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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. A small, but important fix-it people!! you can do this one of 2 ways, edit the weapon's data ini (a rocket pod) or edit the loadout ini. if editing the weapon, open the Matra_LRF4_Data.ini, and scroll down till you see the "EndExportDate=" line change the year from 2010, to something extensive, like 2050 or edit the loadout ini, changing all the callouts for the Matra_LRF4 to the stock Matra-155 do whichever is easiset for you (personally, I"d edit the weapons' data) this is my fault for NOT checking all the lines in all the weapons, assuming (oh! that word!) that the original package had been properly fact-checked and de-bugged.
  2. Level=2 is also used for nose art, as their numbering also follows serial/modex/id letter sequencing
  3. it's just ini edits .. we have a 20005/9??
  4. a faux Foch/Clemencau, based upon an existing 3W flatop?? (you, know a 'stand in') I know there are MANY physical differences, far too many to list here; but at least this would give the AeroNaval Crusaders and SuEs someplace to live/work from. If so, then I need to enlist one of our Naval Architects to 'activate' the 4 gun mount -even if they don't physically move- to give them 100mm DP guns. Cause the origianl Essex's ain't got NOTHING to protect themselves with!! In theory, the 1970s (??) upgrade to short-ranged SAMs could also be added (Crotale?); but that would mean 2 sets of shipt -before and after overhaul (by inference, french frigates/destroyers from the 1960s on up would also be needed ... or modded from something existing) Thoughts?
  5. could be! comparing the stock 84A with some others, there are differences in some of the statements in fact, I took the 84E, used the statements from the A, adjusted for years and all, and got the same result .. right through the ship! fubar mentioned that 'maybe reclass the cargo ships as WARSHIP and see what happens' ... i can almost gaurentee it's a coding issue, as rocket, bombs (including LGBs) take them out
  6. post at 3rd wire, too. maybe you'll have more luck than I did, when asking the mesh name for the tail blister
  7. a little Zipper action in the Eastern Med...
  8. HELL YES!!! after all, those I released are just 'stand ins' so there's something to have in game.
  9. (cough) mytia's phantom skin paks (cough)
  10. on a slight change of subject, has anyone else noticed the addon antishipping missiles (in particular from WBS cruise missle pak) arn't working?? launched an exocet at a 'cargo ship' (Tor Caledonia, ta be exact, and yes, it has a _col.lod), and it passed right over head, turned around, and was flying backwards away from the ship. Also seen them pass right through the ships, and do the same thing. Also watched a stock SF2NA Harpoon-A do pretty much the same thing we can only hope Exp3 with the M.F1, brings a 3W Excocet that'll work....(and the attendant reworking of 2 dozen+ 3rd party aircraft aht use them..)
  11. ours, or the Real Ones ™??? man, cause we just got these dialed in!!!
  12. French Naval Units (SI)



