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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ok, I lied! Version 2 is now up and ready for battle! my apologies to all, but you'll have to redownload the full pack my thanks to eburger and paulo !!!
  2. well... I can state categoricly, for the A, the serials for 334/335/336 ARE 100% hisorically accurate. Unelss J Baugher has had it wrong on these. I spent HOURS scrilling throgh his pages, and ran each one down individually. the "PName" decals (for Pilot Name) are only used on the skin based on the movie "The Hunters", and was really done for fun as to the A non-GA capability ... you DO remember this IS a game right? and most folks want to use the Sabre just like in the movies ... Killing MiGs. Just llike I said. (shakes head) I don't know why I'm wasting my time, and raising my blood pressure over this s**t trying to explain "game realities"... I really don't. time to go
  3. Beauty! I'll upload the "fixed ship" later today... got RL commitments
  4. Version


    mulit-layer templates, in PSD format, for the TMF/Mod Mafia F-7M Fishbed. Templates by Sundowner don't forget to give proper credit, when making new skins!!! happy skinning! wrench /mod mafia/
  5. no, given how terrains are created however.... on a LOD based terrain (like IcelandNA) they could be possible...if we were to ever get data in how they work. but on old style, TFD/HFD terrains; there no way to creat them. Unless they were create AS a HUGMUMONGUS hollow lod, of the gods know how many polys, and the associate frame-rate drop
  6. eric: this work ok? just checking before I edit the data ini,test, adn re up the whole package! (with COL lods in all the folders)
  7. Stary's tiles DO "give it the look". (and I'm still using the ORIGINAL set...the other set just seems too green for me) I just shovel the dirt, pump the water, build the buildings and try to make it look real. and nobody's found the damn Easter Eggs yet!!!
  8. nuts! but.. i was wrong while still being right!!! bob
  9. ah, f*** me! Considering what's been going on around here, I'm surprised I put anything in the zip!! well, copy/paste it out of the LaFayette or Bois Belleau; it's the same one. As the other; didn't touch a thing. maybe I should just delete it, and start over.
  10. when testing the new CVL in my WW2 PTO install, I choose an 'intercept' mission over my battle group. Oddly, and perhaps historically, my home ship was USS Princeton Unfortuantely, she suffered the same fate as here Real Life ™ namesake. (meaning--the fraking game engine is stupid!!!, and only generate 2 aircraft --unbeliveably lame!) anyway, yeyeye did a good job on the damage modeling, along with the SF2NA coding. and yes, those are torpedo tracks. I'd forgotten about my "SF2NA" modded IJN Betty's with "SF2NA" modded "cruisemissile torpedoes"!!! nothing pisses off a carrier pilot more than watching his base slip under the waves... needless to say, none of the bombers retunred to base (now, if the AA defenses were better...)
  11. now, that's better! see how easy it can be? I clean out my 'attachement' ervy month. that thing is fugly!! not wasting layers on the template for that!!
  12. I couldn't remember who had it!! many thanks by brother!!!
  13. mk1s don't have attachment pylons for ANYTHING ... not until the Hurribomber (IIB???) all the rest is simple skinning, ini and decals work. you should know that by now
  14. for those that don't know "OP" stand for "Original Poster" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- what FC forgot to mention, is a lot of these new models have some very cool bits added, that only show when parked.... like boarding ladders, power carts, fuel tanks on carts and just plane cool eye candy. as i've said in the readme, expecially in the Sabre, that "if and when new models become availalbe..." blahblahblah and so forth although we do still need a new Banshee....
  15. still nothing how about just hte pic? post it here
  16. nope, you're missing files check the OUT, if it has one, for texture listing down at the bottom if not, hex editor time! open the lod with a hex editor and search for tga and bmp. write them down, compare to what actually IN the folder, and located the missing ones
  17. you talking the -5, with the belly radome? I know Razbam has a 'standard' -5, but it has many issues in SF2. or something like AD-3W sorta thing, with the extended spine behind the cockpti, and and belly radome? (AEW variant?) nothing like that really exists, although I did experment with it many years ago...and it really didn't work too well. the cockpit canopy would need complre rebuilding here's screenies from 2005 of the experiment... although the usefullness of the aircraft would be most doubtfull 'in game'. Mabye as a 1950s AWAC (which, actually, it kinda was) if i can ever find monty's MAX files he sent me years ago, and convince a 3d Guy....
  18. Version


    SF2 Independence Class CVL by YEYEYE = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = **** This is version 2.0, with fixed arrestor cables, and parking slots for the French ships. If you've downloaded the original, my apologies - You'll have to redownload, and when installing, just OVERWRITE the originals. *** *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work properly in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. Due to data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level, it is NOT designed for use in SF/Wo*. It is designed for use in SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!* This pak contains the INDEPENDENCE class CVL (light carriers) of the US Navy during WW2 They are fully compliant with SF2NA, having been tested in that envoriment. Names lists, data ini tweeks add the SF2NA radar statments, and other small adjustments. 2 seperate, nationalized versions for the French Navy are also included (good for Suez and Indo-China with the recently re-released FN F4U-7 Corsairs and Hellcats). PA La Fayette R96 PA Bois Belleau R97 All weapons (ok, the guns!) you should have already in you various mods folders, so they are NOT included. BE ADVISED: if using these ships in the KAW mod -the USN Version- (and historically, only one was in Korean waters; USS Bataan), it will cause issues in game-generated single missions. I've detailed these in the "Notes" section below. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. NOTE: Do NOT use this version for the KAW Mod!! A seperate versiion, modded by paulo, will be relased ASAP. Again, my apologies! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Changes for Ver.2: fixes for arrestor cables by eburger fixes for parking slots (FN only) by paulopanz added missing _COL.lod for USN version
  19. yes, there was an update but this was a updated update (does that make sense??) swapped out the FM statement for 3W ones, but there were still some small issues.
  20. just a pretty day ... a good day for flying ...what with all them storm clouds gathering in the West...
  21. can't get to site without being logged in try a different link or something
  22. File Name: Template Set for TMF/Mod Mafia F-7M Fishbed File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 December 2012 File Category: SF2 Patches and Tools mulit-layer templates, in PSD format, for the TMF/Mod Mafia F-7M Fishbed. Templates by Sundowner don't forget to give proper credit, when making new skins!!! happy skinning! wrench /mod mafia/ Click here to download this file
  23. oh, sure!!! make me spend 45 minutes looking for my archive CDs, and NOT finding the Pilot00! (don't know where he went! RB is the old "Rebel" star wars rebel pilot, that looks -- well, OLD!!! these are what I found: pilotRB pilot07 piltrb3 see if that's close to what you want

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