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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. of course, I forgot the mention, if you WANT moving slats, the meshes must be cut and animated. adding them "virtually" via data ini statements (even for me!) is fairly easy
  2. AIRFIELD_SLB kurz.ini (in the Midway terrain) is the control file. yes, this the 'no lod runway' as to Hawaii, I'd forgotten FastCargo wanted me to look at it for another of his "secret projects", and I've got a new working waterbmp, with operational CV zones. Need to test it in WW2, as it's for a more "modern" scenario. And that's all I can say on the subject. For Now I'm putting together the Marianas 'fixit pak' now, so that'll be uploaded today. Works (almost) perfectly for me!! The major problem with Hawaii, is if adding the USN zone, the Carrier Striking Force will go after them, as opposed to ONLY going after Pearl Harbor and targets on Oahu. There's gotta be a way around that.... hhhmmmm.....maybe like Inida/Pak ... an "enemy only" zone for the IJN????......hmmmmmmm
  3. AutomaticAerodynamicLoad=TRUE then, you need to set the specs (speeds) at which they open and close. Look to the Skyhawk, phantoms, etc with auto slats (and Bf-109s)
  4. the nations.inis in the TERRAINS are specific for THOSE terrains...they should not be editated. They were set up purposefully as they were. LimitedNations= should be set to true for all of them which version of the Marianas are you flying??? the "invisible airfield" no longer works in SF2, post NA. I don't remember if I posted the 'new' CV zoned water bmp the hawaii map needs a complete overhaul to bring it to NA standards (how I'm gonna fake Enterprise and Lex's locations is a mystery to me....). It also needs a new cv zoned water bmp and Midway no longer works at all ...at least not for me. Again, another that needs overhauling, and figuring out HOW to get an 'ivnisible' runway to work on Sand Island
  5. not by player controlled aircraft, they wont which is why the data and loadoout inis need extraction for Eagle, placed in the F-15A folder, and REMOVE all A/G statments. A's are the purest air superiority aircraft in the world "not a pound for air-to-ground" you wanna drop bombs? download the Mud Hen
  6. and that odd "whiteness" of the rear canopy...trying to figure if it's a mesh issue, or the canopy tga.
  7. that was fault on pretty much all the early data inis.... it would jettison the ENTIRE cockpit mesh, as opposed to the canopy. (their Hurris and spits and, well, pretty much all of them did it) irrc, Baltkia fixed it. try this in the crew section for the pilot: CanopyNodeName=Canopy that should fix it --- also, for those that don't have it ... and the entire pack of WW2 destroyed models is someplace in the downloads section...i don't rrmember where!! unzip this, and drop the 2 pieces (lod and bmp) in the ROOT of the /Aircarft folder add this ot the "AircraftData" section, where the weight, and wingspan and such is liste... [AircraftData] UseMetricUnit=TRUE DestroyedModel=Bf110CDest.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect
  8. 1stGen downloads, it's a mission builder. Prolly wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in the back
  9. do we have a "drooling" smiley???
  10. Ground Objekte

    I LOVE the idea!! there's 2 'airfield devlopment kits' in the downloads section ... can't remembe if is SF/Wo* or SF2!! Has lot of 'little fiddly bits', lightpoles, crats, shelters,, etc and etc. all sorts of goodies! having more;... that's the ticket!! Add more 'life' to the bases and such Eye Candy Rulez!!
  11. won't work on the Falklands... ever ... there is NO place for to 'live in'. SF/Wo* dosen't support "off map basing" like SF2/NA does. So, there you have it
  12. Ground Objekte