    French Naval Forces Pak =For SF2, Full-5 Merged and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!!- = AKA: "Faux French Naval Units", the "SI" means 'Stand-In' *Note: You =MUST= have SF2NA installed somwhere for this mod to work, as 2 ships reference LODs that are only available with SF2NA or a Full-5 Merged install. If you don't meat this minimum requirement, do NOT download this pak, as you'll be unable to use it* **Notex2: ALL of the vessels depicted herein are 'stand-ins' for the Real Life ™ naval vessels they depict. I've chosen to use the "best, closest shapes". In this regard, they DO have a physical approximation to the real boats.* This pack contains 3 "Stand In" ships representing French Naval vessels: Clemencau Class CV (uses SCB125 Essex) Duperre Class DD (using Hinch's Cavailer) Leygues Class DDG (using the SF2NA Spruance) Included are sounds, and instrucitons for editing the soundlist.ini to add them. Also included is the 100mm ACAS gun. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! At the very least, this WILL give the DLC French Crusader and Super Etendards a home. Please accept them in the spirit intended! Happy Landings!
  13. thanks Stary!! to say nothing of the CAC Sabres, OzRhino, and the Amberly Pigs!! (and Indonesian stuff, too!)
  14. yeah, by rebuilding the _water.bmp to add Yankee and Dixie stations, adding NavalMap=TRUE to the VietnamSEA.ini, and having a full-5 merged install. You MUST have SF2NA installed to make use of carrier-based single missions that was done months ago....BUT... the movement ini does need rebuilding the rearrange the 'front line' (that red line), to seperate the northern gulf of tonkin from NVn, thereby creating that part of the ocean as 'friendly' the map shoud/would look something like this... (note the 'enemy puke-green' zone off Haiphong) edit: as I've put them, you'd need to use the expanded world trick in the flight engine ini, as the Yankee/Dixie are a bit too close to The Wall. The map is really not set up correctly for NA-based CV station coding. Fixable, yes
  15. thank YOU for the HUD/ADI fixes!! (they're included!)
  16. since it's back now, thought I'd just post a shot of velro's F-109
  17. File Name: French Naval Units (SI) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 August 2012 File Category: Other French Naval Forces Pak =For SF2, Full-5 Merged and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!!- = AKA: "Faux French Naval Units", the "SI" means 'Stand-In' *Note: You =MUST= have SF2NA installed somwhere for this mod to work, as 2 ships reference LODs that are only available with SF2NA or a Full-5 Merged install. If you don't meat this minimum requirement, do NOT download this pak, as you'll be unable to use it* **Notex2: ALL of the vessels depicted herein are 'stand-ins' for the Real Life ™ naval vessels they depict. I've chosen to use the "best, closest shapes". In this regard, they DO have a physical approximation to the real boats.* This pack contains 3 "Stand In" ships representing French Naval vessels: Clemencau Class CV (uses SCB125 Essex) Duperre Class DD (using Hinch's Cavailer) Leygues Class DDG (using the SF2NA Spruance) Included are sounds, and instrucitons for editing the soundlist.ini to add them. Also included is the 100mm ACAS gun. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! At the very least, this WILL give the DLC French Crusader and Super Etendards a home. Please accept them in the spirit intended! Happy Landings! Click here to download this file
  18. apparently, the DAT is planning a really big PTO mod, afaik, SF2 based. They also have the CV-9 class (prolly the short hull Essex, as opposed to the longhull Ticonderorga that the stock SCB125 is based on) it's actually quite easy to convert; unfortunately all we gots is an really old, really poor CV6, called "Enterprise6" it's not fully updated (missing parking slots, as they must be plotted from the lods positining), but here it is
  19. check the avionics ini for this statement (or in the data ini): RadarLockInterferesWithCompass=TRUE
  20. interestering ... that was 2 years ago ... dosen't seem llike any progerss has been made i wonder if the 3 files they posted could be used to generate the HFD (from the hf bmp)... be an interestering experiment
  21. one of the reasons, it'd be real PIA to paint over it, and add the 'panel lines'. Doable, but just adds a few hours
  22. Version


    Bell (X)F-109 "AiraCobra II" - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4/5 Merged Prefered) - *This mod makes use of the F-4B cockpit and avionics inis, which should be available in all versions, excepting perhaps a stand-alone SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged' tag. It is the prefered type of install* An update of the update from 8/2011...now re-uploaded. Some mods for Veltro2K's (X)F-109 VTOL Interceptor bring it more in line for SF2. Modifications include (but not limited to): Skin slightly repainted All new decals for serial and Buzz Numbers. Squadron markings for the 48th FIS from Langley AFB Skin converted to jpg format Cockpit switched to stock F-4B (closest match) Canopy switched to manual animation key (use Shift/0) Weapons fit and mission statements more in line with a 'point defence interceptor' Reuse of classic Bell WW2 Fighter Name ™ Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so be at least at the May or June 2011 patch level to take advantage of this feature. And many others. The pak is to be applied DIRECTLY over the orignal download, availble at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13169-bell-xf-109/ The aircraft LOD is NOT included. Weapons are not included; most are available from the GunnyPak (the 2 Falcons) 1stGen users please note: this is designed for SF2 usage; if used in SF/Wo* there may be incompatabilites that may cause unwanted failures. Use in a 1stGen environment at your own risk. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. Which contains vital Operational Information ™. So read it! Veltro2k's original readme is also included. With thanks to V2K! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  23. this was just a nice, atmospheric shot. gotta love Stary's SCARASM mod!!

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