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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you'll have to use my Patent Pending ™ 1-Click Restore ini. get it flyable, then open the main ini and "save as..." xF-84F.ini. Just like we do with the Migs. That way, it's a simple 'one click' to restore it back (save as ... F-84F.ini), and zingo! back to flyable, until the next random rewirte.
  2. DA: from what little Ive found, RSAF Sabres were NM; perhaps with a green fin flash (not the flag, a fore-aft stripe like on the Paki Sabre's I've done) Only others in the region I can think of was the Shah's AF (Iran); already in the d/l section -------- required screenie Soulfreak got me looking,when he asked about other TBird users. Found my completed decal set for FAC F-80s (orignially for Pasko's), and it was a simple matter to reskin the NEW ONE for Colombia. Coming soon!! and revamped the Canadair Sabre 6 for the FAC, too. Gotta love Volker's hi-res templates!!
  3. then, there's something wrong with your set up ... cause I get MiGs up to my ass!!! did you change the operations years in the options ini and all the others that need changing???? http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/
  4. isn't weaponsgt's or bunnyap weapons pak PDF still in the 1stGen Downloads section someplace??? That would contain lots of anwers.. (cause I sure can't find my old copy!)
  5. prolly misplaced during installation, would be my guess. again, it goes back to the uploader to ensure that everything is in it's correct place, and properly folderized.
  6. did you grab the MiG 15s I uploaded, too? you should also have La-11, Yak-9 and something else I forget...
  7. Spanish Swords... (getting a skin revamp)
  8. correct path is: /Objects/Pilots move them, and see what goes
  9. 29 Years ago today

