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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well, mabye not fully armed with 20s ... maybe a dozen or so scattered around the deck edge will fine! all I ask, is you wash your feet before I kiss them, and only after it's released!!
  2. Those are brand NEW models!!! just wanted to clear that up, in case there was any question or doubts. thank you for you attention wrench kevin stein on behaf of the entire KAW Team ....with more to come, along with the Terrain itself, too!
  3. (why don't we have a Yoda smiley???) 'as you wish it to be, a thing is"
  4. iirc, the cockpit was also down by bobrock; but as has been said, it's taken so long to get HERE right now, things tend to fall throug the cracks
  5. ah, well, because some f***ing idiot forgot to move the Decals/F9F-2 folder into the 'to be zipped' folder hangs head sheepishly...
  6. F-80C, 36th FBS, replacement skin



    This is a replacement skin map for the recently Released F-80C. I'd forgotten to turn on the layer with the nation marking, so this ONE has them!! to Install: unzip to your desktop or other place you can find it easly, and then drop the 36thFBS folder DIRECTLY over your existing folder in the /F-80C I'll get the entire package updated within the next 24 hours. Sorry about that people! and special thanks to GearyMcS for catching it!! wrench kevin stein
  7. Geary: yup, you're right! they sure don't.!!! Thanks for catching that; don't know how I missed it!! I can fix that in jiffy!! It'll be uploaded seperatly, hopefully tonight; tommorow the latest
  8. damnit!!! I'm not going back and re-rediting the announcment!!!
  9. well, looking through my SF2 install, I didn't really find one. maybe I started one, and never finshed it. (ther's a skin folder "IDF" in the E2C in the SF2I mod folder... all one needs to do is replace the us stars with IDF ones, and the find out the 4 serial numbers (or was it 6??) let me finish off the KAW stuff, and I'll revist it
  10. and, they'll replace all the old outdated 1stGen versions, too!!
  11. things that bad people get, when they misbehave!
  12. didn't I make one???? S/B in one of the skin paks..iirc
  13. as long as it's go the 4 5" turrets, 40mm AAA batteries, I'll be very happy!! hell, I'll bow down, and kiss his feet!!
  14. (insert Darth Vader voice) "I have you now..."
  15. PM monty, maybe? hopefully, it survived a crash he had some time ago
  16. the /Sounds folder don't exist by default, it only exists if one has added "new" sounds. They're all stored in one of the fligh cats, iirc. or maybe one of the menu cats. You can always find another sound to use; there's several paks around, mostly in the SF/Wo* downloads However, the FlightData.ini contains the sounds pointers, and is easily editable. Extract, place in /Flight folder and edit away!
  17. hmmm....don't thank that's Ranger....short hull Essex??? !!! or long hull Tico?
  18. E's didn't carry invasion stripes, only the A until March 52 (you're talking to the guy that skinning all the KAW Sabres). All used yellow bands after that date New A, E and F coming soon (as soon as I get the new FM for the A, unfortunately with the original LODs) ---------- required screenie
  19. moved to a more correct Forum. ----------------------------------------------- and Welcome!
  20. A Femnazi View Of An Iconic Photo

    I liked it better from the opening montage of "Watchmen"
  21. I don't see why that cant/couldn't be done, on a case-by-case basis. One of the modders with access, passes on the MAX files to Centurion or Sopochles, if the file is needed. Once modder status has been achieved, they'll get their password. Can be done via PM or email. just keep it 'nice and tight'. Piracy has been an issue in the past (but I'm sure the 2 aforementioned are honest), so security is paramount. Even with freeware items
  22. making new transitions ain't nothing!! I do it all the time!! (look at the Eritrea map, and JSF Aggie's desert tiles -- I added 6 or 8 new, corrected transitons, and the modern NAfrica .. at least that many new tiles). On yours, IME tiles in NAfrica, Sicily, southen Italy, and Greece. No big deal to import them. Turkey is left out, due to The Wall Proximity Transitions from IME to GCE shouldn't be an issue. It's only really the 3-ways that foul up the works!! I LIKE that map of yours!! Plenty of room of airfields (and navy base!) on Sicily, Tunisia, that big one in the "toe" near Messina, lots in Greece and so forth! as to tiling, I'm used to doing things by hand ... just wears out the mouse!! It DOES look like yours is much further along than C5s, and prolly in need of less work.
  23. Ed, I'm gonna sticky this thread for all to see and marvel at ... don't forget the Regia Aeronautica birds!!!
  24. well, C5 was quite happy to send it to me... BUT... don't expect anything before middle/last quater of next year. There's still several terrain remods in the pipeline, and this will need LOTS of work/rework and extensive researching! and...the possibilty of a massive tile import; although this is under consideration. I'm pretty sure the GCE tiles may not be correct for Greece, Crete, and possibly Sciily. May have to import IME tiles (like the modern NAfrica terrain) ... but I'll need to speak to folks that live in the region! (I"m a Yank! what the hell do I know from southern Europe???)* *although PureBlue's Anotolia uses only GCE tiles....

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