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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. fucked. was trying to reinstall SF2, ALL the SF2 titles, and re-patch to either 6/12 or 5/13, when everything went totally and completely tits up. "unable to install" or "installation did not something or another that worked" So, did a system restore (and of course dumb shit me didn't back up the mods folders to one of the externals....) did you know that System Restore ERASES lods, bmps, tgas and all sorts of other interesting and vital files from the mods folders?? like the last 3 days of terrain work on the Phillipines, from the inis (which I kinda expected, everything excepting the inis from the terrain folders.... all it left me was the inis ....I don't even know what the hell I was on the 6th .. what was I working on, on that terrain? what objects did I add?? this whole thing is just becoming too much to bear anymore. for fucks sake, can we for the love g*d get patches that don't destroy thousands of hours of work?? or, as I have suspicioned for the last several months ... has the time come that we should just no longer mod these game anymore? Or even try to extend they're usability to "other times and places"?? (like ww2? or Korea?) I'm so feed up with the bull.. if the games weren't so cheap ... everything else is so far out of my price range. I just feel like giving up I am absolutely disgusted with the last turns of events
  2. I know it's not amusing..but

    read the name aloud
  3. unless using the later versions of game; can't remember WHEN it change -but post June '12- they can be installed now in any order
  4. ok, the KAW stuff =I= released is ONLY for SF2, in particular for SF2NA, as the terrain makes use of the NA carrier zones and statements. and the objects themselves are not and will not work in 1stGens. Period it might help if we know exactly which Korean stuff you're dealing with, as there's more than one set WoV and all the other 1stGens do NOT have a mods folder; their folders all reside on the C drive someplace. Check the 1stGen Knowledge Base for instructions on creating a "Era Specific Install" (which matter not, as all my/the Teams KAW stuff is only SF2) Here's the (hopefuly) relevant sections from the Korea V3 terrain (mine)
  5. no, we can't. it's ALL ocean, and as FE exceedingly small for the "radius of action" required for WW2 NA, simply won't fit the bill. now, given the Atlantic has a surface area of 106 MILLION square KM, the region we'd need, not counting those parts of the Arctic Ocean, my guesstimate would be ~ 20 million square km, as outlined in green below (mind you, terrains have to be square, so add more Greenland to the west -which can be ignored) So, my guesstimate of 2500 km per side (which may be to small by a factor of 10; maybe 3500km per side would be better).... may still give us a map with the "usual" issues of scale; even at 1:1 (as opposed to the standard 63% size). And the TE has "problems" with higher latitudes (Mercator distortions) I can't even begin to imagine the sheer amount of time to tile; let alone to build target areas for the thing with any amount of accuracy. oth, it would be a great Cold War map as well, modeling the GIUK gap still, not something I'd want to attempt, even if I could get the frakking TE to accept the DEM without crashing (provided one of proper scale could be located)
  6. Modeler's Data file on the Griffon spits would be the best starting place
  7. do we have any LSTs??? (freeware, of course) I vaguely remember them from somewhere???
  8. I seem to recall the instructions I wrote are pretty specific, and pretty easy to follow
  9. when the downloads come back, you'll be QUITE busy grapping all the various and sundry items --already assembled and packaged (although aircraft are separate downloads) -- for your KAW flying fix oth, I could use the 100 bucks!!
  10. Funny TV ad

    somebody missed the point on this one...
  11. Got Punked......

    http://www.ktvu.com/news/news/ktvu-apology-friday-noon-report/nYpSg/ yup, it's real the link (posted by Fubar) is the retraction
  12. well... I'm taking the plunge. Noticed earlier today, that after the Restore, ALL my DLCs vanished! So, might as well install everything and patch it up. I'll report more over the weekend luck to us all!!
  13. flying the game?? shoot, I've flown 762 combat missions, and got shot down on every one. I don't think I've ever landed a plane....
  14. i'm almost afraid to run it at this point. still trying to recover from "issue" I caused by the restore (I just found out yesterday, that it erased ALL my maps/nav charts I was using to build the PI with!! thanks, Micro$oft) don't feel like rebuilding 10 mods folders for the 3rd time this week....
  15. I have some of the pre-lock extracted cats archived, was there something specific you wanted, Raven?
  16. personally, I think cruisers and destroyers are more important (after all, there was only 2 superbattleships)
  17. march '12 patch, iirc. that or thereabouts
  18. it wouldn't help yelling at him. I mean, seriously, what good what it do? I'm sure he's just as confused as to what's causing it as the rest of us.
  19. really? that should be the "original issue" lod, as the later one's had some oddities (with crashing and stuff). It's a vitally needed boat for WW2!! again, these freezes/seizures/spasms/ didn't occur on the June '12 or even the May '13 patches (that I can remember) I'm just tryin to figure out HOW I'm gonna go back one step ... have a funeral to go to tomorrow (my cousin passed yesterday), get to start 'calling in' for jury duty next week ...and who know's what else is lurking in the wings..
  20. yes, freezing has been reported in at least 2 threads here mine are completely random (however, this IS in my heavily modded WW2 PTO install) I haven't tested the 'modern era' installs, as I' still trying to recover all the stuff the last one I experienced, was after I got shot down, and the "random view of things on the terrain" was flipping through random things on the terrain. Froze on a Fletcher DD. Had it freeze on vehicles, aircraft and aaa, whatnots and etcs comepletly random and irrational
  21. a "destroyed model" is quite different from "damage nodes" of the aircraft's main lod the destroyed model is the dead bird burning on the ground

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