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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. fiddle camo so the wing tips are green, and paint the tanks to match (says the skinner cheater guy!!! )
  2. Date Range

    yes, IcelandNA has the 'allowed dates' statements, so one needs to pull the IcelandNA.ini, and adjust accordingly
  3. blackbird, take a looka the IAF MiG-21 BISon, that in the sf2 d/l section. I did itup, and EricJ uploaded it (minus the serial decals!!!) it uses a modified A-4F pit, with full HUD, TEWS and all sorts of stuff. the only problem I see in using Paladrian's MF pit, is you may have to remove the 'gun camera' thingy on the center right of HUD collumator glass (a faily easy text edit of the cockpit in, once the mesh is identified), and a different radar bmp (not the RP21 or RP22, mabye the F16s or Phantom or whatever for the 1970s look) perhaps using the various HUD tgas from the J7II and F7M, with the MF pit could be one of the ways to go. The most difficult will be the RWR, as it's only the SPO??? type, with 4 light. It would probably be a 'full screen' with th grid, like on western aircraft addding th HUD stuff is pretty much done in the avionics ini, and using avionics 70 dll
  4. i'm gonna guess this one, published by Ian Allen co. fantastic book on the fishbed!! should be availabe at farposst ru or modelfan ru
  5. (cough) Gepard's Battle of Britian (cough) look at the planning map images
  6. I set my APCs as tanks, depending on what model it is. M-113s, with only their puny 50 cal, I set as TRANSPORT, so they appear in convoys ala truck. (but...they WILL shoot at you!) OTH, Bradley IFV, I've set as TANK, due to the TOW launcher and 25mm cannon. Can't rememember what I did to the WarPak/Soviet stuff...
  7. An addendum to the credits: I totaly forgot to add Kesselbrut as the cockpit creator. my sincere apologies!!!
  8. well, i've started a skin for the 670th BS, ETO. i'll see about getting the templates uploaded in a day or 2
  9. is the GroundObjectRole for the infantry set as "TANK"??? maybe the "waypoints" in the movement.ini are set too far apart?
  10. you medal is the fact you survived against the overwhelming hordes of lackies of the capitalist imperialistic running dogs. if, after surviving 100 missions (or not), your family (or heirs) will recieve an extra ration of food, to be shared amongst themselves, for the glory of our revolution.
  11. this is a weird one... how can i get the copilot/nagivator to NOT show up like the Gremlin from 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"??? ive tweeked/twisted/fiddled with the statements in the data ini, (see below) [Navigator] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=pil_kawn SeatID=2 //SetCockpitPosition=TRUE SetCockpitPosition=FALSE ShowFromCockpit=FALSE Position=0.37,1.75,0.85 MinExtentPosition= 0.0,0.6,1.0 MaxExtentPosition=0.5,1.2,0.3 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=CanopyRight HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=2 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor[REAR].Thickness=5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=0 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=5 and none of those statements (in bold) work. The little monkey is STILL sitting there. Other than completly leaving him OUT of the aircraft (and having the pilot figure all by his lonesome in there) If I can't figure it out, your Invaders will look like a Twilight Zone episode.. TIA!!
  12. it may generate ground objects like SF/SF2 does ... within a 50km "bubble" around the players aircraft (which moves as you do!) They spawn and despawn at the limit
  13. in the decals ini... if that's a EAF mod for Pakso' Fagot, even moeny says there's an EAF decal residing in that skin's decals folder. you can solve all your Middle East aircraft problems by simply buying WoI from 3rd Wire, and using each of these very limited 1stGen games as they were intended. WoV is only for the vietnam conflict WoI is only for Isreal/Arab conflicts WoE is NATO vs WarPac in western europe SFP1 is .. well, nobody was ever quite sure about that one why would there be 4 different games, otherwise??
  14. your problem resides in the decals ini, i'l bet money. prolly missing the MaxDecalLod= line or, since you insist in using WoV for things it's not designed for, you're not getting the Egyptian and Israeli national insignia (as those nations do NOT exsit in WoV). you need to have the correct GAMES installed, and those aircraft installed TO those proper games. in essence: you need WoI for your middle east flying fix
  15. the Sabre Pak WAS supposed to be out this weekend, but I've run into some unresovleable issues with the F model. so, please! be paitent! the wait WILL be worth it!!
  16. it's an AI control issue; been there for a couple of years. some luftwhiners over at the 3W site were complaining about AI behavior, and this is the result. adapting one's tactical doctrine to 'work around' the AI idiocy is required (ie: keep calling them back; even though they usually don't)
  17. in my 'archived' zip..there's 3 skins kg-40 kg-40-1 kg-40-2 but no read me
  18. awsome buildings!!! I like that rolling door hangar! Baff, don't forget Stary's hangar pak ... lots of ww2 types in there!! (somewhre in the 1stGen downloads) them tiles look pretty damn good Stary!!!
  19. well, the good news is, Sundowner braved the Deadly English Attic Spider ™, and located both the templates AND the MAX files. So, all we need is a 3d Guru to tweek it out. I'll be uploading the templates later this weekend, after exmainaing them.
  20. about as difficult as it was to turn the WW2 North Africa map into a modern "Eastern Med" map. (in other words, not very) there's even room for the aifield at Tunis, a couple on Scily (don't know about Malta), and the 'heel and toe' of Italy. but, it's still unfnished, and (talking about Baltikas) and I haven't seen it yet...
  21. File Name: F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 November 2012 File Category: F-86 F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0 - Version 2 for SF2 - Based on the movie "The Hunters" (as if you didn't know!!!) A revamp and cleanup of my original "The Hunters" F-86 Sabre skin. This pack WILL replace any eariler version you may have. While designed for the F-86E, it can be used on any late version (E or F). However, the movie clearly shows the aircraft to be E models (as evidenced by the opening montage, and the all-flying tail, and wing slats). If used on other variants, editing of the decals.ini will be required. Not much really changed; skins are now jpg format (rebuilt from ravenclaw's SUPERB template), decal randomization is TRUE. The 51st FIW checks are now painted on, and the 'squadron color' zap is a ficitonal white stripe above the checkerboard. Pilot names decals have been moved slightly forward. Also, the 54th is now a Fighter Interceptor Squadron, not a Fighter Interceptor Wing (even though the sign in the movie shows it as a Wing). Enjoy! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0 - Version 2 for SF2 - Based on the movie "The Hunters" (as if you didn't know!!!) A revamp and cleanup of my original "The Hunters" F-86 Sabre skin. This pack WILL replace any eariler version you may have. While designed for the F-86E, it can be used on any late version (E or F). However, the movie clearly shows the aircraft to be E models (as evidenced by the opening montage, and the all-flying tail, and wing slats). If used on other variants, editing of the decals.ini will be required. Not much really changed; skins are now jpg format (rebuilt from ravenclaw's SUPERB template), decal randomization is TRUE. The 51st FIW checks are now painted on, and the 'squadron color' zap is a ficitonal white stripe above the checkerboard. Pilot names decals have been moved slightly forward. Also, the 54th is now a Fighter Interceptor Squadron, not a Fighter Interceptor Wing (even though the sign in the movie shows it as a Wing). Enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  23. no, that just tell the engine when to "turn on" those entries. and actually, they were done WRONG!! you use the ActiveDate= line for the entire target area, and set it to start whenever you want it too. Like so.... [TargetArea081] Name=SAM Battery 7 Position=700000.00,500000.00 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY ActiveYear=1967 Target[001].Type=SAMRadar Target[001].Offset=-1957.04,-1956.48 Target[001].Heading=0 see my post above a 'specific units called out'. TK broke that with the 1stGen 08 patch.

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