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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. atlantique out this weekend ... minrod still needs looking at
  2. I'd like to pose a question... is there a way to create a 'stripped down' version, that only create planning maps? Mabye with some switches to 'show airbase' on/off, 'show grid' on/off sort of thing? I ask because, for some reason, the old SFmap created has belly up on my machine since HD got replaced last year. And at time the TFD tool refuses to load some terrains (gives some kind of 'tile name error' or such. -I'll try and catch the error next time, so I can let you know
  3. changing the opacity of the tga ...??? I've had some luck with that (but not a whole lot!) Usually wind up with complely black windows, cause I always to the wrong way first! (of course, it DO keep the heat down in desert countires!) not even sure where that's located, usually in the objectdata.cat where the pit lod is located. But since SF2 don't carry a flyable Intruder...I'm looking at the SF1 version. Oddly, there's no callou in the Lod for canopy tgas of any kind!!! that's some seriously strange s**t!!
  4. still have to do the Soviet/WarPac trash haulers, too. If I can find the Midas IL76 AWAC...
  5. Everybody hates me

    that's just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many levels!!! I, too have made the 'mistake' of teaching my wife to load and shoot MY guns, too.....
  6. as far as i'm concerned, yes. I also feel that there's no need to further deny the community these works (modern, what if, and ww2). Too many mods have been, and still are, being denied those that want them. Both here and abroad (so to speak). I'm doing what I can to eliminate/aleviate that. At least here, with what was/is/should be available here. And as 'I am WHO I am", there's little question on the veracity of what I'm doing, or how it's being done. due to this being a public, family forum, I won't state my true feelings in the language I'd usually use. Those that know me can fill in the blanks themselves
  7. james, they're exactlly the same aircraft and mapping and everything else; they were just removed during The Purge
  8. you say goodbye, and I say helo helo helo i don't know why you say goodbye, I say helo (i reallly couldn't resist!!)
  9. Plane requests

    THAT's what I'm talkin' bout!! Great job, quack!!! looks perfect!!! sorry for the low quatity, the original image is 128x, so i had to blow it up a bit ... this is the af20 depot building i was talking about
  10. no, external pods work just fine ... you just need a hardpoint to attach it to. iirc, Florian did the Transal; don't remember if it was for SF (1stGen) or SF2 the G-222 may need to be splilt into the G222 and C-27J. I was just lazy
  11. Plane requests

    yes indeed! the game automaticlly assigns them as targets, based on their values, as usual. i've been using them for a long time (2007? 08?) all over various terrains .. India/Pak, the ww2 (that's Kiel above), midwest USA --don't remind me about building the Baily Yard; Korea (KAW), MTO/North Africa, etc: anyplace that historiclly had rails, I put 'em! now, the setup above is designed to be placed as the 'center' of the target area, as they are a pure PIA to place the objects. So, I have a 'store' of pre-built layouts for a north/south and east/west. That means, you build the rest of the city 'around it'. Or create them as seperate target areas WITHIN the city; but in SF/SF2, this causes issues with target area overlaps. Not a real big deal, but it's gets a little "strange" at times. the other bad thing is, due to the tracks being like runways, they need a flattened area, otherwise they disappear into the ground what I do't rmember, is if FE has all the objects pictured above; warehouses, water towers -- it must have something! like those. If not..substutitues are pretty easily found
  12. what the name of the lod? A-6A_Pit.lod? if so, that's the stock 3W one. Prolly why it was removed (copyrights and all that)
  13. is this the Razbam pit, or the 3rd Wire??? I only "looked" into the stock one...
  14. Plane requests

    if you guys want trains (well, sitting still at any rate), you can easily import the locomotive, boxcars, pullman cars, flat car, tank car, af20 depot building, train tracks, train stations "bahnhoff"(large station building for ww2) building etc from SF/SF2. it's a simple copy/patse into the terrain folder, add to the terrain _types ini, and place on the map
  15. yes, must be sequential numbers!! (hey, I've done it too!! )
  16. http://www.stormbirds.com/project/index.html there's a link the guys in Everett WA, that are (re)building the NEW ones!
  17. the 141A and 141B are (essentially) the same aircraft -- they use the same lod, so swapping the MAC white/grey skin should do the trick! thanks for the updates! feel free to post the whole data inis when you done!!
  18. in the cckpit ini, where the pilot positions are lists, add this lilne: OpenCockpit=TRUE [CockpitSeat001] OpenCockpit=TRUE ModelName=A-6A_pit.LOD Offset=-0.004,0.00,0.01 Position=-0.35,2.55,0.74 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 unless, of course,you're missing some bit that calls for a 'fake pilot' mounted thingamagiggy
  19. one of the advantages of having the 1stGen Intruder cockpit bits extracted, SAFELY stored, and available for examination by hex editor this is what I found: canopy_glass_sides canopy_grass_rear (if you need that one too!
  20. ship hunting in Kamchatka....JASDF style
  21. nope strictly a function of the airfield itself (both land and sea-based)
  22. all terrain _types.ini listing have the entry. easier to simply pull the _Types.ini and study it
  23. veltro's 262 undergoing decaling and partial skinning... we need someone to step up for the FM tweeking, and someone who's a BETTER skinner than me! I'm having all sorts of mental problems (well, more than usual!!!) in getting the skin right!! so.. let's see some folks stepping up to help a brudda (or 2) out!! The template I made (as bad as it is!), and any pdf I have will go to the person that takes on the job. To say nothing of my store of lufwatffe colored numbers

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