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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. just a quickie fix.. i noticed some are pointo the a destroyred phantom model..try this insead (at least it's a delta wing!) DestroyedModel=Mirage_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect
  2. same here...getting the 'undefined' or 'file not found' even when you KNOW it's selected. Reported in the Glitch Forum
  3. TK' decals tutorial maybe? somewhere wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy in the back of the 1stGen downloads, perhaps in the "Tools Utilties" section study other decals inis too this might help somewhat (don't know how much...) http://combatace.com/topic/37836-decal-ini-definitions/
  4. I also switched mine to use the AVHistory WW2_Engine_GR_Jumo211 sound (also using it on Monty'x HE-111E too)
  5. monty: have you added the AI section for dive bombing to the data ini? [DiveBombAI] RollInRange=2500.0 RollInAlt=4600.0 PullOutRange=500.0 PullOutAlt=450.0 AimPitchOffset=2.0
  6. that makes sense... in my MTO folder, I have have a window. My ETO Stuka's dont. Fuesleag is ON in ETO, and OFF in MTO (must be because fo the heat!!) Found this in my MTO folder, too. I don't think this is a completed aircraft, as the gunner's canopy glass isn't there, and the framing is incomplete. Supposed to be a Ju-87D7, with Mg151 if folks can accept the semi-completness...
  7. the ruler works as a fake pilot seat isn't that Cessna a DAT bird??? SEA camo Skytrain is in the SF2 downloads section ... look for Spooky
  8. Gloster Javelin massive amounts of power, and still subsonic!!
  9. the ini file name for the canards has to match the folder name of the canards, with has to match the LOD name of the canards fer example, the T28 pylons (as used on the FockeWulfs) and inside the ini..the name of the lod [LOD001] Filename=T-28_PylonL.LOD Distance=300
  10. that question is more than a bit vague... can you be more specific?
  11. amriani has some wips he's been showing; dont know when they'll be finished i've done some PTO versions, but nothing ETO/MTO on the D
  12. leave the weapons attachmenttypes as they are; there really no reason to add "WW2 Italy" when the SC series bombs use W_Germany. (they should be in the FW paks I just uploaded, btw. might be missing the PC-1000) this is my loadout ini for the 87B, and 87B_RA (I seperated/nationalized the Regia Aeronautica version when I did it for 1stGens. Guess a new Userlist.ini is in order). My 87R mod is slightly different wasn't there a window in the cockpit? I seem to remember looking down trhough it....have to check now!
  13. I took a quick look at the G-1 from the 1stGen D/Ls ... mostly Eastern Front skins (kinda obvious!), and I got the 37mm gun pods updated for SF2 usages I can upload those, if you want. the existing SBD (wolfs) dosent have any of that stuff ... no pylons, bomb crutch, etc. I have the DAT version, but have in in a 'removed storage folder', as it needs some corrections....
  14. i have the book "Fall of an Arrow" on pdf ... interestering read!
  15. one work, Ed... gsh-301 (for those that don't know...it's a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story)
  16. AND... that the canards have are in their OWN folder within the /Pilots folder, with the necessary lods, skin (bmp/tga/jpg) and ini
  17. just like the SBD or SB2D, the bomb cradle swung down on bomb release. How they retracted, I don't remember, but would venture a guess they were electricly pulled back up (I can check the Detial & Scale on the SBD if you want) did you find all the skins/aircraft sets from 1st Gen? There's an R and the Italian version in there I did http://combatace.com/files/file/10229-ju-87r-stuka-4stg2-north-africa/ http://combatace.com/files/file/10228-ju-87b-picchiatelli-regia-aeronautica/ I don't know how good the G version is...or if it's really "complete" http://combatace.com/files/file/9242-ju-87-g-1-full-version/
  18. Version


    SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-4 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable.* *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use in the MTO will be released seperatly, if required* Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the second of a series of FW-190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for SF2. This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod. This package represents FW-190A-4s as deployed in Western Europe. Skins/Decals in this pak are: 5/JG1 'standard mottle' camo (green Tatzelwurm) 3/JG2, 'standard' Luftwaffe camo w/Full Eagle fuselage marking, circa 1941/42ish 6/JG2, 'standar mottle', circa 1944-ish Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten. Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art" Hangar and/or Loading screens. Please note, the engine sound in this one has been changed to the AVHistory BMW 801 sound. It's reccomeneded you make this change to the FW-190A-1 that was recently released. It's a VERY simple text edit. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable, Wolf's original readme is included for historical purposes. *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the Notes section for more info* Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  19. File Name: SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-4 (ETO) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 December 2012 File Category: FW-190 SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-4 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable.* *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use in the MTO will be released seperatly, if required* Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the second of a series of FW-190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for SF2. This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod. This package represents FW-190A-4s as deployed in Western Europe. Skins/Decals in this pak are: 5/JG1 'standard mottle' camo (green Tatzelwurm) 3/JG2, 'standard' Luftwaffe camo w/Full Eagle fuselage marking, circa 1941/42ish 6/JG2, 'standar mottle', circa 1944-ish Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten. Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art" Hangar and/or Loading screens. Please note, the engine sound in this one has been changed to the AVHistory BMW 801 sound. It's reccomeneded you make this change to the FW-190A-1 that was recently released. It's a VERY simple text edit. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable, Wolf's original readme is included for historical purposes. *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the Notes section for more info* Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  20. you MUST use the 3rdWire cat extractor; it should be available here at CA or from 3rdWire itself
  21. monty's S-99 (notice NO gun bulges) makes a pretty good 109F-4 methinks! Lacking the trop filter, but what the hey, right? working on a western eruo skin, too.(screenie in the prophead froum, under 'templates for monty's s99) the plane is just EXCELLENT! (also reworking some of ndiki Bf109 mods into something more coherent) odd though, the sandgleb is perfectly matched to RLM spec and seem MUCH darker than all the profiles --- require screenie; to misquote 'The 13th Warrior" The brought the wurm...they brought the Tatzelwurm!!!

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