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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Rainbow......Typhoon style....

    AWESOME!!! thanks Ant!!
  2. sorry, the FlightEengine.ini ain't the problem ... I've got several WW2 install that DON"T have one in the /Flight folder, and the issue is still present (planes tipping forward, blowing up, etc) E for effort though!! At least somebody is thinking outside the box!!
  3. taking "known" positions of things on the aircraft --this is where it's IMPERATIVE to know how to read a data ini- and adjusting fore/aft, up/down and left/right of said location after 5 or 6000, you just do it without thinking; become 2nd nature
  4. Remember people... , do =NOT= use this mod in a PTO-centric mods folder; the Pacific Fortress' (Fortressi?) are different, and will covered in another, theatre-specific upload (completly different serial number set). This is for ETO (UK) based Forts ONLY!!
  5. man, I gotta say, that has one of the, if not THE best cockpit's I've seen in like, forever!! (sorry stary!) but, I'm (well, was) having problems with the AI controlled wingmen mushing into the ground on take offs. So, I located a 'like sized' aircraft, and used those aerodynamic parameters. it seems to have helped greatly. mind you, it may be 'better' than real life. this is just a quick and dirty fix (engine power is also upped - maybe too much) so, here's a attached zip with the "newish" data ini, a destroyed model, and the new sf2 'box art' hangar screen. Also the AvHistory Allison 1710 engine sound. canopy was switched to the Shift/0 animation key (sorry brother R!) BACKUP THE ORIGINAL DATA INI FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING THIS!!! PLEASE test and report. there is still some bounce and the 'tire touch' sound at mission start... I just don't know what's up with that. frakking 5/13 patch no doubt
  6. "The Emperor has been expecting you"
  7. np brudda! I didn't notice it either!!
  8. what, like you didn't expect this one to show up???
  9. I added/changed a LOT of stuff for the sf2 version however, easily back converted for SF/Wo*
  10. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO Kittyhawk IA, 112 Squadron File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 June 2013 File Category: P-40 SF2 WW2 MTO Kittyhawk IA, 112 Squadron -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct probabality that this mod =WILL= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs* A fairly simple redecaling for Raven's Kittyhawk Mk.IA as flown with 112 Squadron in Egypt and the Western Desert. In fact, other than the skins getting a light coating of dirt and smoke, it's still Raven's original skin. This will add the Squadron Code, plane-in-group letters and serial number decals to his original skin. It just overwrites the decals and texture set ini (although the skin map will also overwrite, too. don't worry about that!) This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from another Kittyhawk skins set. Also included, is a NEW loading screen from my AvArt collection As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them. With Thanks To Raven for the bird! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO Kittyhawk IA, 112 Squadron -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct probabality that this mod =WILL= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs* A fairly simple redecaling for Raven's Kittyhawk Mk.IA as flown with 112 Squadron in Egypt and the Western Desert. In fact, other than the skins getting a light coating of dirt and smoke, it's still Raven's original skin. This will add the Squadron Code, plane-in-group letters and serial number decals to his original skin. It just overwrites the decals and texture set ini (although the skin map will also overwrite, too. don't worry about that!) This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from another Kittyhawk skins set. Also included, is a NEW loading screen from my AvArt collection As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them. With Thanks To Raven for the bird! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. THAT's what I been waiting for!! thanks Raven!!
  13. It should work most fine, but Russ would be the real guy to answer that. I've seen them (bump maps) as jpg and bmp
  14. reskins in progress... coming soon to a desert near you
  15. there's a butt load of icons I made yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago in the 1stGen downloads someplace or, are you asking HOW to make a shortcut?
  16. both it'll put the tanks on the mid-wing station, leaving the wingtip missiles on all (Cs of course, get the lower fuse catamaran)
  17. I always have the external tanks on, for ALL A-A loadouts... so for standard Air-to-Air, add this: Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank195_F104 Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank195_F104 Loadout[04].Quantity=1
  18. do your Zekes and Vals have the correct nation (IJN) as the carrier (which should also be IJN) does the carrier have properly sized, positioned, and spaced parking slots?
  19. you can always adjust the spring/damning factor shock stroke too stock main gear statement, ShockStroke=0.10 SpringFactor=1.5 DampingFactor=2.0 experimentate! let us know!
  20. raise the rolling radius I used 0.45, but that's a biiiiiiiiitttt too much. try 0.40. adjust as necessary watch out on rotation, though, it tends to drag the tail and/or drop tanks, catch fire and explode

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