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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    SF2 WW2 FAA Grumman Martlet I, III and IV -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, but due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, it may not without serious editing.* *Full-5 Perfered, as these aircraft make use of the SF2NA Carrier-basing statements* Further mods and rebuilds to Pasko's Wildcat, recreate Royal Navy Martlets. This is a compilation, in some respects, of all the RN Wildcat mods. However, most of the skins and decals ARE new builds. Aircraft and Skins in the Pak are... Martlet I/III 804 Squadron (originally land based in the Orkneys) 805 Squadron (semi-fictional "what-if" based aboard HMS Eagle in the Eastern Med) 805 Squadron (Land based, Western Desert -standard RAF Desert Camo) Martlet IV 819 Squadron (? or was it 891?) based aboard HMS Activity (??, well, escort carriers in the North Atlantic) It should be noted the 'standard FAA camo scheme' used (except on 805DAF) is usable anywhere in the ETO or MTO for the timeframe these aircraft were in operation. Like the USN Wildcats, the Standard Animation Keystorkes ™ are used for the Canopy (Shfit/0), and Wingfold (Martlet IV -ONLY!-), is Shift/9. Sounds, pilot figure and weapons are included, as are new SF2 versions of the Hangar screen. A new cockpit by Stary is used for both; his 'generic' Early WW2 pit. AND!!! by acting now and downloading this mod, you get an extra expecial BONUS!!! Attacker Class CVEs Modded (once again), from the USN CVE, which is in fact a mod of Hinchbrook's MAC. All set up, SF2NA-wise for use by the Royal Navy!! As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Both Pasko's original Wildcat, and my original Martlet release readmes are included. Give them a perusal; there's some (semi) historical notes and stuff that might be of interest. As always, I hope I got everyone in the Credits. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    SF/Wo*/SF2 New "Taking Damage" sound -For SF/Wo* and SF2 Series games. This little mod replaces one of the acursed 'I'm taking damage' wavs with one the most famous sound bites in movie history. Yes, that's right ... the World Famous Wilhelm Scream ™ Like the rest of you, I'm tired of hearing that yahoo always complaining -- at least now he'll say something Historic. Tested in my SF2NA-based WW2 PTO install; you milage may vary Please read the install instructions below. Enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  3. I belive so. I jsut used a different tga, renamed to fit. I've already applied this "fix" to the -1D however, the FAA MK.II and IV, with the 3 bladed prop, don't seem to want to take that fix. And I don't have the max files for the Mk.IV (cliped wing) to ask someone to tweek it. Nor do I have the MAX for -4/4B/-7. I'd really hate to bug Ant, and have him brave the evil spiders in the attic to search it out!
  4. capun answered the question about their Corsair. It seems someone dosn't have the latest lod from them. Shadow issue was fixed during a reexport for SF2 (something about 2sided material)
  5. from the Birdcage readme: ------- action in the Western Desert....
  6. Britain has invaded 172 countries!

