of these have the updated stuff Raven did after release
  6. zips can be attached to a post, or sent via PMs (depending on file size) none of mine are "stock"... and it all depends on "where" you wanna fly; mine are all different for their varying theatres. so, which E do you need? MTO? PTO/SWP? (new guinea?). haven't done any CBI as that map blows
  7. if you can find the SuperPak zip, there should be a /Sounds folder within. Drop those wavs into your game's /Sounds folder. If not, extract the Netz data ini and just use those sounds. (not as nice, to be sure, but you'll have something)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLe8MWdWe0
  9. I take it this is what you're looking for??? (as per your museum photo)
  10. do that ALL the time!! clone or paint over the painted on stuff, and just redraw the lines needed. Redecal as necessary OTH, for the Spit, simply duplicating the panel lines layer, and just removing or redrawing the needed ones.
  11. no and don't forget, they NEVER had bombsights .. it was all done with radar (I had a cousin that was the radar navigator -ie: bombardier- in 52s) Same with the 36 and 47, and the 57 and 58 too. best left to the AI, seriously
  12. ah nuts! well, we can pretend they're for the wing cameras. don't fell like redrawing everything (losing motivations and all... as I keep discovering things missing from my installs after the restore. the nightmare continues!)
  13. why, yes. yes it is (as is the uncompleted Mk.9, too!)
  14. yes, you need 2 separate stations, one for bombs one for fish (not counting the HVARs on the wings, of course!)
  15. not having a single problem ... the fish work and my wingies drop them (listen for the "Rifle" call)
  16. Happy Birthday to....

    our very own Soulman!! have a GREAT day man!!
  17. 3w mk9 standing in for the seafire 3, 887 NAS, BPF -- and everything works; it catches the wire with no issues!! (yes, the wings don't fold and has a 'virtual hook', but still and all...)
  18. Not truly possible. the movement ini defines routes that exist for all time, and cannot be turned on and off like target areas. the only way to do it, is how I've done it on the Cuba OTC+ , Okinawa and Philipines maps -- place the landing boats and offshore support craft either into a "city" target area (ie: Tacloban and Dulag) or a 'named beach head' target area that then can be tagged with "ActiveDate=" in the _targets ini (Beach Red, Green, Blue in Cuba) But even doing so that way, fouls up any GroundAttack routes originating FROM the beach head, or defenders attaching said landings, when operating BEFORE their activation date Be advised, as to naval gunfire support -- if you place the ships too close inland (less than 2 tiles offshore, approx. 5-10km), EVERY SINGLE GUN CAPABLE OF GROUND ENGAGEMENT WILL BE FIRING!!! with the attendant massive frame-rate loss. Went through this with both beach heads (Austin and Chrysler) on Kyushu.
  19. 332 Squadron ... Low Countries Fighter Sweep
  20. 7 items* and counting...including a terrain *items = includes packs with multiple thingys inside
  21. great.. now I'm gonna have Leonard Skynard songs all day!!! (btw, nice one!! :) )
  22. Very true...

    a great link, and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true!!!
  23. true, considering Oli's model is the full wing, not clipped, and lacks the pointed fin/rudder, and many animations got it in game, using the 3w data ini -- oddly, some animaitons are the same (gear extends! and canopy opens) and the mapping is the same as the Mk.VIII but you can see, it needs a LOT of work!!

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