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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. remember -- no posts without a screenshot, brother!!! and more specifically, the shadow artifcats caused by the missile rails
  2. well, if I may be so bold as to suggest an aircraft for a possible DLC...and it would fit right in, given it's main adversery is already existant, and the game's base timeframe ... F-86 Sabre (at least the slatted E and hard-wing F models) (only because I know you work with Zur (The Great and Powerful) on his)
  3. Happy Birthday to....

    our very own Soulman!!! Happy Birthday, Carlo!!! don't party too hard, now!!
  4. the spectre would probablly best be done via tail code decals. Remember, too, those gunships are a real bitch to fly, and even harder to hit ground targets with!!!
  5. complete package, as always. unfortunately, just the one skin by Pete. Cockpt will be "different"*, and avionics a bit more sophiscated than the real bird, for playability * meaning, NOT the Kestral pit,
  6. you're seeing "The Edge of the Universe" ... aka "The Wall". Experienced it too, usually on F6 view (look at all the planes!) Sometimes it jumps to The Wall and stays there.
  7. well, other than needing the Desert terrain cat for for severl dozen add-on terrains; that's the best reason for having it. as to which to buy first, it all depends on where one's interest lies. Eventually, due to the fact the modding community is moving towards a more SF2NA based type of install (again, due to terrains getting the Naval Map functions added)...having all, AND both Expansion Paks will be a must
  8. Curiosity has landed

    can't wait to see more pics from the surface!! ------ OTH..... Damn Earthlings!! CAn't you read the sign?? It says "Thoat Parking Only"
  9. anyone notice what's missing from those outer pylons??? I think I've gotten it fixed!
  10. oh, yah. Absolutely, just what's needed over at 3rdWire, or even here. Yet another useless poll of "things" some folks want, that takes up bandwidth, starts arguments, creates ill-will and bad feelings amongst community members. That, for all intents and purposes, will most likely never be implimented in-game. Ain't we seen enough of them already, and seen their obvious results There's plenty of stuff, for those of us that actually look inside The Engine ™, that haven't been implimented since Day 1, SFP1. There are many of us that DO want to have some idea of the road ahead ... as Carlo posted at 3W. Just some inkling (sp?) of any major turns, twists or pitfalls. To find out if things we're working on, have worked on, or are planning on working on, won't turn into a festering dung-heap by some forthcoming patch or addon or simple error in coding. Most of the time, it feels we're driving on a 1-lane, twisting mountain road at night, with no lights, painted over windows, half-flat tires, fading brakes and blindfolded.
  11. you mean like this? Further tesing is needed, but I think I fixed the LOD's shadow issue a the outer pylons, too!! (if true, that means issuing fixes for the TA-4H and TA-4J)
  12. 849 Naval Air Squadron Hawkeye MK.1 departs from HMS Duke of Edinburgh for pickett duty (deck sceens from the boat are in the regular screenie's thread)
  13. and the correct lo-viz SqTails!! all the ones shown so far are full color
  14. in case some you ain't noticed yet, the site is undergoing a MAJOR software upgrade. be paitent ... they'll be active when the upgrade is completed (with the next 24-odd hours, I'd expect)
  15. File Name: Mirage III, Pakistani Air Force Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 July 2012 File Category: Mirage 3 Mirage III Set, Pakistani Air Force - For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged Installs - -- Another Addition For The India-Pakistan Mod -- *Please note if not fully merged, at minimum, you =MUST= also have SF2:V, SF2:E, and SF2:I, as the ROSE Mirage references the A-7D_78 cockpit, and various "parts" from the F-15 and F-16 Netz. Hence, the call for "Full-4/5 Merged" If you do NOT meet these requirements, do NOT download this mod as you'll be unable to use it.* This pack contains 3 complete aircraft: MirageIIIEA (ex-RAAF, hence "A" for Australia), with ROSE upgrade MirageIIIEL (ex FAL, Lebannon) MirageIIIEP (for Pakistan) All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all weapons are supplied; several of the unguided rockets and the AIM-9L/9P use stock 3W items (of course, if you have 3rdParty ones in your install, it'll use them). ECM/CM pods have been updated to the latest SF2 standards. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! For Historical Purposes, all original TMF readmes are included. Dedicated to the memory of bpao; Oli you're missed! Happy Landings! Wrench kevin steinh Click here to download this file
  16. experiments in reskinning ... CVA-02 HMS Duke of Edinburgh
  17. I see your Meteor T.7, and raise you an NF model (any!!)
  18. in particular, on the 'stand in' Leygues class I just relased. I made the hullnumber decals, thought I'd gotten the pathway correct, and just noticed they're not showing up! Is there some secret I'm missing (trying this for another CV projects, that's basically just for s & g's) here's the decal ini ... the positions s/b the same as on the base Spruance I used.. and the screenie is the actual decal folder it's just weird!
  19. looks like we're getting Ferris schemes too (new FB pics)
  20. just cruising the countryside of Greece
  21. yes, names.lst exists, sitting the the ship's main folder. I followed the 3W format, ship1 gets decal1 (totally different from aircraft!! damn strange, that, I say!) maybe it's a good thing I forgot the include them!
  22. File Name: Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian AF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 August 2012 File Category: Mirage 2000 Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian Air Force =For SF2, Any & All* = -An additon for the India-Pakistan Mod- *Note: reccomended/required to have at least one stock 3W Mirage available in your game install(s), as this aircraft references the Mirage destroyed model for it's own* Modifications/Corrections/Additions and general 'clean-up' of the M2000H from ace888's "Foreign Users Pak" create a more accurate representation of the IAF variant. See 'Change List' below the Install Instructions for details. All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, droptanks, seat, etc are included. Canopy operates on the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Skins for 3 squadrons are included; No. 1 Squadron "Tigers" No. 7 Squadron "Battleaxes" No. 9 Squadron "Wolfpak" Each skin uses the Squadron Crest as the paint chip on the loadout screen. A new SF2 compliant Hangar screen is included, as are 2 Loading screens to select from. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed changes/corrections list. Be advised, this mod REPLACES the Mirage2000_HAL in its entirety!!! Do NOT install this mod over the original. You WILL create problems!! Happy Landings! Kevin 'wrench' Stein Sandesh 'ghostrider883' Kanchan Click here to download this file

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