  10. Version


    SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred*) = *Note: the data ini includes statements usable ONLY in a Full-5 Merged install, as SF2NA contains the proper coding for Carrier basing/usage.* Some extensive rebuilding (ini and skin wise) of Simon Porter's 2005 Beta Release of the Fairey Firefly Mk5 (aka FR.5). The pak is designed to replace any and all other earlier SF/Wo* versions existing. All skins and decals are brand new for this mod; the skins were created via a Home-Grown Template ™. The template is included. All markings are decals, making it easy to 'swapout' ship ID letters (provided as decals) or skins to create other operational squadrons. The skins are in jpg format. All new dds-format damage textures are included. A new SF2 (semi) compliant FM was created, as was the new Userlist.ini. A "new" SF2 version of my original "box art" hangar screen is included, as is the engine sound. This aircraft has been tested in a Full-5 Merged envoriment, in SF2NA for carrier operations. This pak contains the following skins: Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm: 812 Squadron, HMS Ocean circa 1953-ish (withOUT 'Invasion Stripes') 827 Squadron, HMS Triumph, early Korean War withOUT 'Invasion Stripes' (1950) 827 Squadron, HMS Theseus, mid-late Korean War WITH 'Invasion Stripes' (circa 1951) Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air Arm: 817 Squadron, HMAS Sidney, circa 1951 The RN squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Modex Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent FR.5 models from the 1948-55 time frame, but with little hard data available, it's almost impossible to run down "which went to what squadron aboard what boat". The RAN serials, are also 100% historic, but again are limited to those known to have operated aboard HMAS Sidney at some point during the Korean War. There are 19 RAN serial/modex decals. Weapons are NOT included, as they are readily available in The Gunny Pak or the KAW weapons pak, both available here at CA. PLEASE remember -- the aircraft lod is still in it's 2005 form (read: the Beta) and many bits are not quite right. As there is no MAX file available, the aircraft "is as it is". Some aerodynamic components exist only in the 'virtual state' as data ini statements. As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Simon's original Readme is also enclosed. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  11. File Name: SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 October 2012 File Category: Other SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred*) = *Note: the data ini includes statements usable ONLY in a Full-5 Merged install, as SF2NA contains the proper coding for Carrier basing/usage.* Some extensive rebuilding (ini and skin wise) of Simon Porter's 2005 Beta Release of the Fairey Firefly Mk5 (aka FR.5). The pak is designed to replace any and all other earlier SF/Wo* versions existing. All skins and decals are brand new for this mod; the skins were created via a Home-Grown Template ™. The template is included. All markings are decals, making it easy to 'swapout' ship ID letters (provided as decals) or skins to create other operational squadrons. The skins are in jpg format. All new dds-format damage textures are included. A new SF2 (semi) compliant FM was created, as was the new Userlist.ini. A "new" SF2 version of my original "box art" hangar screen is included, as is the engine sound. This aircraft has been tested in a Full-5 Merged envoriment, in SF2NA for carrier operations. This pak contains the following skins: Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm: 812 Squadron, HMS Ocean circa 1953-ish (withOUT 'Invasion Stripes') 827 Squadron, HMS Triumph, early Korean War withOUT 'Invasion Stripes' (1950) 827 Squadron, HMS Theseus, mid-late Korean War WITH 'Invasion Stripes' (circa 1951) Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air Arm: 817 Squadron, HMAS Sidney, circa 1951 The RN squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Modex Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent FR.5 models from the 1948-55 time frame, but with little hard data available, it's almost impossible to run down "which went to what squadron aboard what boat". The RAN serials, are also 100% historic, but again are limited to those known to have operated aboard HMAS Sidney at some point during the Korean War. There are 19 RAN serial/modex decals. Weapons are NOT included, as they are readily available in The Gunny Pak or the KAW weapons pak, both available here at CA. PLEASE remember -- the aircraft lod is still in it's 2005 form (read: the Beta) and many bits are not quite right. As there is no MAX file available, the aircraft "is as it is". Some aerodynamic components exist only in the 'virtual state' as data ini statements. As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Simon's original Readme is also enclosed. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  12. what little i've been able to glean, it seems RTs were converted from regual T33s; even Baugher's site has nothing. So, perhaps they still useed the T-33 serials??? --------------------------- FAC (Columbia) Tbird: http://www.aerofligh...mbia-af-T33.htm I also have all the decals made for serials numbers for FAC F-80s, too (well, the bmps never made the tgas, but that's easy to fix). Just rediscovered them; were originally destined for Pakso's model. Now, with the new model, needs a new skin. That's a nothing job!
  13. ok ... you got me curious. So I went and download it. I must say, it's rather poorly excuted; way overblown on skins when decals would have sufficed for serials (which are readily discoverable, and positions are already known). Rather sad, actually. Here's the data ini statement in question: [refuelProbe] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=10KFIR Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 CanopyNodeName= SeatID=2 Ive scoured the data ini top to bottom, and NOWHERE does the 'fake pilot' show up anywhere. this is actually done WRONG for the fake pilot method. Normally, it would have statements like this (example is the Rufe IJN fighter): [Floats] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot <---this is the fake pilot figure, obviously SeatModelName=Zeke_Float_White <---this is the part added, pretending to be the seat SeatPosition=0.0,0.30,-0.50 SeatID=2 now, depending on HOW the addon part (looks like part of the nose and the AAR probe) was constructed, determines where it fits on the aircraft. How it apprears to be working is, as a 2nd pilot. That's not quite right, as parked aircraft will NOT have the addon part showing. You can see in the screenie below, mine works. Is it possible, Falcon, you DON'T have the FakePilot in your /Pilots folder? Here's mine, just in case you don't. Unzip it, and drop it into you pilots folder. See if that helps. Also, make sure the "10Kfir" folder is IN your /Pilots folder.
  14. looks almost like the original uploader FORGOT the include whatever the 'fake pilot' is being used for. try PMing him, and let him know his readme's suck, and to fix them. As per: http://combatace.com...u-upload-a-mod/ Tell him I said so...
  15. Jolly Roger Betty kill...they flame up nicely! slowly but surely; one variant at at time!
  16. apparently, the 1stGen versions aren't in the D/L section .. well, the whole set of Seahawks has been updated for SF2, but they should be "farily" usable in SF/Wo*. Just go the the download, Aircraft, and use the search button for "Seahawk". you milage will vary..
  17. yes and no; it entaial a LOT of work much easier to just fly WW1 in FE
  18. not yet! lod issues we need to resolve; one prop still shows the disc when game-generated parked on the ramp. I dn't know how to fix that!
  19. File Name: SF2 Korean War Era F9F-2 Panther Pak by bobrock File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 October 2012 File Category: F-9 SF2 Korean War Era F9F-2 Panther Pak by bobrock *Updated 10/6/2012: re-added missing decals folder* = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: as this aircraft was built with the latest TW Exporter, it most likely will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Game Installs* This is the Grumman F9F-2 Panther, by Bobrock, as seen during the early 1950s; in partucular during the Korean War. Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units: VF-31 "Tomcatters" (USS Leyte, 1950/51) VF-51 "Screaming Eagles" (USS Valley Forge, 1950*) VF-52 "Knight Riders" (USs Valley Forge, 1950*) VF-93 "Blue Blazers" (USS Philippine Sea, 1953) VF-111 "Sundowners" (USS Philippine Sea, 1950) VF-112 "Fighting 12" (USS Philippine Sea, 1950) VF-192 "Golden Dragons" (USS Oriskany, 1/1953) VF-721 ??? (USS Boxer, 1951) VMF-311 "Tomcats" (land based, various airfieldz in Korea) The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'. Skins are in jpg format, so you MUST be at (minimum) Nov 2011, or the Latest July 2012 patch level. All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose. 2 Hangar Screens are supplied (the full color verison being used now), along with a Loading Screen. A new engine sound is also included. Weapons use those from the GunnyPak, or from some of the other recently released KAW aircraft. For those that don't have it, my (patentpending) back-dated, modified SCB-125_data.ini that will allow those bird farms to operate in the 1950s (until when/if we get a straight-decked Essex). Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). Be advised, there is a slight positioning issue with bombs/rockets when the wings are folded - I can't fix this with ini edits (must be done in MAX). So, don't fold the wings when the hardpoints are loaded, eh? As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein and the whole KAW Team *see notes for further information, and the enclosed 'korean panther units.jpg' Updated: adding missing (ok, I forgot it!) /Decals folder!! My apologies to all!! Click here to download this file
  20. yup, the newest TMF version references the F-14 avionics dll ONLY available in SF2NA without NA, it won't work. there was a fix around here somewhere for those that don't have NA, but can't remember where/what it was!!
  21. people too lazy or to _________ (fill in the blank) to take the time to give proper instructions ... that kinda crap frosts my balls. I mean, seriously, how much frakking time can it take to say "drop such-and-such folder into you /Pilots folder". Or simply assemble everything following the game mods folder structure??? Like all the Top Modders ™ do?? -- the 'fake pilot' method REQUIRES something to be added, fooling the game engine into adding something AS a pilot seat. the 'fake pilot.lod' is the actualy physical model of the nonexistant pilot figure. anything else is the 'seat', in this can whatever is being added to the aircraft structure, like canards or antenna or whathaveyou. drop that folder into the /Objects/Pilots subfolder and I'll bet what ever he was trying to add will show up.
  22. you'll break them .. trust me! I tried removing the cargo booms on the DAT Liberty ship to make the hospital ship that was in Pearl (Solace?) and it never worked

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