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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Actually, I think you're looking for this one
  2. Two Decades

    WOW! It sure don't seem like it's been that long
  3. requires the 3d model, as the animation of the part must be redone (it's "time" or frames of movement). it's a common fuck up on a lot of the older models. for some reason, the lod viewer moves the meshes to their "correct" location. seen it before.
  4. then why even bother showing??
  5. INdeed. Look at TK's Skyraiders ... the pilot's hit box is over a meter IN FRONT of the propeller.
  6. I think the DAT did, so ... good luck with that
  7. Feel free to use any of the decals and such I created for Mk 5 Cocas and I did.
  8. I just used "attached node", cause I couldn't think of another name!! Hope that didn't throw things off.
  9. is there a statement for "attached node" or words to that effect? (like ship & aircraft gun turrets?)
  10. Only 2 suggestions I can make on this: 1) use the AvHistory merlin sound from GregoryP. The stock Merlin is more Griffon like then the sweet sounds of a Merlin 2) add a 'fake' insigina decal, as the roundels are painted on. Just choose a mesh (rudder/aileron or something NOT fuselage or wing). Using something like the statement below: [Decalxxx] MeshName=LeftAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=bottom FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=-7.45,-0.10 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.000001 DecalMaxLOD=1 That will activate the "Nation Name" service on the Loadout Screen's dropdown. Otherwise FANTASTIC JOB!!!! Big thumbs up!!
  11. Always wanted to fly with them in their "Battle of Britain" scenarios!!!!!
  12. I did the other way around, I brought the SPAD 13 into SF2!! (both aircraft are 94th Aero/FIS )
  13. that's one hell of a camoflague job!!!
  14. hey, it's just copy/paste -- give it a shot!!!
  15. Don't compare capun's crap to what fubar512 did for my Sabres. OUR Sabres fly like they're supposed to.
  16. that's a berm, as it's above ground. a ditch is below ground level (think of a trench) just nit picking!!!!
  17. delete the mod folders and if necessary the renamed exes and start over. it's that easy
  18. just delete them. same thing we did/do for WW2 installs. HINT: leave 1 each of a player controlled and AI controlled, (recomend the A-4E and Mig-21MF) and the game will NOT rebuild itself re-adding the removed items (or shouldn't -- it hasn't yet on any of my ww2 installs for the last 8 years) Seeing them on the selection dropdown does NOT mean they will show up over the various terrains they're not supposed to. This is the reasons for the aircraft's User List and terrain's Limited Nations statements. OTH, why not just simply ignore them?
  19. we have a knowledge base that ACTUALLY answers that question. Look/search for "creating an era specific install". I should know, I wrote it. In fact, let me link it directly, to make it that much eaiser: That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time. You'll need, at minimum, 4 -count them- 4 ww2 installs ETO MTO PTO CBI (of which that specific terrain remains unfinished) aircraft and ground objects are HIGHLY specific to each theater. As to the gun (and by inference) ww2 weapons packs, yes; you'll need them both.
  20. It actually works!!!???? VERY Interesting!!!
  21. What did the read me in the Scorpion pack say??? Methinks you are looking in the wrong place.
  22. yes, they are effective. leave them alone. all of this has been covered in the last 18 years, and the guns are pretty much correct.

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