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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. wouldn't it be better to ACTUALLY state WHICH aircriaft it's for in this conviently provided Announcement Thread, BEFORE people download it and find they need something else???? Saves a lot of grief in the long run for the End User ™ just a little friendly advice from one of the Experts
  2. WHAT mk.1 are you using? the TMF one we uploaded last year has the correct guns. can't speak to the mk.II, as I haven't seen it. However, knowing how Nigel did things ... dollars to donuts it's the 3W mk9, with data ini edits to "remove/move" the cannon barrels if an aircraft is showing NO ammo, it has the wrong guns listed in it's data ini. A simple text edit will take care of that
  3. one of the reasons I only use the 'stock' guns we have ... the only AvHistory items I been using are the engine sounds
  4. all one needs is a detailed map of Hanoi (from the time period) and --here's the REAL fun part -- trying to translate that to TK's tiling of the city. with STOCK TODs I might add...GH/GH3 adds all them larger building making it impractical (and virtually impossible) to locate target objects within a city here ya go... have at it...
  5. so, you've tried setting them up from the in-game Controls panel??? (Optioins --> Controls), and they don't "take"? by chance, did you download and install an AircraftObject.ini that PREdates the patch level your games are at?? . If so, rename it, so as not to be 'seen' by the game engine, and see what happens.
  6. ok, if you're all that fired up about it....
  7. Habemus papam

    frakking board software...
  8. waternormal gives the 'wave' action on all water tga noise normal give the 'ground' it's roughness
  9. what's really weird, is how the south bank of the Thames looks like its sloping; let me assure you, the ENTIRE city of London is flat! (it's the largest region I've ever flattened in the TE -- a circle 22km in diameter!!!) Has to be an optical delusion of the water itslef well, I think I've got the UK finished ... now off the major targets on The Continent ... Hamburg is drving me NUTS!!!
  10. ah, windoze!!! that's not a bug, it's a feature
  11. To Be Reading: http://combatace.com/topic/51162-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/
  12. before anyone gets tooo excieted, I should mention the barrage ballons are NOT a destroyable item.
  13. trust me; they work. MIRVs however, prolly won't. one single warheads there's a working (3rdParty) SCUD in the Iraq/Iran SF2 terrain. Tomahawks from the IOWA BB sure works (albeit someimes as SAMs...)
  14. why do you think I asked Veltro for the uvmap and lined maps* for his 262, hmmmm????? (although i'm really out of the What If... business...I HATE to waste good decals...) ======= ed, if you can't get the screens to show, shoot me the plane. sometimes fresh eyes...and all that! *that's what you build templates from
  15. this is from the old DAT 262 ini, but the screen names are the same.. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Me-262A Schwalbe AircraftShortName=Me-262 AircraftDataFile=Me-262A_data.ini CockpitDataFile=Me-262A_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=Schwalbe_Hangar.jpg LoadoutImage=Me-262_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=Me-262A_loadout.ini LoadingScreen=Schwalbe_Loading.jpg if it's easier, just rename the 2 jpgs
  16. What every skinner knows... http://www.simmerspa...-colors-UK.html
  17. for the 262?? give me a day or so to find the old ones (if I can) or make new ones if for the 262, please include the uvmap and lined map for the skinners! makes things easier!!
  18. Airships

    these are WAAAAYYYYYYYYY cool!!!
  19. simpler test would be the answer to this question: do you have a data and loadout ini INSIDE the _67 folder, from an eariler date? If so, rename them. if the centerline tank disapears, yo need the "latest" data and loadout ini extracted from whichever cat they're hiding in. several changes had been effected over the last year or so in how the 'built in' fuel tank mesh was handled
  20. Who?

    check the XF-103 Thunderwarrior; I seem to remember moving buttloads of meshes on the 106 pit
  21. I would like to have one of these items, if at all possible http://thefireknight...chine-257612907 it dosn't need articulation, just needs to "stand there". just something 'kinda quick and dirty' this, of course, is the classic, literature version. if an easier one is needed, maybe maching the one that's actually in the city (those that know, will know. expecially our UK memebers) It's for the ww2 EAW Euro map thanks!!

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