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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. wrong on the Data ini adjustment. What that statement does, is tell you WINGMATES they have have an RWR the only thing that controls sounds or visual inidcation (on cockpits with the screen) is the aviionics ini. Geary: still need to know WHICH airplane!!
  2. ok...lets try and narrow this down. do you have SF2 (plane jane), with the included Desert terrain? (can't remember from a previous post if you're Full-5 or not!) (the airfield lod included is because of some retextureing I did to; just ignore it) india/pak also requires the Desert.cat, although I did test it at some point with the Germany (in fact, the one i'm using now IS pointing to GCE)
  3. point it to the desert.cat, like it said in the readme. You can also try GermanyCE. all the 'naming conventions' for terrain objects use those fo the Desert.cat. Problem being, previoulsy on 3W TV... the terrain cats had all the desert stuff still in them. Sometime around Jan2012 patch, or NA they got removed from all terrain cats BUT the desert cat. Oddly, all airfields (Vietnam_airfield***, Germany_Airfield***, even the IsraelME) use the same lods. They just get called something different in the _data.ini. and try ot use it ONLY in NA...the f***ing thing locks/freezes/and crashes the game when used in "standard" SF2 installs -even a full-5 merged SF2. I've never figured out why, so couldn't fix it. REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLy pisses me off!!!
  4. knowing which aircraft would help. Some aircraft DID have an audible warnings, usually a 'tail waring radar' (aka proximity warn -those go back to ww2 used in P-47, P-51, P-38, to say noting of RAF ones) it'll be in the avionics.ini, as always
  5. the item you posted is known as the 'main.ini', there's one for each aircraft (obviously!, as it tells the game what/who/how/etc) the decals inis are hiding in many of the varouis ObjectData***.cats, with each of skins. You'll need the 3rdWire cat extractor to pull them, create seperate folder in EACH aircraft's folder for EACH skin being modified place the decals ini in that folder, and THEN plot the positions for the actual decals, and test in game
  6. yeah, that camo pattern would be NIGHTMARE to paint (belive me, I tried it for Wolfs!!)
  7. they're set in each aircraft individual skin (as in 'each and everyone') decals ini. they're a Level 3 decal, and like all others, for 'addon' birds, must be located and placed on the aircraft, The example below is from the Phantom: [Decal030] MeshName=splitter_plate_left DecalLevel=3 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=kill Position=5.995,-.141 Rotation=00.0 Scale=0.75 DecalMaxLOD=2 however, you'll only get the stock 'redstar-with-a-number-in-it'. Other kill marking, like say, WW2 'meatballs' or 'black crosses' would have to be (and have been) custom made, and treated like anyother decal; residing in they're own folder, with specific name for which side gets to use the. And, you'd need 100 of them
  8. omg!!! f***ing halairous!! WBS, you RULZ brudda!!!
  9. oh, man... that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO outdated!!! But it should work. Desert.cat ---> Korea3.cat I'm running mine with the cat pointer to GermanyCE (as that's also the tile naming conventions) and don't have a problem. It was tested with all the regular 3 terrain cats, again with no problem Hell, I even have the terrain in SF2NA and it works perfectly, again, pointed to GCE So, can't can't tell you why it ain't working for ya
  10. I guess, just run them through the templates (to keep the buttons in the same place??). It's the 'hot spots' that's usually the issue I haven't seen those 1stGen screens in so many years, I 've forgotten what they look ilke!!
  11. Mosquito

    love that sound! thanks for posting!!
  12. you guys are lucky! all I got was the Nigerian Oil Minster Prince guy-dude, whatever
  13. from the terrain readme: emphasis added for effect
  14. you don't like mine, eh? (that's ok ... i wasn't terribly happy with the main screen either!) templates for ALL the SF2 menu screens are in the downloads. have been for 24+months http://combatace.com...reen-templates/ edit: to answer the original question; no, they cannot
  15. guess you can't wait for me to finish the Mk.II and Mik.IV, eh? with the CORRECTLY shaped wings, eh???
  16. We must STOP them!! The Kznti battleships must not reach Earth!!!
  17. 47,692.1 at last count. DA: i was thinking that VERY same thing!! Honestly, I think it's the same guy, logging in via proxies; as the IP resolved to Maritus, Africa
  18. jjeeezzzzuzzz the Texan for Korea has been out for several years. Might want to try the "Search Function". Look for "Texan Mosquito FAC" the others, when and AS they are finished. flogger: not only night, but daytime too! (google search: High Noon Over Kimpo)
  19. ok, so somehow I must have gotten a pre-release version. hmm...maybe we can ask daniel to have a look at the Sea Glad while we're on the subject, I've still not been able to ID who buit the Flying Flapjack any guesses?? Anyone?
  20. he never supplied OUTs for anything, which hurts a bit. and the hex editor search is hit and miss. can't remember exactly how it worked... but try this... EXTEND the landing gear. Watch what happens funnier than hell! Fubar was reworking the FM for IJN 'what if' version, but that was before Superstorm Sandy. I can check with him, and see how far along it is. I do remember him telling me he'd changed something about the trolley
  21. nice!! and all my decals from the upgrade to Pasko's can be reused!!
  22. one can assume (oh! that word!!) the sites Search function it complety down.
  23. Action in the Med, and the Western Desert....
  24. File Name: SF2 WW2 FAA Grumman Martlet I, III and IV File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 November 2012 File Category: F4F / F6F / F7F / F8F SF2 WW2 FAA Grumman Martlet I, III and IV -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, but due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, it may not without serious editing.* *Full-5 Perfered, as these aircraft make use of the SF2NA Carrier-basing statements* Further mods and rebuilds to Pasko's Wildcat, recreate Royal Navy Martlets. This is a compilation, in some respects, of all the RN Wildcat mods. However, most of the skins and decals ARE new builds. Aircraft and Skins in the Pak are... Martlet I/III 804 Squadron (originally land based in the Orkneys) 805 Squadron (semi-fictional "what-if" based aboard HMS Eagle in the Eastern Med) 805 Squadron (Land based, Western Desert -standard RAF Desert Camo) Martlet IV 819 Squadron (? or was it 891?) based aboard HMS Activity (??, well, escort carriers in the North Atlantic) It should be noted the 'standard FAA camo scheme' used (except on 805DAF) is usable anywhere in the ETO or MTO for the timeframe these aircraft were in operation. Like the USN Wildcats, the Standard Animation Keystorkes ™ are used for the Canopy (Shfit/0), and Wingfold (Martlet IV -ONLY!-), is Shift/9. Sounds, pilot figure and weapons are included, as are new SF2 versions of the Hangar screen. A new cockpit by Stary is used for both; his 'generic' Early WW2 pit. AND!!! by acting now and downloading this mod, you get an extra expecial BONUS!!! Attacker Class CVEs Modded (once again), from the USN CVE, which is in fact a mod of Hinchbrook's MAC. All set up, SF2NA-wise for use by the Royal Navy!! As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Both Pasko's original Wildcat, and my original Martlet release readmes are included. Give them a perusal; there's some (semi) historical notes and stuff that might be of interest. As always, I hope I got everyone in the Credits. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file

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