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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. didn't ghostrider883 and I post the Paki IIIELs a couple of weeks ago??? (of course, modifined for the 90/2000s) edit: yup http://combatace.com/files/file/13175-mirage-iii-pakistani-air-force-pak/
  2. umm... all of them??? mind you, only 3 would really need the navalmap specific _water.bmp Okinawa (done) Phillipines (but the entire map needs overhauling/rebuilding/retargeting/retiling) Central Pac (aka: Marianas) not counting the Midway, Hawaii and Solomons, ww2 Darwin Solomons: no IJN carriers; US carrier station, historically, is too close to the wall Midway -- f***s Midway's MAGs completely Hawaii - would need to plot the Carrier Striking Force location -which is quite easy- but adding the stations for Enterprise and Lex, - again - screws MAGs from their land bases. And the Ford Island airstrip is hosed ... so do this, if you have the Hawaii terrain: Darwin would only need 1 enemy station, and only for 1 week, so that's not really feasable Fix for Ford Island, on my Hawaii map: [TargetArea002] Name=NAS Ford Island Position=421393,421565 Radius=2000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY //AirfieldDataFile=airfield_SLB kurz.ini //NumSquadrons=1 CarrierStation=FALSE Target[001].Type=FordIsland comment out the airbase statements. I probably can't fix this! all the other terrains work as good as they've always done. (with the approritate SF2 edits to the data inis)
  3. yah, ya don't mess with the cockpit ini, that for completly different stuff!! it's the data ini that sets what 'on' an aircraft
  4. objectdata005.cat has the insignia, standard and loviz
  5. Version


    Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa "Oscar" Pak for SF2 (Wolf257) -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* Mods/reskins/redcalings for Wolf257's Ki-43 IJAAF WW2 aircaft. This package contains the full aircraft, 'rebuilt' into several variants: Allowing for physical differences that cannot be changed between variants, this package contains the following aircraft: Ki-43i Ki-43ic Ki-43IIB Ki-43III For a listing of Sentai, consult the various aircraft aircraft folders. Remember, this LOD is from 2004, the MAX files are unavailable, so it is as it is. Compliants on the physical model will be ignored. All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE (for the one skin that has numbers). Chutai markings for all but the 'green' skin are decals. All get new SF2 versions of the original 'box art' hangar screens (it's the same screen reused for all!). DDS damage textures and Destroyed models are included for all (taken from the WW2 terrains). Due to the mapping being the same, what with the same lod being used for all, all skins are easily transferable between the different variants. In truth, 99.9% of Oscar units used all the variant at some point during the War. All have (pretty much the same, with slight differences) semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they do need further fine tuning by experts. All lighting is 100% historically correct. All weapons, guns, a pilot figure and sounds are included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes, if I'd found them, are included for historical purposes. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  6. Version


    Curtiss P-40B Tomahawk, USAAC Early War -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. You try so at your own risk; no support is/will be available for such attempts* This is a compliation pak of several of my 1stGen USAAC/AAF P-40B mods, recreating USAAC P-40Bs at the beginning of WW2. Based off Wolf's original RAF Tomahawk, now nationalized for American usege. This package contains 3 skin and decal sets: 47th Pursuit Squadron, Bellow Field, Hawaii; "Pearl Harbor Defender" -with Historical Markings. "USAAC"; representing the 24th Purusit Group in the Phillipines, Dec 8, 1941. Marking are 98% accurate - those units "closest" to the expected War Zone had slightly different markings they US Mainland units. There are 100 "plane-in-group' numbers, represening the 24th's 4 Squadrons. "The Sky Legion"; a fanciful skin based on the film "Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow". Just for fun! If you don't want it showing up, simply rename the textureset.ini, and delete the entry from the P-40B.ini. The markings on BOTH the 47th PS and 24th PG are correct for the period. All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. A new SF2 version of the original 'box art' hangar screen is included . New DDS damage textures. A destroyed model is included, as is the in-line 'CRSPRP' engine sound (very Allison like!) "Time in Service" has been limited to 1940 start year, and a 'guesstimated' end service date of May, 1941. They were all pretty much used up by then, and replaced by D,E,and F models in the SoWesPac. All running lights are 100% correct for this aircraft. A semi-SF2 compliant Flight Model was "fiddled into being", but it does needs further fine tuning, as always, by experts. Even though THIS version is a non-exported aircraft, a Userlist.ini was created for it. Allowed Mission statements now more reflect the actual usage philosophy of the time frame. (no Strike, Anti-ship, or Sweep) The aircraft was designed more for a 'point defence interceptor', and has no provisions for external stores of any kind. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Original readmes, when discoverable, have been included for historical purposes. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  7. I'm gonna guess Helldiver....judging by the gear doors if so, i've got several books you might find usefull (expecially with the fold-down aft turtle deck for the gunner)
  8. build it with SF2NA as teh base exe ... I've got very nice working carrier stations for Okinawa (now, we just need working WW2 carriers...)
  9. Tony Scott died

