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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. -2.5 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far back. Pilot's shoulder's should line up the forward flap line (0r is that the radiator?) Don't forget, CockpitCGOffset= is TRUE in the data ini. if you turn OFF the fuselage, you loose the prop, for some reason. that should be the nose mesh albeit it a bit forward, try this: Position=0.05,-0.60,0.80 it's jussssssssssstt forward of the external windscreen framing. Of course, we could ask at 3rdWire the windscreen mesh name ... and I can hide easily. screenie: correct 1948 serials numbers nuts... forgot the cockpit pics in the last post!
  2. my mother-in-law loved "The Money Pit" !!
  3. yes please!! as to s199 decals, I've got 25 historic ones done since 2006 (when i used wolf 109f as the 199. monty use these same decals on his s-199) just have to dial in the locations anyone notice the use of 'cannon boat' on the 199??
  4. i 2nd that motion!!
  5. I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of the Modders Group. You all know him, know his work and how he's helped out considerably to a whole lot of folks; me included! Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I give you.... RAVEN (btw, site policy states the first round is on HIM!!)
  6. the new DLC F-104C_66 (yes, there's 3 different C Zippers!!) external view, view from cockpit (after some fiddling -- still have to 'hide' the windshild or move the pit forward a tad)
  7. been that way since May/June 2012. that bugs me, too. wish it'd be brought back
  8. wow...talk about lazy... takes less than 2 minutes each, to get them up and running. ---------------- here's teh S-99, pit will need some dailing in, missing the 300 liter tank (easy fix), Russo's new pilot figure Also, NEW MG sounds -- and 3 LW weapons! 13mm MG 131 20mm MG 151 the moraine IFF antena is even there, under the wing!
  9. not like MontyCZ didn't give us the S-99 a few years ago... i also seem to recall the Mirage 5Ds are stock?? now, the A and C Zippers ... that's another story!! edit: just thought, here SupGen did all the work on the Zippers just last week was it?? best back them up folks, before installing these! somebody's got a LOT of decal ini editing to do....<evil grin> S-99 = 109G10!!!!! ah ha! something for ww2 methinks!
  10. rename to OTC mods folder to 'hide it'. (ie: zOTC) delete the old OTC exe create a NEW OTC exe run it s**tcan the newly created OTC mods folder, BUT KEEP THE OPTIONS INI FROM IT!! It'll have the updated bits. copy/paste that into you old OTC mods folder (bak up the original options ini first, if you've made changes to it) rename old OTC mods folder and hope for the best. that usually works
  11. forgot we had this!! It's Geo's Tojo. been fiddling with it off and on since 2012; it still needs a better FM, but it's "fair to middlin" as they say. The model itself, is VERY nice!! you all think you might want it, even "as is"?? (like I need to ask, huh?)
  12. Version


    SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's O-2A FAC aircraft. **Note: due to extensive modifications to the cockpit and other ini tweeks, it will =NOT= work in 1stGen SF/Wo* games at ANY patch level** As stated above, a reissue of the Skymaster FAC bird. Included in this pak are all the mods from the "O-2 Tweeks Pak' I issued in 2009 (and it's attendant readme). This is the complete aircraft. Skins remain in their bmp format; Decal radomization is set to TRUE. A user list is supplied. New damage textures are in DDS format. All weapons referenced are STOCK 3rd Wire items, available in full 4/5 merged installs. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Included is my original readme for the "Tweeks Pak"; it's suggested you read this as well, as it contains a listing of all the changes, tweeks, mods and so forth. The Legal Statement has also been changed with regards to this aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis you may wish to examine, you may wish to replace the originals with these. **This aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  13. yes, you can easily remove the radar in the corner. off the top (or bottom!!) of my head i disremember, but there's a post in the 1stGen KB about it. iirc, it's also in the HUDData.ini
  14. easier to simply rename the decals ini to Xdecals.ini, then test again Try moving the aircraft to differnt mods folders and test again also, are you still running the games NOT on the C drive? It may not affect anything ... but one never knows -------------------------------------- expansion paks are NOT full games lets reiterate..a full 5 merged install is... SF2 SF2I SF2E SF2V SF2NA
  15. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B (DAT) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 May 2013 File Category: Typhoon SF2 WW2 ETO Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B (DAT) = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) **This mod -MAY- work in 1stGen game installs. But this has not/cannot be tested by me.** This pak contains mods for the Dev A-Teams Hawker Typhoon IB as seen in the ETO This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, and as per DAT directives, the aircraft lod is =NOT= included. So, those users that cannot access the DAT downloads, you're advised to skip this, as it's of no use to you. Everything else is included (pretty much!). Those users with access, =WILL= be transfering the lod from a seperate DAT download of the Hawker Typhoon IB. This mod has been built and tested with the... Typhoon-R11.lod (dated 8/3/2005 from their WW2 Aircraft Downloads section. This pacakge contains the (almost) complete aircraft, and two skins. You'll have: No. 175 Squadron (code HH) No. 609 Squadron "West Riding" (code PR) The skins are completly new, from my Home Grown Template ™, and remains in bmp format. New decals were created for Squadron Code letters, serials, plane-in-group letters and others. The serials are pooled, and are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within the unit(s) depicted, but ARE for the model variant represented. Colors are FS matched as close as possible. When possible, the Squadron Crest is used for the 'paint chip' on the loadout screen. All fuselage markings are decals (wing roundels remain painted on); this will allow super easy creation of other squadrons by simply creating a new SCode or **(2letter) decal, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. My 1stGen original "Box Art" style Hangar and/or Loading screens have been rebuilt to SF2-spec for this package. They are in jpg format. Damage textures are new, in DDS format. Also included, is a new drop tank, by Raven, with a built in pylon (as it's missing from the aircraft model itself). See Notes for more on loadouts. The rockets and guns you should already have, so they are NOT included. The canopy has been switched to the Standare Manual Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. The FM may need further small adjustments (ok, maybe more than a little...). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! All the original DAT readmes are included, for historical and ownership/copyright purposes. It is HIGHLY suggested you unzip this archive FIRST, and READ the install instructions BEFORE installing this mod. So you know EXACTLY what to do.. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  16. yeah, seriously. never answered in the release announcement threads, never responeded to Moderator PMs. I mean, WTF, really??? Shows a complete, total and utter lack of understanding of not only how the Game Engine ™ works, but standard upload polcies. i'll leave it as is until the weekend, in the (uncertain) hope he responds. Then, well... we all know what happens next
  17. that means I have to redo the ASW (texas/mexico map -which may not anymore due to the inability to kick The Wall back like before), as I used Hinch's HMS IRON DUKE standing in for USS TEXAS at the waterfront park Colmack, you have NO idea how much stuff like that is appriciated by us!! many thanks, far in advance!
  18. or simply hit Alt/D twice at mission start up
  19. tripod masts, 2 gun B/Y turrets...can't see the 2ndy batteries... i'm going with NEVADA class BB
  20. you need to open the su-17_cockpit.LOD with a hexeditor, and "Search" for bmp and tga. note down the name of each texture, and compare that list to the bmps and tgas in the cockpit folder. it's very possilbe the lod is referencing textures from one the stock cat files (as this is originally a 1stGen mod, those textures MAY be missing from the folder. they may need to be extracted and placed INSIDE the cockpit folder) unfortunatley, the OUT file dosen't list them, so it's "The Hard Way" to find them
  21. now, you've got access to the Modders Round Table Forum, and all sorts of goodies in the Secret Modders Repsoitory (Depository? Supository??) of course, we still have to teach you the Secret Handshake (google: monty python freemasons)

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