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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what, you can't extract it from the MissionData001.cat???
  2. amarani, you want to the correct, exact match serials for the code letters on you stangs, go here: http://www.littlefri...co.uk/index.php maybe you might even release them?? --- required screenie
  3. ok...these from the Top Gear UK crew, or for Red Bull's Flugtag??? i like the side car!!!
  4. the 163 should be in the 1stGen downloads. (by Pakso) however, like all of them, it's pretty well...f***ed, in SF2. fubar was doing some FM reworking for, just as a 'let's see if we can' kinda thing, but it's very low priority
  5. yes, it did. the instructions said to 'generate KAW mods folder, and leave all the stock aircraft intact', as the terrain has a 100 year spread. so, in theory, if one flys beyond a certain range, the PFs COULD show up, IF their userlist has China/NKorea in it (I"d have to check). Soviet Union is one the 'not allowed' nations. i've never encountered either the 17, 17F or 17PF when flying up to 53. Afterwards, it all depends on the userlist (we know NKPAF and PLAAF had 17s and 19s -- NK still has a bunch of 19 lying around in some farmers field)
  6. F-86D with the retractable rocket tray also, tho not in slavo, the F-89D/J/H Scorpion. But they do fire as fast as youi an push the button
  7. its not quite finished for SF2 release yet .. discoverd serials for 112 squadron, and need to make the decals. the new lod also uses DDS only (bmp and jpgs won't work without hex editiing). fixed decal placement on rudder, and missing DecalMaxLod= statements this skin is a REAL beauty!!!
  8. game shadow issue, with certain TODs; happens far too ofter. 1) in options ini, set ObectFade= to FALSE 2) from the main menu screen --> Options ---> Graphics --> set ot HIGH, not unlilmited
  9. and the Sabre's you're using are WRONG!! the correct, new one's aren't out yet the limited nations statement should* keep anything but 'region specific' users from showing up (unless the PLAAF was using Fresco-Ds in 1953 .. which I kinda doubt) *=sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. Internal coding issue, methinks
  10. no problem! i've already fixed it, and converted them to DDS for the SF2 release!! (if that's ok with Lloyd!!)
  11. I LIKE this!! however, is the G3 map missing? I'm getting an untextured vert tail
  12. it's just the models are soooooooooo frakking old, to say nothing of the mapping issue on the wing and belly pylons (as in, they ain't!!)
  13. Happy Thankgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
  14. have you looked in the SF2 downloads section??? I seem to recall doing the Razorback...and the bubbletop with 'semi' compliant SF2 FMs. Pasko's Liberators need total overhauls, from the skins up. As we've always said, "leave the Heavies to the AI" edit: well, here the razorback and lightning PTO pack: http://combatace.com...tning-sowespac/ bubbletop - includes postwar, and Brazilian MTO http://combatace.com/files/file/12375-pf-47d-25-thunderbolt-by-wolf257-for-sf2/ (may need some FM adjustments) fm tweeks for the bubble top would be a simple copy/paste. if you follow my drift. (and op year edits) another little hint/advice: the stuff in SF/Wo* downloads, well, to not put too fine a point on it ... are worse then useless for SF2, unless we're only talking about skins/decals -and even those need some tweeking!!!
  15. nobody understands laziness more than I do!!! -- here's a little something I was experimentating with (yes, it's over the correct terrain -which is also getting a slight tweek)
  16. also, Pako's ww2pilot is VERY small!!
  17. there was some LOD changes, and using the most current data ini is a MUST (this goes for all Zipper mods that reference the F-104G.lods) sure it was a G in the grey, and not an AMI 104S ASA or ASA-M???
  18. seriously!!! I"m using his template for my work, and man do it make things easier!!
  19. the "Initilazation Screen", the black and white shot of the Phantom, when the game itself first loads didn't Charles, over at Capun's site post something that he'd gotten it changed?
  20. forgot the mention, the SF2 versions are in Unicode, so if using in the 1stGen terrain (FE, SF1Wo*), open each one and 'save as...", and use the drop down to select ANSI
  21. not everyone has access to their d/ls. Also, due to the EUA, no sharing of any kind is allowed so ... there you go. until out naval architects run them down the ways (WBS is attemting to build the standard WW2/Korea Essex), we use what we have that is FREELY availalbe, with no strings attached. Also, the very reason taht the modified 3W SCB-125 data inis were included. They may look 'off', but work with no issues
  22. OH Good!! Save's me the trouble! For Cocas' Gladiator, I hope. I're reworking both it and the Sea Gladiator (nearly finsihed with the SeaGlad; want to do at least one more RAF skin for the Gladiator)
  23. right on the first page...(for decals at least) http://combatace.com...ickie-tutorial/ as to the pit, it's a simple text edit of the main ini; the A-4E is STOCK in all versions of SF2 CockpitDataFile=A-4E_Cockpit.ini however, your pilot position WILL be way off. So, you'll need to EXTRACT the A4E's cockpit ini, drop it into (whichever) Banshee's folder, and make the adjustments fore/aft/up/down to match the pilot position in the data ini. Which Banshee? Razbams or DAT??? Both have several issues in SF2

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