  10. All my work gone

    everyone should own one of these: http://www.vantecusa.com/en/product/view_detail/266 you don't have to be IT Guru (and I sure as hell aint!!). When the XP machine croaked, and I got the new one, I just yanked the HD, plugged in the correct adaptors, and right into the USB port. Was able to save EVERYTHING!!
  11. those, the 3x Start/End year MUST be edited. that's what controls the main year selections. you will also (probably) have to edit the various terrain inis (ie: IcelandNA.ini), as many of them have set start/end dates VietnamSEA IsrealME GermanyCE the Desert is "open" they'll need extraction, of course, and placement in "terrain name" folder in each and all mods folders /Terrains folder
  12. need the RAF mk1 gunsight tga; should be availalbe in several of my older 1stGen Hurri/Spit mods
  13. Commadore Decker is gone ...

    William Windom has passed. http://www.eonline.com/news/339174/emmy-winner-william-windom-dead-at-88?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories
  14. i don't they're dated at ALL!!! Shoot, I used the Late WW2 1 (with framing) on the P-47 Razorback I just released. Works great!!! hmmmm....maybe the mid-ww2-2. I was thinking of something that had the gun breeches for the nose guns in the pit, ala AD's Zeke or the reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly old P-40B Wolf pit and a telescopic or ring-and-bead sight yah, I'm asking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for 30-odd ww2 players!
  15. ok, and exactly how many folks DON'T have full-5 merged, at the latest patch level??? THAT'S the point I was trying to make. Once you've added NA, you're f***ed. Hence, the reason some of us archived pre-Jan 2012 extracted cats; even if the don't have all the bells and whistles
  16. any chances for a ww2 jap cockpit? like something for an Oscar, etc? Getting tired of (re)using AD Zeke pit, and Kess' Hurri pit all the time!!
  17. isn't that was I just posted above??? Seriously....
  18. F-16C Real loadouts?

    Google, maybe? f16.net???
  19. EuroTrip

    Hot Fuzz rulez!! iirc, one of our CA members lives in the village where it was filmed; even said on the documentery, when the director is speaking, in the crowd behind him was his wife and child!
  20. swap out the seat for the stock one, and see what happens SeatModelName=seat_f-104 I think I had to do that on CB varians, but can't actually remember!!!
  21. that's exactly what I just said. using a generic, like Dan did, called "RWR.lst", and drop into each aircraft's main folder. Extratct all the needed avionics inis, and edit the ThreatLibrary= line, drop in each aricraft's main folder. [RWR] Type=TEWS AirSearchTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga AirTrackTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga AirLockTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga GroundSearchTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga GroundTrackTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga GroundLockTexture=RWR_Unknown.tga MissileActivityTexture=RWR_Missile.tga PriorityTexture=RWR_Priority.tga SearchSize=0.20 TrackSize=0.20 LockSize=0.20 SearchFlash=FALSE TrackFlash=FALSE LockFlash=TRUE LockFlashRate=0.1 TrackSound=RWRTrackSound.wav LockSound=RWRLockSound.wav FlashActivityOnLaunch=TRUE ThreatLibraryFile=RWR.lst
  22. EuroTrip

    or the old lady in the confessional, when Scotty finally hooks up with Mika "Use her like a humping post" I fell over!!
  23. good luck with that ... the RWR lists have disappeared from the extractable cats (see my 'Things that annoy me greatly thread). best thing is to extract all the avaionics inis for those aircraft (usually with a 78 or later operating start year), and use add these to dtmdragon's generic list (which actually has most of them already) unfortunately, I really didn't archive the pre-Jan 2012 rwr lists, but did find a few (very few!!) below, is a stock 3W rwr list (iirc, from the F-15A -all others are exactly the same) build from there; but cross-check with dtmdragons!!!
  24. here's one from wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy out in left field...
  25. spelling error.... you all know how hard it is for us Americans to speak/read/write Engiish!! -------------- copy/paste the statements below DIRECTLY over the existing 6 flap statments: still don't know why the damn wings don't fold!!

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