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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I was gonna that Paulo! But, hey -- you just saved me some work. I thank you! I DO have the EAF Spit 5 Trop redone too (used the DAT WoA Mk.5 lod) here's the new EAF Mig-19_67
  2. TKs Mustang. BUT ONLY the aerodynamic descriptions ABOVE the crew section (the usual stuff, left wing, inner and outer, nose, tail, etc) I left the weight and empty inertia statemets alone. the wing area, chord, etc were "close enough". left the control statements alone. after all, its NOT a mustang!! like I said, NOT a perfect fix, but workable, or a starting point. I DID boost engine power as a cheat --and I hate doing that!! look at mine and compare to the Raven's original ( you DID backup the original, right??? )
  3. we can do that in the Spit's data ini, if we knew the proper mesh names off the Fuselage_P mesh --oth, might have to use Stary's pit, it looks so nice! odd mine is showing, on the F.24 try this in the tailwheel: SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=3.0 what I've been doing to the stock mk9 too, after extracting NEW data inis!!! Russ: yes, J-6C is the new PLAAF Farmer's data ini
  4. you can thank Erik and MigBuster (who's now a Moderator!)
  5. DA: chck the user lists for the later spits. I did notice India is missing (ok, Royal IAF) on the 18/22s depending on which mark, Belgium Syria Eqypt (decals and skins for all 3 included) Rhodesia India edit: india IS listed for the mk 18
  6. I agree with Paulo! Great looking pit! yeah, the late marque Spits (teens and up) pits are different from Kesselbruts' that we've been using. well, I've got Volume 2 of Modlers DataFile - Griffon powered Spits. LOTS of drawings and artworks (expecially pits) for whom ever wants it to work from
  7. radar equipped? I just used the 21MF (the su-9's data ini calls for 'SpinScan') I raised the rolling radius (too much!), but it clears the ground now. Gear doors were dragging and underground. Fishpots in Flight
  8. the fishpot's gonna need some work ... dragged the drop tanks on take off, caught fire and BLEW UP!! (need to find a better cockpit --suggestions??) It's also MISSILES only (Fishpot B) --and we get new AA-1s, too! the Spit 22 come with Syrian and Egyptian skins/decals (in Arabic). the 'merlin' sound he's been using NOW has the correct engine (Griffon) for it's use! here's the FR.XIVe ... all the others look pretty much the same
  9. GRIFFION Spits!!! I was just wondering about those the other day... needed for late WW2 and "others" ok, he gets me for those! and an Su-9??? interesting!
  10. here ya go! Elvira is at the 0/0 position
  11. well, I used your values, Wilches, and it got WORSE! Of course, this on my data ini posted above, 5/13 patch. Mains and tail wheel were above ground, in fact the aircraft was level with respect to the ground, then dropped. Went back to my originals, and all I get is slight chrip. left the prop at YOUR values, however (just in case! ) maybe moving the CG to -0.50, and keep experimentating? Usually what I do, is .25m increments in (whatever) direction. Time consuming? Hell yes!! Raven, is the aircraft's world center 0,0,0?? Wish we had something TK-ish to compare with, like his Spits or mustangs
  12. doesn't changing the prop diameter change the engine performance curves? or is that only for "collision" calculating?
  13. absolutely!! much EASIER that way!
  14. I can do the ww2 stuff; nobody knows "what goes to whom, when" better than me for that i'd suggest adding a USNavy section as well I DO like the idea of MB being a moderator; he's been doing pretty much the job for quite some time!
  15. wilches: have you TRIED the data ini I posted above??? give it a shot, and see what you think (after all, you are one of the ex-EAW dudes)
  16. really. over a YEAR ago, after the July patch, I asked why the 'expanding borders' trick by modifying The Wall limits was locked out. (yes, it don't work no more) Never received any answer. in the Support Thread, just last month (iirc) a customer was complaining of install issues. HE never got an answer. personally, I think we're on our own
  17. raven's original skin, with some dirt added, and my 112 squadron decals (as you all know how I HATE wasting good decals...)
  18. forgot the mention this is JUST for the USAAF version. I haven't installed the MTO RAF one yet!
  19. File Name: SF2:I IsraelME Movements Ini Tweek File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 June 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains SF2:I IsraelME Movements Ini Tweek = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED) *Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder (suggested usage). But will work in all versions of SF2 with the IsrealME terrain.* **This mod =WILL= work in 1stGen WoI, but End Users ™ will have to 'save as..' back to ANSI formatting. The ini herein is in Unicode** This pak contains a major expansion of the movements ini for the stock IsrealME terrain. 16 new routes have been added, mostly truck routes within Isreal itself (giving the Red Side something to do), but a few in the Sinai, and an additional shipping route or 2. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Good Hunting wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. ed, you want the mushroom book on the Jack??
  21. ok, I don't see any major changes, other then the addition of _water.bmp and -get this- _location.bmp in Desert, Germany, Vietnam even better ... the location bmps are NOT in any of those 3 terrain cats. Germany, desert, Israel all have _water bmps. VNSEA does not Unless they got locked away, my only other conclusion is they got forgotten! SG: terrains SHOULDN'T affect the gears, but something most definitely is. It could be the pivot for wheel axle we've seen that before on 1stGen models in sf2. As to the long take-off runs, to me is seems like some birds are either not developing enough lift or have too much drag. I just don't know. In the new WWW DAT PTO terrains, Edward has added this line to them main ini: TerrainType=TOD_BASED so, I added it to the New Guinea terrain's main ini: give this a shot and see what happens. I've no f88king clue what's causing any of our 'new' issues with terrains.
  22. so here's the question .... how the hell DOES one get back to the 7/12 patch after executing the 5/13??? After all, it patches ALL SF2 exes, with means ALL have to redone back to 7/12 delete EVERYTHING (backing up mods folder of course), and reinstall fresh all the game exes?? I've never understood how I read/seen people say that they one exe/mod folder at some earlier level, and others at the latest
  23. maybe some terrain cat ini extraction is warranted, to examine them for any changes.....hhmmmmmm

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