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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. birdcage - yes, eventually (sundowner is trying to find the templates, along with new TMF -1A, -1D. remember, however, with Oli gone any 3d/lod issues are doubtfull to be fixed) the F-82 is being worked on, even as I type (new T-jets coming eventually, too!) as to the Skyknight, I don't know. I haven't seen anything on the new one in 2 years. And a new (FREEWARE) one is definately needed!!
  2. not possible ... I've TRIED!!! for some reason, it only works on aircraft edit: if it's just a weapn, simply remove the statements in the data ini. However, you'll need to create a 'year specific' version of the ship, that pre-date the installation of the CIWS. THAT bit's easy!
  3. not keeping up with current events, are we?? the terrain is out, a good portion of the aircraft are out (still waiting on the FM for the A Sabre) I'd reccomend checking the handy-dandy downloads section for the terrain, groundobjects, aircraft, skins and so forth. hopefully, the Tigercat and Firefly will be out next week
  4. it should say July 2012 in the lower right corner; that's the lates patch level as far as i've seen, one 1 CV per group (which suck for WW2 usage!)
  5. those numbers are for campaigns only, and have little to no bearing on Single Missions weapons editor ain't got nothing to do with it.
  6. i've done it with torpedoes the problem is they ACT like cruise missiles, arcing up and coming down as opposed to a flat trajectory (but it was only an experiment, and further testing/editing would be required)
  7. Version


    SF2 C-119 Flying Boxcar, Korean War Era and Later = For SF2, (Any/All) = Some small modification/reskins/redecalling for MontyCZ's (not-so) little C-119 Flying Boxcar transport aircraft. I found it easier to upload this as a complete aircraft; this way, End Users ™ can locate, download and install any other skins that are available for the aircraft easier. This pak includes 5 skins; 50th Troop Carrier Squadron, Korean Era 63rd TCS 64th TCS, Korea Era 97th TCS, circa 1961 ( "USAF" grey/white anti-heat) USMC, NAS Seattle (no unit) The 3 KAW era squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Buzz Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent C-119B/C models from the 1948-55 FY time frame, but with so little data available, it's almost impossible to run down "what went with whom". The 97th skin, while representing the C-119G model (slight physical differences), are G model serials; again considered 'generic' in nature. Almost all markings are decals (excepting the "United States Air Force" and "Troop Carrier" on the fuselages of the 63/64 skins. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. All skins are in bmp format, making them usable in all versions, including 1stGen SF/Wo*. A new "UserList.ini" was created, and included for SF2 usage. As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too; it contains the 'ChangeLog', and credits as to 'who did what to whom' kinda thing! Monty's original Readme is also enclosed. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  8. by making custom TOD for all tiles involved, with enough space for 'add on' terrain object buildings. I do it all the time... (re: look at the Persian Gulf Map, and the ciities in Dubai & UAE) ------ required screenie: departing HMS Theseus for some 'road work'
  9. if you have SF2NA, and you want the CVBGs to work, yes!!
  10. paulo, do you have the Osprey Color on the F-80/T-33??? got some gerat color shots. let me know if you want it! S/B about 7.5 megs, zipped
  11. is that UnRep ship I spy????? MUCH needed!!!
  12. **and ARE being used!!! i would absolutely LOVE to see a 3W Sabre ... of course, if he ever did one, i'd have to go in and rebuild his map ...
  13. File Name: SF2 C-119 Flying Boxcar, Korean War Era and Later (by MontyCZ) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 October 2012 File Category: AC/C-119 SF2 C-119 Flying Boxcar, Korean War Era and Later = For SF2, (Any/All) = Some small modification/reskins/redecalling for MontyCZ's (not-so) little C-119 Flying Boxcar transport aircraft. I found it easier to upload this as a complete aircraft; this way, End Users ™ can locate, download and install any other skins that are available for the aircraft easier. This pak includes 5 skins; 50th Troop Carrier Squadron, Korean Era 63rd TCS 64th TCS, Korea Era 97th TCS, circa 1961 ( "USAF" grey/white anti-heat) USMC, NAS Seattle (no unit) The 3 KAW era squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Buzz Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent C-119B/C models from the 1948-55 FY time frame, but with so little data available, it's almost impossible to run down "what went with whom". The 97th skin, while representing the C-119G model (slight physical differences), are G model serials; again considered 'generic' in nature. Almost all markings are decals (excepting the "United States Air Force" and "Troop Carrier" on the fuselages of the 63/64 skins. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. All skins are in bmp format, making them usable in all versions, including 1stGen SF/Wo*. A new "UserList.ini" was created, and included for SF2 usage. As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too; it contains the 'ChangeLog', and credits as to 'who did what to whom' kinda thing! Monty's original Readme is also enclosed. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. because it dosn't have a _water.bmp with CV zones, as the Red Sea is far to narrow for carrier ops, hence in NOT being designed for carrier usage. (and the issue with The Wall being too close to the eastern edge of map too) remember, it isn't JUST activating the NavalMap statement, there has to be a 'zone' painted on, and 'sea room' enough for manuvering. To say nothing of that dumb-ass Hawkeye; he's gonna 200nm from The Boat, right smack dab over Bad Guy Country.
  15. forgetting that not everyone has access to DAT products...
  16. BEWARE!!! Pirates are prowling the Solomons....
  17. not on my terrains!! if such a problem exists, just flip/flop the Lat/Long settings or, just pretend it's the world as shown in the movie "2012"!!!
  18. F-51

    the WoI expansion Pak (from 3rd Wire) comes with the Mustang; however, you MUST have WIngs Over Isreal to use it. I'm not sure of the KAW one will work in SF/Wo*, as it's designed with SF2 in mind. (FC, correct me if I'm wrong, please; oth, aren't we working only on the F-82??) as to the VDI, never go fixed, as "everyone that's anyone" has long since moved to SF2, and there's really no point. OTH, search the /Aircraft downlloads for Crisis (sp?) verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy old P-51D (should be around 2004/5, way at the end of the section). That cockpit should be usable on wolf' model
  19. 5 or 6 that i know of ... check the terrain downloads section. look for those that say "Full-5 merged requiered" it's actually easier to ask which DON'T!! (ertirea, NAfrica, ASW, ANW, Afghanistan, and a few others i can't remember right now) now, the odd thing is, for som reason, even full-5 merged, some will NOT work in base SF2 installs. They work best in mods folders running FROM the SF2NA exe
  20. a gift from a friend... along with 4 others!!
  21. ain't this coverd somewhere in the SF2 knowledge base??? you should NEVER have to touch the stock WeaponsData.ini ... EVER!!! everything is folderized within the /Objects/Weapons/ folder, with every item having it's own main ini and _data ini as was said above
  22. do have the correct water bmp??? They ain't 'normal' bit maps; tye're 8-bit, index try mine,and see if your carriers work (more or less) correctly

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