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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. forgot to mention, i've got some updates/upgrades for the Super Etendards, too, that give them alternative loads for Naval_Strike and Cruise_Missile (and some fiddling with that damn pod that don't realy do anything!)
  2. yah, that's what was trying to say!!
  3. that might it explain the failure of CubaOTC* in SF2 (but works perfectly in NA) But Korea3 (for KAW, in the KAW mods folder -built form the sf2.exe)and also in SF2 and Persian Gulf are both working as advertised. that definatly points to NA-exe specific coding somewhere! even though the merged games uses all the same dlls. *locks/freezes at 80%, which is usually a GO issue
  4. that's what gave me the idea! Doing the research last night on the boats, I ran across it. Laughed my butt off! almost as good a Top Gear UK!
  5. yes, it is not releasable. when i first posted it, i was asked by marcello to remove it. now...oth, if someone has updated data inis, with all the SF2NA goodness ... afaik, THOSE can be released. it's just that people will have to screamble around and d/l a huge 1stGen pak by TMF that contains the LOD, and add it to the ini pak. therefore, to remove any "issues", i came up with the idea for a stand-in. edit: WK, it should say "PA Clemencau" (porte avions)
  6. first thing to always check, is for double nested folders (/Terrains/terrains/sweden) it that's the case, move the sweden terrain folder up one level. or maybe Reptilicus ate the the whole thing????
  7. hopefully I've gotten the warning plaque translated ok (babelfish). of course, if any of our French speakers sees it's wrong, let me know the corrct phrasing, and i'll fix it (have enought problems with English, being an American and all... (or, we can put something completly 'off the wall' on it, like adverts for Citreon or Peugeut. you all know my love of silly Easter Eggs in-game)
  8. First Indian C-17 Globemaster III

    shoot! the LB factory is only 30-odd miles south of me!! would have liked to have seen that! Erin Gray???? aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.... (back then of course)
  9. actually, I stole them from the F-100C (natural metal specs from TK )
  10. isn't that set in the textureset ini: Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000
  11. i'm tring to imagine how much HD space that's gonna take; one would need to extract ALL the FE2 cats (ok, both of them), and place all their objects/declas/skins/etcs into all their proper folders as to a ww1 carrier, i'm sure Hinch's MAC or the Akagi (??) could easily be repainted and reused for ww1 (provided the terrain(s) is/are set up for it with the new carrier op zones, new water bmps, appropriate escort ships and so forth)
  12. no, just how Vista and Win7 work with 1stGen stuff
  13. missing something that uses a 'fake pilot'. check the unzipped folder for a /Pilots folder. as to the gunsight ... here's a screenie with the BK27 selected make sure your cockpit setting (of the Options tab on the game's main menu) is set to the highest your maching can handle. or it's the dreaded ATI bug returning.
  14. um, not really As 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of stock 3W aircraft use decals, adding OSEAN to the nations.ini will allow it to show on the Servie Selection box on the single mission screen. And, as 90+% of all aircraft (not counting nation specific mods and/or nation specific DLCs, or the few non-exported aircraft) were exported to somebody, it may show. IF .. and here's the big if... the game engine is designed to LOOK into folders 1st, and the cats 2nd. As the fantasy nations don't exist in the ObjectData***.cats, with the other decals, they MAY show if said decal is existant in the main /Decals folder (ie: the root, Objects/Decals -at the top of the tree). Odds are, it won't. Hence, as I suggested earlier, each and every AceCombat modded aircraft will need to have their correct national marking (aka "Insignia") residing within each and every decals folder. and extracting the userlist for each and every one of the 'to be modded' aircraft, placing in the appropriate aircraft folder, editing to add whichever country it's attached to; cross-checking/double/triple checking data inis for the 'to-be-modded' aircraf to check for exported=true (and I'm sure for your use, most aren't exported). Could wind up as a hell of a lot of work just for console game planes! (my opinion only, of course) Alternatively, you can keep the aircraft with their 'nation of origin', and just call the nation in the skin textureset.ini. Like my "Global Sediton" skins -- they're still classed as 'Soviet' for nation. This, from the GS MiG-21MF textureset.ini: it all depends on how which nation is Blue, which Red, and how much effort you want to expend
  15. Action in the North Atlantic.. buzzing the boat cross-decking with the US Navy (we REALLLLLLLLLLLLY need a late-model French carrier!)
  16. why not just call the actual animiationID for the wingfold? that's how it works on the Crud, SPADs
  17. (cough) Darwin Modern (cough) (ok, not stock ...but....) ------ Diamondsbacks in the Carribean, 1962
  18. well, it would mean running it back through MAX, and adding it (read: taking time and money to do so). However, the OzMirage, they didn't really stick out like on the 3E/5D/whichever. in fact, below is the 'fairing' from the F/A variant. It's part of the skin. From my research, it only stuck out a few mms in Real Life ™. This is easly confirmed by a web search for 'RAAF Mirage' ... and browsing the photos at adfserials.com.* (*which also shows differing strike loadouts -- 2 1300 tanks, 4 bombs on centerline, and Magics on the 'cranked' mounting pylons in the 70s(??), replacing those crappy 9B winders. )
  19. not necessarily! you can add OSEAN to the Nations.ini, but have the roundel residing in the /Decals folder, and it'll still work, based upon Exported=TRUE statement in the data ini, and OSEAN exisiting in the userlist.ini (of course, not knowing what bird he's modding...extraction of the data ini, and userlist, and placement in the aircraft's main folder is a must)
  20. just part 1; after all it was simple mistake. Dan can go the primiers's of parts 2 & 3!! now...when is his version of "The Dambusters" coming....the WW2 Geek wants to know!
  21. and utterly useless in combat ... might as well paint it Bright Orange -oh wait! we have a Phantom in Air Inferiority Orange already!! dswan is right ... we ALL wants them N and S model Rhinos!!! (and 3rd Wire Sabre!!! -- who do I have to kill for that one??)
  22. that's what I thought, but Korea works perfectly in BOTH it's KAW stand-alone, and in SF2 (KAW folder built from the SF2.exe)
  23. Couldn't have said it better! here's another example, along those same lines... Why does a terrain NOT work in one install (to wit: SF2, standard, all-is-everything) BUT...does work as designed in SF2:NA, when all the inis, callouts, water bmp, etc are setup FOR carrier basing??? Meaning: CubaOTC+ works perfectly in NA, but crashes/locks/jams/f***sup in SF2. it IS the damndest thing!! And virtually impossible to run down
  24. hint: userlist.ini http://combatace.com/topic/60726-the-userlistini/
  25. just for that simple mistake, you're not allowed at the primier of "The Hobbit"

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