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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. is the tile you're replacing listed IN the terrain's data ini??? If so, is it named EXACTLY like the one you're replacing? A black square represents a missing tile -- one that should be present within the given terrain folder, that ain't there also, a screenshot would help
  2. depends on what it's for, I think for example, a truck route I usually start 2 tiles away from a 'given' city (if there are cities on the map), and usually run them for 10-15 tile widths for ground attack (tank, troop assault) I try to keep them fairly close, as even our 'long range' artillery ain't so long ranged (for routes that may come up against a 'fortified' position). Infantry is a whole nuther thing ... they move so slowly, and have such short ranged weapons ... 3 tiles total is my usual - the end points for 'start here, and 2 very close together in the middle, so they mix it up. in the screenie below, I actually have the 'center battle point' in the wrong place, and will need to re write this route. otherwise infantry just sits there, and looking dumb. Tanks will engage each other, but there's not a lot of Japanese armor on Leyte. (also, for some stupid reason the 'solid ground' is acting like water and rockets and bombs don't go off. something wrong in the HFD methinks. so, this route may be deleted altogether)
  3. what issues are we talking about?
  4. yes, transports (and cargo ships) have their own formations, as listed in the Formations.ini I think this bit, is the spacing and such haven't messed with it much (ok, at all)
  5. excellent! I didn't know we had "synchrozized" as a statement for SF2!!
  6. I had to do the experiment... the IME desert tiles actually work pretty good ... the glare and brightness is reduced a good number, and still gives the "look" to the terrain but... there's about 60+ tiles to redo. I'd forgotten I made all the frakking road tiles AND their various transitions.. this is something I'll be slowly working on, in between my ww2 stuff (terrains the phillipines is driving me bat-shit crazy, as there just sooooo much wrong with it that needs correcting and aircraft) the good thing is, they're a one click replacement for the original tiles. Meaning they drop right into ODS, Iran/Irag and IR2003. and can be used on any terrain that uses that tile set
  7. oh boy...does that mean my nekked chicks Nose Art decals really weren't allowed???
  8. in particular the IA, circa mid-1942 did they carry the roundel in all standard 6 positions? none on my profiles show ANY on the lower wing, only uppers and fues
  9. File Name: SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 June 2013 File Category: Israeli Origin SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED + DLC 28!) *Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder (suggested usage)* **IF you do NOT have DLC 28, do not download this mod. It will be of no use to you whatsomeever** This pak contains some "quick and dirty" mods for the S-199 "Mezek" (or Mule) recently released in DLC #28 Now a flyable aircraft, with the included cockpit. 25 Historicaly accruate serial number decals, and NEW SF2 style Hangar and loading screens in my World Famous Box Art Style ™. Loadout has been adjusted to add the 300 ltr drop tank, a different pilot figure, AvHistory Jumo engine sound. Canopy activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. FM remains "as issued". See "Changes" in the Note section below for more stuff. Also included is my "One Click Restore" (patent pending) main ini for when it becomes AI- only again. When in-game, you'll see S-199 (3W) on the aircraft selection drop-down menu. This will differentiate it from the S-199 by MontyCZ (an excellent mod, btw!), in case you may have that one as well. If you DO have Monty's, you may want to rename it's folder and main ini to further differentiate it. Otherwise you WILL experience conflicts/problems/issues/and assorted troubles. As always, other improvements and changes/fixes are welcomed! As I said above, it's just a Q&D mod to get them flying so others can help out with any needed/wanted/whatever tweeks and fixes. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. red spinners are standard MTO markings, as is an RAF style fin flash however, stars are most likely in 4 positions, not 6 during TORCH, several squadrons had the US Flag in the opposite positions of the wing stars. The flag was removed after TORCH, probably within a few weeks (if not days). Yellow surround star roundel seemed to last to approx. end of 42, and in some cases, into 43, before reverting back to the non-bordered blue background
  11. I knew this sunburst pattern was gonna be a bitch..... 68th FS, Solomons, early 1943 (wip -very much so!)
  12. decals pathway needs a very small edit: should read as: P-40F-5-CU/Desert/D/ ***name of decal***
  13. um...The Gallery, here at CA? post it there, and then a simply copy/paste of the images url back here to the Screenies thread easy peasy
  14. and.. http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/
  15. got the LCM; it came from the original Falklands. well, guess I'll look more...thanks!
  16. while not originally intended for this purpose, with a quick and dirty repaint (and re-gunning to a WW2 type), this boat becomes a pretty good stand in for an IJN tender. I'd like to extend my personal thanks to Stephan1918 for his excellent work on these ships. And.. the North Sea is VERY fun and challenging to fly over!! Bravo!
  17. I remember using that some time ago (pre-July 12 patch) does anyone remember if, when using the FlyAll=TRUE, AND have the cockpit enabled (via paladraian's MigPits) if the real Mig cockpt shows, or the Scooters? (don't have the time or inclination to test it myself right now...)
  18. sorry, friend, wrong again this, below is from the ubiquitious MiG-21MF, straight from the latest data ini, at the 5/13 patch level extract BOTH the data and userlist inis and scroll through them suffice it to say, it works as advertised.
  19. FE vs FE2

    just so you all know, I moved this from the SF2 forums, as THIS is the place for all things FE/FE2
  20. oh yes, one of my most favorite things to do (pity sarcasam doesn't come through on the written word)... creating custom "special" tiles for seaports.... you'll looking a 2 separate tiles for the main port, and basin/seaplane base ugggg...then the real fun begins, filling the spaces with structures that look like a naval base...
  21. it's not undocumented, one just has to know how to read an ini. mind you, I STILL can't translate all the aerodynamic gobbelty-gook in a data ini, but that's a story for another day oth, having done several thousand skins and decals ... one learns a thing or too
  22. it was removed a couple of years ago afaik, there's a newer version in the works for SF2
  23. sounds like it's time someone reads the little PDF file in the folder /Manual, located in the core files region C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Manual ------------------------------ as Julhelm said, GM is the default (as no b-52 carries an air-intercept radar system) however.... the AI controlled ones (in fact ALL AI controlled aircraft, including fighters) DON"T have listings in their main inis for avionics ini or avionics dlls. Most don't even have a the proper DetectSystem statements in the their respective _data.inis.. These WILL need to be added by the Player which is, again, why it's recommended they be left under AI control. The Game Engine ™ will get the bombs on target
  24. anything that's not Egypt or Libya gets changed to "NEUTRAL", and rewrite the LimitedNations statements. nothing to it.

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