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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. in inner pylons have already been split into 2 groups .. the 4NL needs one for the radar pod, the other for the ECM pod. Centerline for bombs or drop tank. oh, well. I"ll make do!
  2. yeah. now, get off your lazy ass, and go seek out the 17PF and PFUs
  3. Considering they both share the same exact IP address... one does begin to wonder...
  4. Fact or fiction

    Cobra's were long gone, and not used in the Far East. Trust me, we've done our research (meaning, me)
  5. welllll........................poop!! I guess that VC-35 will just have to do the job with rockets!
  6. I like them; but the text isn't as sharp as on my originals would you like the pds I used to redo these (cause I LIKE this style better!!)
  7. Version


    SF2 Korean War Era Misc Items = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains some of the various miscellanious items needed/required for a full Stand-Alone KAW mods folder. In this zip you'll find the following folders: Ground Object /Objects/Guns /Objects/Weapons /Objects/Pilots Speech Menu Flight (both contain new menu screens) This is a particularly LARGE download, so give youself some time. Most of the USN vessels are those seen in the recently released WW2 PTO Naval Units Pak; some (like the various cargoships, trawlers, and so forth) you may already have. All are updated to SF2NA standard. Some of the weapons and pilots have also been released recently in some of the aircraft; just allow the overwrite when asked. They're the same items. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. If I've forgotten an item PLESE let me know, and I'll try to get it uploaded ASAP Good Hunting!
  8. that's how the CF-104 rack works side-by-side, just like the on for the stock Harriers.
  9. not scabbing something on via FakePilot ™; talking about the actual hardpoints, GropeID=7; 6 has always been max, but we've cheated that in the past That's were the illuminator parachute flare pods go on the AD-4NL. Group7 don't appear no more
  10. meanwhile, deep in the frozen northern wilderness, our ever-vigilant crews protect the approaches to America....
  11. there are NO campaigns as of yet ... but you can fly single missions all over the place!! (watch on Armed Recce, the trucks follow the roads -more or less!!)
  12. why not just use the 2BR for the CF-104s??? It's a stock unit
  13. if you think Atoll's suck, try using Alkalis .. either the IR or radar versions ...
  14. he did a TOTALLY superb job. still have the new F-94B to come, too!! (with Paulo's excellent skins!!)
  15. extract the speech folder, and list to all the wav to find out which is which. there should also be a speechlist of some kind, but I dont' remember where it located
  16. i've been accused of many things, but being 'cosmic' has never been one of them!!!
  17. SF2 MiG-15bis Fagot-B, KAW



    SF2 Korean War Era MiG-15bis Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged =WITH= SF2I ExpansionPak 1 (Required!!!) = *Note: you must have SF2I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15bis lod!! Without it, this mod will do you no good!!* This is a reskin/nationalization of the stock 3W MiG-15bis Fagot-B for use in a KAW envrionment. The data ini (FM) is exceedingly close to RealLife. The 'nation name' and userlist have been limited to China and NKorea. Not only will this 'fix' the aircraft to KAW, but it will also NOT be overwritten by patching or the game-generated random re-rwrites that kill all AI-only aircraft made User-Flyable. There are 2 skins supplied, all in jpg format: NK2- a generic silver with red nose and fin top NKSilver- which is my "The Hunters" MiG skin (aka "Casey Jones" 7-11 skin) Decal radomization is set to TRUE When in-game, you'll see MiG-15bis "Fagot-B" (NK) on the aircraft selection drop-down menu. The window opens with the standard animaion keystroke, shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  18. PIPER CUB!!! how cool is this!!! many thanks Raven!!
  19. do we really need one??? I'd just been posting mine in the main Screenshots thread! (gets more traffic, and might generate more interest??)
  20. ok, I finally got the data in tweeked to my liking; got ALL the position lights (but NO landing lights!) add and corrected. Getting rady to upload it. So the question is: should I include the cockpit, avionics ini and suchlike that I've been using, or not? It's the Viking pit, with no tweeks (other than position) Thoughts?
  21. so, 4 positon national insignia, as opposed to the usual six. that's easy! use the stock decals ini for positions!!! (lol!!!)
  22. SF2 Korean War Era AD-4 Skyraiders



    SF2 Korean War Era AD-4 Skyraider Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: you MUST have SF2V as part of your Full-5 Merged install to gain access to the A-1H.lod this mod refers to.* All aircraft have brand new skins, built from my Home Grown Template ™. Unites depicted are: VA-35, USS Leyte 1950 VA-55, USS Valley Forge 1951 VA-75, USS Bon Homme Richard 1950-51 VA-115, USS Philippine Sea 1950-51? VA-195, USS Princeton ??? VA-702, USS Boxer (became VA-145) VA-923, USS Oriskany (became VA-125) VF-194, USS Boxer 1953? (became VA-196) VMA-121, Land Based, K-6 airfield This is a complete aircraft (well, minus the Stock Lod ™ of course!), with a new radar-equipped cockpit by Dels. Skins are still in bmp format, making it usable in all SF2 merged game installs with access to the A-1H.lod. All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose. The 'USMC50s' pilot figure, AN/APS-4 radar pod and engine sounds are included. All weapons are included* (simple edits can make the stock 3W ones usable, if one has Expansion Pak 1). Wingfold is NOT activated, but the canopy is. Use the Usual Suspect (shift/0) to open and close it. All lighting is histerically correct. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. When in-game, you'll see "AD-4 Skyraider (3W)" on the selection drop-down. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein *excepting torpedoes for attacking the Hwachon Dam

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