    or The Beatles!!
  7. is there any chance for a rocket-powered, winged Reliant Robin??? just curious....
  8. File Name: Prop Fix for TMF F4U-1 and F4U-1A Corsairs File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 November 2012 File Category: SF2 Series WW2 Aircraft & Skins Prop Fix for TMF Corsairs... 3 bladed props ONLY!!! Slighyly modified tga will give a more smooth look to the propellers on the following recently released TMF/Mod Mafia Corsairs: F4U-1 "Birdcage" F4U-1A ------ Instructions: unzip the package to a temp folder, your desktop, or somewhere easy to find. Then, copy/paste the 3 tgas into the main aircraft folder for the 2 aircraft listed above You may also want to place them INSIDE the skin folders (I've tested both ways) NOTE: this will NOT fix any issues on 4 bladded Corsairs (-4, -4B). That appears to be a node issue. Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    Prop Fix for TMF Corsairs... 3 bladed props ONLY!!! Slighyly modified tga will give a more smooth look to the propellers on the following recently released TMF/Mod Mafia Corsairs: F4U-1 "Birdcage" F4U-1A ------ Instructions: unzip the package to a temp folder, your desktop, or somewhere easy to find. Then, copy/paste the 3 tgas into the main aircraft folder for the 2 aircraft listed above You may also want to place them INSIDE the skin folders (I've tested both ways) NOTE: this will NOT fix any issues on 4 bladded Corsairs (-4, -4B). That appears to be a node issue.
  10. EDIT!! Ah HA!!! that got me to thinking..... ya'll think this one is better?? this i the -1A; let me test the birdcage, 4 & 4B and if this is it, I'll upload a fix=it pak
  11. the 3 prop tgas are propdisc propdisc1 propdisc2 and they're all the SAME!!! Maybe a different tga is needed???
  12. we really need new ones...these lods are really showing their age.
  13. "we're crazy, but fun"
  14. EAGLE was involved (somewhat) in the business on Crete; Battle of Cape Matapan (which is not on the map -too close to wall, but on the 'Western Desert' map iirc was only a surface action yah, the pink is just for 'contrast' -- the game only recognizes the dark green and "icky" green and here's the oddnes (yet again!!!) Even with the NavalMap=TRUE, correct water bmp, the frakking game is generating CVBG off the coast of Libya!!! There's just osmething 'not quite right' as yet with these carrier statements (or the fact I built my MTO mods folder from SF2, and NOT SF2NA's exe.)
  15. DAT's Corsair I can't speak too. but Wolf's Butcher Bird sure works...(haven't noticed any "tractor beams" yet) (like I said before, if given some time, you'll have the "new" TMF -1A/D soon) EDIT: also, do you have Shadown turned ON in the Option menu??
  16. there isnt one; iirc it was using the Kesselbrut's Hurricane pit I don't know if Stary's "Generic Cockpit Pak" will work in 1stGens, due to them being built in MAX 2009, but it's worth a shot! Try using the "Early WW2 Cockpit 1"; that would be the closest (as I used it on the SF2 AVG Tomahawk pak)
  17. but I"m running at the July!! well, we can always blame Micro$oft !
  18. shoot, brother, I"ve been using that fake SqTail for nearly a year!! (I was probably hiding in Korea!!!)
  19. why does it say "SF2NA Exp"???? here's mine..
  20. the prop tgas are in the skin folders, and the main folder. Might be something in the RPM statements, but more likely something with the LOD (node names? although they all work...) and yes, Cntl/I still shuts off the engine what "other models" do you mean? the AU-1 and -5NL or Wolf's WW2 Corsairs. Cause them's apples and oranges!
  21. SF2 KAW RF-51D Mustang



    SF2 KAW RF-51D Mustang = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: as these aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, and due to the skin format, they will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs* This is the recon variant of the Mustang, the RF-51D. Like all other Mustangs, it is fully capable of most other operational Missions (CAS,STRIKE,Armed_Recon, but not auntie-ship or Air-To-Air). The primairy use was the photo-recon role; all other ground-attack roles are secondary. This skin represents aircraft from the 45th TRS "Polka Dots" during the late 1940s and 50s, with special focus on the Korean War. The skin is in DDS format, and decal randomization is set to TURE. 18 new serial and BuzzNumber decals are supplied. No weapons are included excepting the drop tank data; all others can be found in the GunnyPak or the KAW Weapons Pak, both available at here at CA. The pilot figure and engine sounds are included, as in an SF2-style hangar screen. The Standard Keystrokes ™ operate the canopy (Shift/0) Happy Hunting! wrench kevin "bob" stein =For the KAW Team=
  22. hope to get them sometime in the next "2 weeks" 2 are done, one has FM issues I'm unable to resovle via 3W Fishbed FMs
  23. not necessarily! this one "fakes out the engine. as long as there's an entry in the squadronlist.in, this works. The game enigne seems to want to "look" for a 'SqTail.tga"

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