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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. i've had it working with as little as 6 numbers (modex,bunum) for the VT-8 Midway TBF detactmenat (6 aircraft). Works a charm!
  2. had that on the Kamchanta map ... the Lat and Long were switched, and it was always night!
  3. it'd be no issue to swap sides for iran & iraq and make some very easy edits to add it to Op Darius. Super easy, just a little time consuming to pick through and swtich ENEMY ot FRIENDLY and versa vicea!
  4. pm sent, with zip and a 'specal surprise' link
  5. it was 300 nose arts ... Let me tell ya, it was a HELL of a lot of work, expecially when trying to convert B&W ww2 photos to useble multi-colored decals! the 233 serials were done by ghostrider883 (Sandesh) for the Gnat. just a small correction!
  6. and as always, the loadout is slight off ... needs adding the drop tanks to the standard A-A loadout. damn well worth the 6 buck i'll tell ya (and this from the guy that had already BUTILT a 3O 2 years ago!) comes with sliver, 2 different camo (gray/greens), and the late-model overall gray skins. And all the squadron tail badges too!!
  7. File Name: Harvard IIB, Indian & Pakistani AFs Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 July 2012 File Category: Other Harvard Mk.IIB, Indian and Pakistani Air Forces Pak = For SF2 series Games, Full 4/5 Merged = -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod- This is a package of Harvard trainer aircraft for both the Indian and Pakistani air forces. It contains 2 complete aircraft and the PAF variant has 2 skins, as shown in the accompaning screenshot. All weapons, sounds, NEW dds damage textures and a 'generic' hangar screen are included. A 'new' destroyed model is included (it's close enough in shape!<g>) All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Updated 7/30/2012 v 1.1 with corrected credits in readme (hopefully, got them right this time) apologies! Click here to download this file
  8. easy brother!!! been a little busy with fixing the Mirage 2000H (and Ajeet/Gnat). I'll take care of it, which means reuploading the package again. not to worry, my friend!!
  9. don't forget, you'd need a matching number.lst, with the specificed Modex i'm not sure if the engine is that smart! I think is says (or means?) "use only these within this set" other than what I said about the block size being too small. maybe the bloksize= is in the wrong place?? this is from the IAF Gnat: that's how I've set it up, since the radomization and block sizing started (last year?). Interesting to note, TK only goes to 100 (0-99). This is the first time I've ever actually seen the decals over that number. In theory, you can have 999 (0-998), as everything has max of 3 digits. I sure as hell wouldn't want to make 1000 decals!!! (well, actually I have come close - in the WW2 B-29 ETO "what if", there are 300 nose arts, 300 serials and 300 sqadron codes -- let me tell ya, that was nightmare to create!!)
  10. national insignia are always Level=1 can you post the decals.ini?
  11. booo-yahh!!! the new OzMirage DLC...all 3 versions, F, A and F/A this is the F/A on strike -interesting to note the use of BFTs! so far, it's worth the 6 dollars!
  12. in a way, it IS a numeric subset; but it tell the Game Engine ™ HOW many decals are either existant or allowed for use on this particular texture. As Level decal numbering (usually) starts with 000 and goes to 0XX, it's always +1 (000 is the first) Was working on the Ajeet/Gnat earlier today, and there are 234 serial decals -- and randomization and block size worked (0-233 block size) in theory, and I think HF (or was it daddyairplanes?) tested this, you can specificy a block size of 25, and call directly the tgas wanted (074-099). I haven't tested that, however.
  13. and it needs (needed?) a better hangar screen, too. My old eyes had a hard time reading the 'mission brief' on the hangar. So, I made a new one for me off the SF2 hangar screen template but I'm loving this mod!
  14. this is the clue: in SF2 untextured meshes (ie: the LOD) are Black. In SF/Wo*, untextured meshes are White. The SF2 engine also handles decals slightly differently, and sometimes they don't show up on untextured meshes; wherea s in 1stGen sometimes they do. He's trying to run the mod in one of the 1stGen games. Nothing we can do there ... now, if he'd said what game he'd installed it too, a lot of confusion would have been advoided
  15. the original auuthor was "Mitch", in 2003 don't place them ON the platte, just near it! Along the threat axis (meaning: pointed towards the enemy side of the map) often they won't show until needed (or spawned) by the game engine -- this is a know issue for us targeeters. Sometimes even the launchers don't show when building a target area
  16. all i can say is WOW!!! this'll liven up night anti-ship missions (wonder if the lights will always be on, even on parked boats??)
  17. i have several comments about the "person" that reported the violence issue, but because this is a family site, I'm letting descresion guide me -for once. (that and profanity editor would just fill the page with censor marks.) --- Remember people -- No Posts In This Thread WithOUT a Screenshot!!! meanwhile, back to the game, in another part of the world.... Gnats taxi past a 'visiting' Seahawk
  18. one of the ground platte from 'The Factory Place', methinks! (aka: a rebuild of the original vehicle depots) nice repurposing!!! as suggestion for the terraformers/targeteers, is bulid the AD units (ie: SAM batterie) INTO this target area, not as seperate areas. Makes life much easier!! just a couple of corrections.... Radius=3000 7km is bit too large! also, because the groundplatte is flatobject=true, that terrain region it sits on MUST be a flat zone, or be flattened in the TE.
  19. are you using the correct weapons editor for you patch level? This assumes you're using the 08 patch; there's an 08 level weapons editor, too. I don't remember exactly where they are here, but look in the downloads, Utilities and Tools section. At worst, it's also at 3rd Wire
  20. did you move BOTH the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat files over??? It's GOT to have both (how it works, the weaponsdata.ini is just the listings, the weaponsdata.dat is the actual file the game engine ™ looks at) now, here I'm gonna get sarcastic, so take this as a bit of a joke; not meant to be harmfull or hurtfull in any way: move to SF2 and you won't have these problems, as all weapons are folderized with all the needed inis, lods, bmps/tga etc, internal to themselves. Weapons editor for SF2 isn't really needed at all!
  21. well, check the individual data inis, making sure they're listed, and might have to extract and rebuild the soundlist.ini
  22. you block size it too small ... 50-99 is 50 numbers, you have showing 25. try chaning it to match the full block size, see what happens
  23. awaiting the opinions of the masses, and the arrival of the much-touted MirageIIIO ... not wanting to rebuild all my mods folders more than once in the same week
  24. I LOVE mountain terrains!!! Baltika; I've found the archived TE folder, and zipped it. it's only 36 megs, and I can send it via pm quite easily. Just let me know if you want it! (of course, it dosen't include the actual ing-game tiles and TODs I build for Iran/Iraq, but those are easily transfered from that terrain's folder)

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