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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 2 choices for pictures: use the full editor when posting, and use the "attach file" in the lower left corner or upload picture to The Gallery here, and copy/paste the url into "image" box (it's the green square, 2nd line, just under the smiley face)
  2. Here Here!!! nothing worse than wasting good decals. this one's actually a good plausable replacement for their RF-84s! I likes it!
  3. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO BoB Hurricane 1A, 303 Squadron Skin File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 March 2013 File Category: Hurricane SF2 WW2 ETO BoB Hurricane 1A, 303 Squadron Skin -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: it's quite possible it can be used in 1stGens, but this has not been tested. Those that do, well, let me know if worked!! <grin>** This pak contains the decals necessary to (re)create the Hurricane Mk.1A as used by No. 303 Squadron (Polish) during the Battle of Britain. This ini/decal pak (as there's no skin included) is for Raven's Mk.1, available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13646-sf2-ww2-hawker-hurricane-ia-etobob-by-raven/ As stated in the original aircraft release, it uses Brain32's "Multiple Use Skin Trik", and references the skin maps and other decals included in the above pak. Therefore, NO skin maps are included in THIS pak. So, you MUST have the original aircraft listed above to add this pack to. All that's really included in this pak are the inis, Squadron Code letter and squadron badge decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO BoB Hurricane 1A, 303 Squadron Skin -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: it's quite possible it can be used in 1stGens, but this has not been tested. Those that do, well, let me know if worked!! <grin>** This pak contains the decals necessary to (re)create the Hurricane Mk.1A as used by No. 303 Squadron (Polish) during the Battle of Britain. This ini/decal pak (as there's no skin included) is for Raven's Mk.1, available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13646-sf2-ww2-hawker-hurricane-ia-etobob-by-raven/ As stated in the original aircraft release, it uses Brain32's "Multiple Use Skin Trik", and references the skin maps and other decals included in the above pak. Therefore, NO skin maps are included in THIS pak. So, you MUST have the original aircraft listed above to add this pack to. All that's really included in this pak are the inis, Squadron Code letter and squadron badge decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein
  5. told ya. eeeewwwwwww!!!!! Hurri with 303 badge...
  6. 1/d20 says "dragons breath has melted your cleric" or, if uses CoC rules .... 2/d10 says you failed you sanity roll. my ROE: find the enemy, pin them down, and destroy them in detail. yah, i'm kinda viscious that way
  7. tell me the squadron codes. it's 5 minite job you will, of course, have to transfer the skin to new skin folders. or, if I REEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYY need a break from rebuilding europe (just found out, after super-detailing/targeting Wilhelmshaven, the one tile city just aint gonna cut it; have to retile it and the whole Jade Bight..) New skins are a 30 minute job EDIT: you know 303(Polish) used Hurricane I in the Battle. they didn't get Spits until Jan 41. looks like a new decal for Raven's Hurri. a nothing job EDIT again! 151, hurricanes, some defiants, before transfering to Mossis 610, normal RAF (DW code) not a alles in exile 25 & 82, Blenheim squadrons campaign ini needs editing more, methinks, than new skins/decals
  8. it's called 'driving miss daisy disease'; thought that was cured years ago... check the data ini for negative angles on tailwheel steering. if so, remove the minus sign, and retest. that might do it it may also be related to the airfield ini, but I can't test that I would suggest rebuilding the campaign ini to make use of the TMF Spit 1. A far superior, and freely available aircraft. Just my opinion, of course. The TMF Spit uses jpg skins. if new squadron 'call letters' are needed, just make the new decals for it. Why would you be experiencing problems with DDS skins? If the LOD calls for DDS, and you have the DDS maps, they show up. If using bmps,, you have to convert them to DDS. Takes seconds in Photoshop or Paint.net.
  9. mac, iirc, exhausted did a snow camo for my AV-8A. I don't remember WHERE it is, but I have it!
  10. mac, have you LOOKED in the download section??? I did them both a couple years ago (search: Matador) and as to a Portugese Corsair ... I guess it'll see LOTS of work around Iceland. Yup. positively. still waiting on F-4N and F-4S.
