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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if you have the latest desert cat* (08 or above), you can extract the 6 airfield inis, and drop them into the Palestine terrain folder. or download one of my later terrains, that have them all inside (Eritrea, Persian Gulf, most of the WW2 PTO, etc). IF not, I can always shoot them too you * you DO have the desert cat in you FE /Terrain folder, right???
  2. baff, chk in the BOB terrain's _data ini, you'll have to scroll thrugh the whole thing to check each tile listing... you're looking for these lines (in bold) [Texture001] Filename=CITY1.BMP HasWater=0 HeightMap=CITY1_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=0.000000 Color=0.369126,0.384046,0.307429 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA and there should be a matching TOD with the same name as the tile (ie: Sea2Desert.TOD) I'll have to crawl around the map, and see. If I can find, or get, the textureset ini, adding them's not too much work (well, stock TOD buildings at least!) I know there's several skins and other Mods for Pasko's Stuka, in 1stGen downloads section
  3. getting them 'in game' is actually the easy part ...well, for me anyway. I'm overwhelmed with jealousy at ALL the 3D Guys ™. I wrote a little tutorial on 'how too...' some time ago. http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ the only difference here is, you need to add the object to the terrain's _types.ini first, place the objects (lod, bmp/tga/shd/ini) into the terrain folder and go from there. EXEPETION: vehicles get placed in the /GroundObject folder, with their required 'parts'; expecially a data ini, as they can show up on ArmedRecon missions as targets any questions on how or what, just ask! I'm not too far away
  4. Storm Over The Sahara

    actually, iirc, there's a lot of FE coding in SF2; (I hate saying this in the FE Forums for fear of being stoned/hung/drawn-quatered/etc, but for early 30 SF2 may be one of the better ways to go. Not having any problems with CR42/Gladiator/etc (of course, these are fixed-gear bird, but..) ducks and runs.....
  5. the BoB terrain could use some VERY small updating, but i've been flying over it testing my RAF/FAA birds. Works fine in sf2. we still have your CR42, Daniel. Been fighting them with your Gladiator!! screenie below is part of the re-work on the Mk.2 -- still getting the id letter 'to size'. Sea Glad coming along nicely, too! we do need new RA birds. Daniel: here's another source (don't know if i gave this one out...) http://modelfan.ru/ unfortunately, they're not very organized, so scrolling through 96 pages, with 8-10 listng per page takes time. ps: I've also 'pinned' this topic, so it don't get lost!
  6. each specific pilot lod references a specific texture name. they are easily changed via hex editirng
  7. yoiu can leave in the aircraft's folder or put it into the /Flight floder. works either war
  8. sometime we all need a little prodding! looking forwared to it Martin! yeah, these things are just missile sponges don't really stand a chance on the Modern Battlefield ™. But fun to fly, nontheless. I too, am one of those Westerners like like the look of the Fishbed
  9. them Badgers are looking GOOD!! ----------- Victory over Grand Harbor, Malta
  10. I can't see what we'd need them for, really. we haven't got any fortification for them to breech...no major bunkers, defensive walls (what was that called? Siegfried line?). regular AFVs do more than a good job against their designed enemies - other AFVs
  11. sm79? ju88 he111 (don't know variant h6?) hurri hurri with the extra fuel wing!!! don't know the last one...
  12. dosen't the DAT have the Sturat/Honey??? there's the Grant/Lee by Geo, prolly in 1stGen download (as he uploaded all his stuff when he 'left the business')
  13. good to see you online again, Ed. Hope things are getting better back there! (says the guy in California, awaiting "The Big One" )
  14. higher value turns them on eariler (most stock are set to like 0.25 or something, don't come on a dusk, only full dark)
  15. more than likely. Return it to it's original state. the terrain was set up perfectly --exactly the way it should be. have you d/led the KAW GroundObjects pak? it contains HMAS Sidney HMS Formidible HMS Victorious RN & RAN DDs and CAs US CVL and CVEs (along with varous and sundry CA, CL, and DDs) does your Sea Furry have the proper SF2NA carrier basing statements? ie: CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierParkSpan=12.00 CarrierParkAnimationID=-1 and more importantly.. Did you build your KAW mods folder from the SF2:NA exe??? without SF2NA, the carrier-basing coding is nonexistant in any other of the game, merged or not. without NA, you ain't gonna have proper carriers statements built into the game coding. As stated somewheres, in some readme, we're using the 125s as we ain't got no pre-update straight-decked, essentially WW2 Essex boats. They're being built, but it takes time.
  16. ooppps!!! I knew I'd forgotten to randomize one of them!! thank yoiu Paulo!!
  17. pm sent with link to 7z.org have fun with it!! (theres a LOT of flak!!) and don't trust them commies!!
  18. it was a DOS game, circa early 90s, iirc. This was the WW2 46 addon for "Aces Of the Pacific". And it was GREAT game for its time!! I don't even know if it's available (lilke Underdogs.com, ???) or even if it'll run in the XP/7/8 evnroinments The Super Corsair is not, and probably will never be, availalbe. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of 3d MAX work to rebuild the ones we have, to say nothing of the FM work...there is nothing comparable anywhere, from anyone. got to see a real one, one time. Racer in one the museaums. VERY cool!!
  19. I don't understand the question.... what file are you trying to open? To quote the TV "no user servicable parts inside" the inis are all in ANSI, BUT due to the way it's set up (SF2:NA), it's NOT designed at all for use in 1stGens. Attempting conversion will work, by editing the data ini (information is in the SF2 KB; 'Converting Terrains to SF2" -- follow the instructions (kinda sorta) backwards. But you'll loose everhing I busted my balls building
  20. paulo: you need to post those parking slot positions!!! ----------- them kammie-kazies don't stand a CHANCE (Vought) now!!!
  21. sometime it pays never to throw anything away!! a 'real one' attached: AOTP46 game users manuel, pdf
  22. wasn't there one in "Aces Over the Pacific: 1946" add on? (along with the Tigercat and some cool Japanese what-ifs.

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