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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. For those with TCM cable channel

    a VERY very rare gem of a film will be broadcast tommowrrow morning, 11 am PST not so much for the acting, but the action -- and the aircraft . Filmed at Edwards AFB in the mid-1950s, it's a wonder chance to see some early research aircraft, including the X-2 and the XB-51 (masquareding as a fighter) and a very young James Garner! more info on the film here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049870/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toward_the_Unknown and this best site for it... http://www.bellx-2.com/ttu/index.html if you have the chance (for those of us in the USA), see it! Or DVR it!!
  2. well, we have been begging for an N model since these DLCs started... wonder if we'll get the S, too???
  3. can you post the (Sound) section of the data ini, like below?? [sound] EngineSoundName=A1Engine AfterburnerSoundName= DamagedEngineSoundName= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSoundName=Gear
  4. leave them there ... those are you seasons. the Engine ™ will autmatically select them on the proper date
  5. this is how it works Airfiled 1, 5, 6 -- 3 squadrons Airfield 4 - 6 squadron Airfield 2, 3 - 1 squadron these are the max number of squadrons (assuming 18 aircraft each) that can be stationed/based on those airfields that's how the campaign will see it (look at the stock terrains target inis and campaigns)
  6. that could shave off a lot of space, expeciall for things like late 40/early 50s, when all navy planes were Dark Gloss Blue, with the only differences (in most cases) squadron color tag on the top of the vert fin
  7. gepards Isreal2 map (and the targets enhancement by me) has the Suez SAM Fence; as should a realllllllllllllllllllllllly old targets upgrade for IME that i did a long time ago check in 1stGen terrains downloads
  8. i know I had them at one time, but i think that got lost in last months HD crash; as i can't find them on my external archive HDs anybody have them?
  9. excellent! those are better than the ones i lost! thanks carlo!!
  10. nothing that I'm aware of...IS there something wrong??
  11. by chance, in a recent download, was there an "AircraftObject.ini" included, that you was told ot install? If so, try renaming said file, and see what happens.
  12. i was thinking the same thing.. maybe the bitch is just plane drunk...
  13. I never tire of being right ... according to my wife... it ain't all that often!!! As for details, that's how I was trained. EVERYTHING is in the details!! just a little editing of the data in MAY be required to remove the 08 and/or SF2 type shader statements. But that's easy! Follow the 'converting terrains to SF2' instructions kinda/sorta backwards, and all should be good (that is, of course, if I added them in the first place!) if not, just ask.
  14. the comcast link is EXCELLENT colorizing the photos can be a nightmare!! I've done it, and hated it!! Fortunately, some of the pics are relativiely 'flat' to the aircraft, and that lends itself to making decals a bit easier (I should know ... nobody's done more nose art around here than me!! )
  15. that wont work withOUT the NA coding. Even then, NA don't create support fleets, only CVBGs. which is why I gave you 'fixed' UnRep group on the waterbmp shown above, why in heaven's name would be put 'frendly naval zones' that far inshore??, and Dixie staton has most of it's green zone beyond The Wall. it should look more like the one below
  16. sssaaaaaaaaaaa---weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeTTTTTTT
  17. check with Crusader (Otto). If we do...all the better!
  18. looks as if the radar scope node is inverted .. look at the upper right display, compared to the postiton of the yellow diamond. unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that without the MAX files and Oli. (unless Otto has them archived someplace, and someone is willing to fix the nodes)
  19. wrong airfield ini called out in the targets ini. you'll have to edit the solomons targets ini, and extract all 5 of the desert airfield inis from the Desert.cat (consult the knowledge base above on 'how to', if you don't know), and drop them into the Solomons terrain folder you'll be changing the pointer for EACH entry of every airfeild, to have the point to the correct airfield ini example: Name=Henderson Field Position=682001,353997 Radius=6000.000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield3.ini NumSquadrons=1 change to read as above; each airfield changes to point to the 'new' desert airfield ***_airfield1.ini, becomes desert_airfield1.ini, and so forth. Idon't remember what they were called originally, as that map has been through at least 2 rebuilds; during which they've been changed to the desert airfields. that map is really old, and really wrong when it come to target/target locations. Of course, if you USE the new map, your campaign goes to hell, as the campaign targeting won't match the terrain.
  20. Pete, can you check into the KAW forums, with particular reference to the RF-51 thread??? thanks!!
  21. to Jeff you should listen ....for a living, this he does!!!
  22. File Name: SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 October 2012 File Category: MiG-15 SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged, =PLUS= SF2I Expansion Pak 1 (Required!!!) = *Note: You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15. If you don't have it, downloading this mod will do you no good, as you won't have the aircraft it's intended for* A small reskin/decal mod for the stock 3W MiG-15 (no suffix) Fagot-A, in PLAAF markings of the 72 GvIAP. Which we all know, of course, was "actually" North Korean, flown by "advisors" from the Soviet Union <grin>. It represents the first operational PLAAF/NKPAF Squadron for the MiG, which scored the first air-to-air kills against UN forces in Korea. Skins maps are in jpg format, decal randomization is TRUE. Included are modifided data, loadout and main inis (along with my PatentPending 'xMiG-15.ini' that allows for easy restoration to flyable status, after patching or game-generated random re-writes). A 'new' seat and my 'PilotER' figure are included, as well as new sounds. Stary's cockpit as well is here for you flying pleasure (with a repainted gunsight tga for those of us with Old Eyes ™). A Hangar screen is NOT included. The canopy opens via the Usual Suspect ™ keystroke, Shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Just for fun! Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  23. File Name: SF2 Korean War Era USAF ANG F-84E Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 October 2012 File Category: F-84 SF2 Korean War Era USAF ANG F-84E Skin Pak = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = The pak contains 2 new skins for the RussoUK's F-84E, and is designed to be used with my Thunderjet pak found at CA at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/12300-republic-f-84e-thunderjet-by-russouk-for-sf2/ Skins/decal sets included are for the: 154th FBS, 136th FBW (Arkansas ANG) 159th FBS, 116th FBW (Florida ANG) All new, 100% historically correct serial and BuzzNumber decals have been created for all skins.Those skins have stars (*) in their number lists next to the ID number, denoting those with 100% positive identification. Those without stars (*) served in the KTO, but I was unable to run down exactly which wing/squadron. There are only 18 serial/buzz numbers for each aircraft. All decals are Randomized. Also included is a small update for the 7/8/9th FBS skins; the addition of the squadron patch for the 'paint chip' seen on the Loadout Screen. As always, fairly easy to follow, fairly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file

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