    sorry for using English!! the Faun fire trucks came in PureBlue's Anatolia terrain (modern ones), Cocas made me several differnt stacks of containers, they're in the Persian Gulf terrain but I can sure use the LW trucks on the WW2 Euro terrain!!! there's some really good stuff there!!
  13. 1) never use planning map for coordinates (cause there ain't none to be had). You'll NEVER figure them out that way. Best would be the WoVSqmd. (yes, it works just fine in SF2) 2) EVERYTHING in the South becomes "ENEMY" EDIT: 3) you'll have to edit the VietnamSEA_Nations.ini, and change the alignment for Location=1 -south vietnam- (which is ALWAYS Friendly), and create them as a NEW Location, or perhaps changing them to 2 (North Vietnam), and everything else -Thailand- become location 1
  14. and READ the readmes that should come with ALL addons. if the uploader has down his job properly, the instructions are easy to follow. If not ... get into the SF2 Knowledge Base, and start READING all the posts in there. 98.6% of all questions are answered there
  15. convert them to jpg, maybe?? is this for TK's SF2:I F-16 or the Viper Teams??? if for TKs, I did templates for it, and they're in the download section someplate... Tools/Utilities??? maybe???
  16. that would make a LOT of people happy!!!!
  17. we do have a Portugese language forum, if that'll help... http://combatace.com/forum/145-portugues-portuguese/
  18. screenie of the coastline please!! I've never seen it; there might be some east of Gwador, as the mountians are close to the sea, but that should have all been taken care of long ago (before release)
  19. you have to proper NA entries in the IsraelME.ini??? [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Israel, Middle East DataFile=IsraelME_data.ini TargetFile=IsraelME_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=IsraelME_types.ini MovementFile=IsraelME_movement.ini NationsFile=IsraelME_nations.ini BriefingText=IsraelME_briefing.ini DogfightFile=IsraelME_dogfight.ini WaterMap=IsraelME_Water.bmp DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=34.80 Latitude=32.08 LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=tan NavalMap=TRUE try this water bmp ... more set up for Suez 56, but...???? who knows! Don't forget to extract and edit the IsrealME_nations.ini. With LimitedNations=TRUE, any and all naval powers MUST be listed [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=ISRAEL FriendlyNation002=FrenchNavy FriendlyNation003=RoyalNavy FriendlyNation004=RAF FriendlyNation005=France FriendlyNation006=USN EnemyNation001=Egypt EnemyNation002=Syria
  20. DAMN!!! well, at worst you can do like we used to for WW2 stuff .. just stick a "convoy" of cargoships in a spot on the ocean. They should show up in STRIKE missions this is a 'channel convoy' set up from WW2 Euro map (coordinates are flanders terrain. Obviously, you'll have to change all the ships , and perhaps add a new location in the movement.ini for the English channel [TargetArea***] Name=British Channel Shipping Position=63257,138436 Radius=3000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY Target[001].Type=Oiler Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=USNCargoShip Target[002].Offset=250,350 Target[002].Heading=90 Target[003].Type=USNCargoShip Target[003].Offset=-250,350 Target[003].Heading=90 Target[004].Type=USNCargoShip Target[004].Offset=250,0 Target[004].Heading=90 Target[005].Type=USNCargoShip Target[005].Offset=-250,0 Target[005].Heading=90 Target[006].Type=USNCargoShip Target[006].Offset=250,350 Target[006].Heading=90 Target[007].Type=USNCargoShip Target[007].Offset=-250,350 Target[007].Heading=90 Target[008].Type=Tribal Target[008].Offset=0,1050 Target[008].Heading=90 Target[009].Type=Tribal Target[009].Offset=0,-1050 Target[009].Heading=90 Target[010].Type=Tribal Target[010].Offset=-750,0 Target[010].Heading=90 Target[011].Type=Tribal Target[011].Offset=750,0 Target[011].Heading=90 Target[012].Type=USNCargoShip Target[012].Offset=250,-350 Target[012].Heading=90 Target[013].Type=USNCargoShip Target[013].Offset=-250,-350 Target[013].Heading=90 here's the location (use same setup as bove) for a German convoy [TargetArea***] Name=German North Sea Shipping Position=145361,182879 Radius=3000 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY something to experiment with, at least
  21. think of the 'skin', as a paint job for the aircraft you can change back and forth "cockpit" is exactly that .. the bits for the cockpt that you see when sitting in the plane the skins for your Migare are 25 azul lo-atamo puro-metal VI VIII VIII-2 VIII-1982 this can easily be confirmed, by opening each of thsoe and seeing a ****.bmp (view files as LargeIcons to visibly SEE the bmp files) as to the decals...this should help: http://combatace.com/topic/70920-sf1-to-sf2-decals-folder-conversion-quickie-tutorial/
  22. just a friendly reminder ... there are certain mods NOT allowed for upload here at CA, due to their "questionable" origins As Per... http://combatace.com/topic/66613-piracy/
  23. Just a reminder ... there are certain mods NOT allowed for upload, due to the 'questionable' origins as per... http://combatace.com/topic/66613-piracy/

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