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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I knew this sunburst pattern was gonna be a bitch..... 68th FS, Solomons, early 1943 (wip -very much so!)
  2. decals pathway needs a very small edit: should read as: P-40F-5-CU/Desert/D/ ***name of decal***
  3. um...The Gallery, here at CA? post it there, and then a simply copy/paste of the images url back here to the Screenies thread easy peasy
  4. and.. http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/
  5. got the LCM; it came from the original Falklands. well, guess I'll look more...thanks!
  6. while not originally intended for this purpose, with a quick and dirty repaint (and re-gunning to a WW2 type), this boat becomes a pretty good stand in for an IJN tender. I'd like to extend my personal thanks to Stephan1918 for his excellent work on these ships. And.. the North Sea is VERY fun and challenging to fly over!! Bravo!
  7. I remember using that some time ago (pre-July 12 patch) does anyone remember if, when using the FlyAll=TRUE, AND have the cockpit enabled (via paladraian's MigPits) if the real Mig cockpt shows, or the Scooters? (don't have the time or inclination to test it myself right now...)
  8. sorry, friend, wrong again this, below is from the ubiquitious MiG-21MF, straight from the latest data ini, at the 5/13 patch level extract BOTH the data and userlist inis and scroll through them suffice it to say, it works as advertised.
  9. FE vs FE2

    just so you all know, I moved this from the SF2 forums, as THIS is the place for all things FE/FE2
  10. oh yes, one of my most favorite things to do (pity sarcasam doesn't come through on the written word)... creating custom "special" tiles for seaports.... you'll looking a 2 separate tiles for the main port, and basin/seaplane base ugggg...then the real fun begins, filling the spaces with structures that look like a naval base...
  11. it's not undocumented, one just has to know how to read an ini. mind you, I STILL can't translate all the aerodynamic gobbelty-gook in a data ini, but that's a story for another day oth, having done several thousand skins and decals ... one learns a thing or too
  12. it was removed a couple of years ago afaik, there's a newer version in the works for SF2
  13. sounds like it's time someone reads the little PDF file in the folder /Manual, located in the core files region C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Manual ------------------------------ as Julhelm said, GM is the default (as no b-52 carries an air-intercept radar system) however.... the AI controlled ones (in fact ALL AI controlled aircraft, including fighters) DON"T have listings in their main inis for avionics ini or avionics dlls. Most don't even have a the proper DetectSystem statements in the their respective _data.inis.. These WILL need to be added by the Player which is, again, why it's recommended they be left under AI control. The Game Engine ™ will get the bombs on target
  14. anything that's not Egypt or Libya gets changed to "NEUTRAL", and rewrite the LimitedNations statements. nothing to it.
  15. hated those fucking desert tiles from Day 1..but, according to people that been there, YES it is that bright. the only thing I can think of, is write a terrain specific EnvrionmentalSystem.ini, and try to fiddle with sun levels (which WOULD be very bright in the region). or, if one is reaaaaallly good with photoshop, try changing the brightness on each and every desert and desert2*** tiles -- somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 tiles?? including all transitions??? or, again, if one is really REALLY good with PS, create fully new tiles, using the IsrealME desert as the base, and recreate all desert and desert2*** transitions; again, an exceeding large job. Done with layers -- IME desert on the bottom, 'tile to be fixed' on top, and gently follow the transition "parting line" with a very small eraser tool, and remove the original desert section. Gradually moving up to larger erasers until all the original desert is removed. (btw, IME tiles truly suck in their skewed angling) have fun!!!
  16. and DO NOT reinstall ANY 1stGen games to the /C: ProgarmFiles or ProgramFilesX86 folders. (re)install to the ROOT of the C drive C:\Wings Over Europe for example
  17. one of the very reasons I rebuilt that WW2 terrain to 'modern times'
  18. well, TK gave us stock red, blue and yellow...
  19. I started adding water a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago; Salmon river, 'thunder bay'., etc. Gave it up 3-4 years ago. but I can't make the 4 season tiles that match well. Also, a LOT of height field adjustments will be necessary, expecially in the lower left corner, where the bay is. might have a re-look at it, after finished the ww2 PI 44 map
  20. there's also a little parameter used in decals inis: Reverse=TRUE
  21. Splash Target?

    ok... during testing, 500mm of titanium armor was penetrated by AGM-65B. (well, 6 of them at any rate) I'm going to up the thickness, and retest. they should be VERY hard to sink
  22. Moved to the Correct Forum ™ ---------- all 1stGen Terrains are easily converted for SF2 usage as per our unused Knowledge Base: http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ ANW can be found the SF/Wo* (aka 1stGen) Terrain downloads. Its a full-4 season terrain. READ THE ENCLOSED READ ME that comes with it.
  23. yes. see the appropriate Forum, SF2 for responses and, no it's a fictional terrain, and does NOT represent any Real World ™ locations

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