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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sorry, no all the aircraft aren't out yet, either!! the Star of the Show ™ is still missing
  2. We shall SQUASH all ATI Bugs out of existence!!!! (of course, I only use Nvidia...but still, gotta squash 'em!)
  3. Kiwis inbound... (yes, the new model)
  4. P-61

    yes, Veltro's was removed some time ago (both A & B versions) well, with any luck, perhaps Veltro can be talked into redoing it. I put waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time into the nose arts alone to let it slip away
  5. Doing the best I can Zur!! (with a lot of help from my Mod Mafia bros) I just hope more modelers start doing (or re-doing) stuff ... we need like 300 aircraft replaced by freeware versions
  6. i'll bet money you have ships that are set in the GroundObjectRole= as TANK
  7. View File RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2 RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2.0- For SF2 (any and all) Note: this version REPLACES any earlier ones in it's entirety!! You should delete your original, if you have it already. As the skins have been changed to jpg, the original bmp format will cause a conflict. Some ini modifications and 2 new skins for Zur's Avon-powered Sabre, as used by the RAAF in the 50s-60s. The skins are: 3 Squadron 77 Squadron Serial numbers are historically accurate; with the sources I used I've tried to match aircraft with the squadron served with ... I've come within about 98%; pretty much as far as possible. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE for both skins For End Users ™ with the Oz Mirage DLC, I've activated the squadron display on the Loadout Screen via my 'fake' sqtail decal. Other ini mods added the radar-ranging gunsight, landing lights, etc. Loadouts, however are =NOT= historically correct, due to some LOD issues. (More on that in the "Notes" section). A rather 'generic' SF2 style Sabre hangar screen is included. Weapons are =NOT= included - all excepting the drop tank reference stock, in-game items. You can obtain the drop tank in any of the other Sabre Paks or from the Gunny's Weapons Pak. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. ================= Changes for Ver 2.0: new large format jpg skins new SF2 compliant FM new sounds dds damage textures fixed shadow issue Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/16/2010 Category F-86  
  8. didn't one of the patches a few year back have a limiter built in??? Cause I'm at July 2012, and can see 120+ on debug mod but truthfully, I think it's the ATI Bug hath returned
  9. see post #3 ...prolly ain't gonna happen be easier to do cockpit ini edits, or simply don't look in that corner
  10. you'll need access to the cockpit lod, a hex editor to locate the exact mesh name, and the cockpit ini to use the 'move / remove mesh trick' and since all the stock lods are locked away....
  11. WHAT!!!???? I thought I'd gotten EVERYTHING!! well, hell!!! upload them puppies!!
  12. with the 3W extractor, go into the FLightData.cat, and extract the HUDData.ini. Place it in the /FLight folder do this to the top section: [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE that'll turn on the de-bug mode, and it'll show the name of the 'nearest target area' and the x/y corrdinates (not that that is that important) You'll also see a white X, that will give the offset from the 0/0 of the taget area (but again not that importnat) it'll look somewhat like the screenie below. you can turn OFF the debug by hitting Alt/D twice. 3 times will bring the info box back to the lower left corner. when done, you can reopen the HUDData.ini, and change it back to FALSE
  13. them tanks are very cool Stary! --- since Russo has been showing off some Luft '46 burds ... thought that since we have a nice NEW MODEL, that my old skins could use a revamp ready for the Luftwaffe jets... (hisoticaly, 6 were flying round in the MTO to show off that "yes, we have jets too")
  14. geary, activate the debug mode of the HUDData ini, and let me know what airfield that is. It's a 2 minute fix. (that is, of course, if you WANT if fixed!!! ) hard to tell which type of airfield that is from this view; could be anything! out of curiosity, is the targets ini the one I did an update on a few years bacK? or something else?
  15. oh, hell!!! that's EPIC!!!! that's the kind of Easter Egg ™ I try to build, and can't ever quite get!! (obviously, there's a SovietTruck on that airfled that shares the exact coordinates for the game generated parked planes. But still, rightously funnny!!)
  16. the search function has always been a little flakey ... like, if you don't know exactly what your looking for, you might find nekked wemons (which isn't all THAT bad!!)
  17. iirc, ordways POST dates mine; or did i fiddle with his?? been so long ago... like we used to say in the shop; if it work, don't fix it!!
  18. Version 2.0 now up!!! Lots of subtle changes and that sorta thing
  19. main screen ---> Options ----> Graphics you'll see the selections at the bottom right center of the screen
  20. Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, for SF2



    Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, Royal Air Force/Royal Canadian Air Force = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) = Version 2.0, updated 2/13/2106 -- see change log This package contains a complete revamp, for SF2, of my RAF Sabre Mk.4, originally released for SF/Wo* in 2006. Contained within are skin/decals for the following RAF Squadrons, and one RCAF squadron, from the 2nd TAF based in Germany in the 1950s. These 3 are in "standard" period Euro Camo: 3 Squadron 92 Squadron 112 Squadron (Sharkmouths) and a revamped 1stGen RCAF skin: 414 Squadron, RCAF "Black Knights" (natural metal) New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's beyond superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included, as is an all new SF2 version of my "Box Art" Hangar Screen. No weapons are supplied; drop tanks, rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak. National insignia, finflash and 1 set of tail numbers reference stock items. Make sure you are current in your SF2 install! (read: I'm using RAF Hunter letters) An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A userlist ini is also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Changes for V.2: updated hit boxes adjusted loadouts new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only) new "CL-13 bits" changed _001.lod for one with bomb pylons -all other lods the same
  21. I should ammend what I posted, with the caveat that "I did't follow the roadway's in the tile screenie above", but you get my drift! (but did on the finished tile -- as one can see on the Eritrea map, where that tile is used - sea2city50)
  22. Keep safe in them winds and waters!! the ini and folder looks ok.... is the LOD in the cockpit folder??? (been a while since I used Ordway's pit)
  23. unfortunately, there is no tutorial ... can only be done the 3W TE... and follow the streets, to get "the grid" expect to spend 1 + hour per tile (cities are the worst) the screenies should show you the steps, pretty much. after opening 'texture map list', selcet the tile and go from there. it's the 'Terrain Object' box thingy in the lower right of pic 2 black objects buildings, white are trees.
  24. ain't it nice having a decent, modern model with NO decal bleeds, and all the other DX10 eye candy??? Enrico did some fantastic work on these!!!

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