  11. Would You Tell Them?

    actually, JM, watch the show. the neutron sta'rs gravity wacks (perterbs badly) all the planetery orbits, and cooks Jupiter to metallic hydrogen cinder. So, staying 'in system' was not an option
  12. File Name: F-20A/F-20B Tigershark ReMod Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 March 2013 File Category: What If Hangar F-20A/F-20B Tigershark ReMod Pak =For SF2, Any and All (but Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!) - A "What If..." Aircraft Mod - *Full 4/5 Merged reccomended, as the RAF skin make use of the stock 3W F-4M serial number and plane-in-group letters. You =MUST= have, at least, SF2:E as part of you game installs. If not, you'll have to find substitute decals for the RAF skins* This is a re-release of Veltro2k's F-20 Tigersharks. This pak contains 2 complete aircraft, the single-seat F-20A and the 2-seat F-20B. Both are fully combat capable, however certain mission tasking is NOT assigned to the F-20B, due to hardpoint limitations, and the lack of an internal ECM suite (no jammer; chaff & flares included at no extra cost). Skin/Decals included in this pack are (names in paranthesis are the actual folder names): F-20A: 2 Tone Blue/Gray (2Tone - nation tagged as 'generic' -would be a good HAF skin!) Air Superiority Gray (Gray - nation tagged as 'generic') 10th TFS, 50th TFW (Gray2) 1 Hikotai, JASDF Martime Blue (JASDF) 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis) ROCAF Gray (ROCAF) 92 Sqdn, RAF overall Gray (RAF) 92 Sqdn, RAF Grey Green (RAF1) 92 Sqdn, RAF Grey Green 2 (RAF2) -loviz markings 75 Sqdn RNZAF (RNZAF) ROCAF Gray -no squadron- (ROCAF) RSAF - Saudi Arabia (RSAF) 110th FS, 131st FW, MO ANG "Lindberg's Own" (MOANG) 114th FS, 173rd FW OR ANG (ORANG) 119th FW, ND ANG "Happy Hooligans" (NDANG) 159th FIS, FL ANG (FLANG) Football City Air Force (FBCAF -from "The Wingman" series) F-20B: 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Gray) 56th FW, Luke AFB 2 Tone (USAF) Decal randomization is set to TRUE for all. Skin templates for BOTH aircraft are included, as are several decal templates. Skinners/decalers are ENCOURAGED! to create other users/markings/etc. Damage textures are in DDS format. Unfortunately, the archived zip file for the original skin/ini mods was corrupted, and I was unable to retreive all the information from it about them. When 'in game', you'll see F-20A TigerShark (v2k) F-20B TigerShark (v2k) displayed on the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will differentiate these aircraft from any other Tigersharks that may exist. No weapons are included, as it references (for the most part) stock items or those from the GunnyPak, or other aircraft mods (in particular, the JASDF EO bomb), but sounds are. The spine antenna & intake "thingy" created by Raven is included, along with the FakePilot needed to "attach" it to the F-20A. The loadout ini makes use of nation-specific and start-year specific loadouts. Some even actually work as advertised. The included Userlists are correct; the countries listed were those that actually considered the Tigershark at one time. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. The FM remains essentially the same, and REALLY needs MAJOR fine tuning by an Expert! (no, seriously! it can be a bit squirrelly at times) This is a VERY large package (771 MG unzipped), as all the skins remain in their 2048x2048 bmp format (approx 12megs per map!). You can, of course, convert to jpg at your leisure. It's sorta suggested, ya know!?, for those with limited HD space. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, you need not redownload this pak; you should have everything within it already. But if you want too ... feel free to do so! :). There HAVE been several changes in several of the inis you may wish to examine, and add. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: the screenies are from the original release, and do not reflect the addition of the ADF blade antenna. Also, not all the included are displayed. The others are inside the zip. Click here to download this file
  13. i'd go by what was in the D&S book; we can always edit the loadout ini later
  14. have it. archived on CD and external HDs (if it's mine built from the DAT 262)
  15. this one is set up for just plane SF2. It's easy to switch to other mods folders... unzip, drop the SF2Sqmd folder into any/all mods folders rename it's folder to match the mods folder rename the exe to match both open, and navigate to the terrain folder you want to see/use NOTE: MUST have all three planning maps extracted and inplace INSIDe each terrain Planning maps MUST be in bmp format. Important: does NOT work AT ALL on the IcelandNA terrain (must be a unicode thing and/or jpg planning maps --and, yes I've tested with bmp planning maps AND ANSI _targets.inis)
  16. must be really diffucult to change the named nation in a textureset.ini, and the pointers/pathways in a decals ini, huh? (skin maps must be extracted, however)
  17. use the WoVSqmd, the old 1stGen mission builder; it gives a GREAT x/y display on screen
  18. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    misspelling...should be "now" I must learn how to type...
  19. they left behind s**tloads of stuff after the surrender; not only in Korea, but mainland China. Both sides used ex-JAAF aircraft during the civil war (until the spares ran out) there was also (unconfirmed!) reports of ex-Soviet P-63s and A-20s too. 2 regiments of MiG-9 Fargos were stationed at Bejing, and were NOT liked by the PLAAF flyers I'd reccomend "Red Wings over the Yalu" by Xiaoming Zhang - a full history of PLAFF from it's formation thru Korea. A very large, and VERY detailed booK

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