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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's good, as I found a major glitch in the indo-pak terrain that I have to fix in the TE ... thank the gods I never throw out a 'region specific' TE install!! and sandesh sent me the correct 10 serial number decals for the IAF B66s, too. I can wait and create a 'nationalized' version after your release (or send you the decals if it's ok with Sandesh!)
  2. Julhelm: don't forget there's a "report" button (the triangle with the exclaimation point) the the 3W boards.
  3. yes, those pylons worked very nice! (see SF2 screenshots thread for a shot of IAF B(I)66.) But, I think I might wait for carlo's!
  4. as in a "WIP" (like the thread linked?) or is it in Cranberry Pak1??
  5. SF2 WW2 Aircraft and Skins I think is where I put the Rufes.. edit, yup! http://combatace.com/files/file/13075-a6m2-n-rufe-floatplane-fighter/
  6. Getting Started

    I think there's a DX10 shader issue with some of the eariler ones. Maybe try Stary's SARCASM mod; it was designed for SF2, so should work in FE2 (we hope!). I don't run any clouds mods in my FE2..so.... http://combatace.com/files/file/12836-sarcasm-slightly-artistic-representation-of-clouds-and-sky-mod-v-13/ if not working, it's a simple 'delete stuff'
  7. forgot to say, this is based on Wolf's P-39D
  8. "new" Canberra B(I)66, Indian Air Force, takes off for weapons training (built from the stock B.6 version; ghostrider883 decals, modified -heavily!!- loadouts, new wing pylon. coming soon!)
  9. Version


    P-39 Airacobra, Soviet Air Force "Eastern Front" Somehow, for some reason, this bird never got released. That's fixed now, eh?? A complete aircraft, 'nationailzed version', representing 16GIAP Airacobras of the Soviet Air Force on the Eastern Front. Includes many changes as seen on the P-400, including the 'newish' cockpit. The skin is heavily weathered, replicating the conditions on the Eastern Front. Weapons, pilot figure and sounds are not included, but you should have them already. Tested in SF2, but not fully compliant, FM wise. (as I have no 1stGen installs anymore). Should work passably well in 08 1stGens, and definately in 06 level SF/Wo*. As always, "caveat emptor". And, as alwasy, READ the enclosed 'To Install' instructions. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  10. I would never call you a jerk! I have to much respect for our military and ex-military personell The only thing I can really offer is: move to SF2!!! I do seem to recall doing a VVS P-39 skin for Wolf's D ... it should be in the WW2/AlliedFighters/Skins section. If not, I'll have to locate it and upload it.
  11. we got them already... http://combatace.com/files/file/12344-new-undead-horde-squad/
  12. actually, that's Veltro's Marauder. They're just hosting it
  13. You're not giving us a lot to work with here.... what OS are you on? have you read this, from the KB... http://combatace.com/topic/26134-fix-for-weapon-editor-that-doesnt-run-in-some-systems/ http://combatace.com/topic/12210-getting-the-weapon-editors-to-work-in-winxp/
  14. Ernest Borgnine has passed on...

    Gepard, if you haven't seen it, I'd definately reccomend finding "Marty", his Oscar winning film.
  15. my terrains are as Real World ™ as the engine allows; therefore, need no further "adjustments"
  16. gads, in the days of 56baud phone modems....i remember them (and probably have those wads archived on a zip-disc someplace!)
  17. jonathon: check PM. a note about some skins you might want to use
  18. maybe the colors off the JASDF DLC Phantoms would help??
  19. maybe on lod-based. Using your GreenHell works just fine Old School, as I'm using that for Central America. Now, the ObjectFade, and draw distances for the jungle might need some increase (hate that fade...)
  20. afaik, the main decals folder, Objects/Decals would be the top level Objects ...Decals ...*aircraftname* -1st ....-skin name -2nd .....-D (subfooler) -3rd like that you mean? I've used level-2 for 'squadron leader' markings, in particular on the Scorpion where/when the USAF used a colored stripe. Think of it as a nose art kinda thing. you can put the various BuNum subfolder under the main aircraft Objects/Decals/A-6E_79 (example) Decals ../A-6E_79 .../BuNums i don't there it matters exactly where the folder is, other than with the aircraft (name), so you write the pathway the shortest that works example only (as I just grabbed a statement for to show) [Decal0**] MeshName=fuselage_rear DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=A-6E_79/VA128/BuNum Position=-7.83,0.68 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 CAG marking would be the same (assuming oh! that word!), a "squadron named" CAG tag decal [Decal0**] MeshName=nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=A-6E_79/VA128/CAGVA128 Position=2.83,0.68 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 summat like that, maybe?
  21. although more for the PLAFF....as in a history thereof. Don't forget the NKPAF essentially ceased to exist by late 1951, so...
  22. i think 3 is the max; that's what its always been Aircraft name (main folder) skin name (1st level) Decals (2nd level) decal name (3rd level) i think that's as far as it'll go. the shorter the patch, is always better. ferinstance, my 'squadron decal cheat', for level 1s, either painted on or just to have the squadron display name to show, is very short. I just place my "sqtail.tga' in the root of the /Decals folder (as you've no doubt seen) [Decal023] MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Decals/SqTail Position=0,0 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.00001 DecalMaxLOD=1 so, you may have to create other sub-folders for whichever marking you want to appear within main A-6's /Decals folder to stay within the max 3 steps
  23. well, looking at those threads at 3W --and I'm not afraid to name names cause I just don't give a f*** about them-- carlostex and nolimitsohya, and a couple of others, are moronic idiots. I class them with the other "gimmes", that never return anything to the comunity, but only add to the general noise level. Talk about beating dead horses...over and over and over and over...its more than a little boring. If they pulled that kind of s**t here, the general population would stomp them flat. The dips want 100% realism? I'm more than sure there's other choices for their gaming hours. The more time TK spends trying to explain himself to these wall monkies, is more time and money lost on something more important. ----- In response to the poster about the FE Camel; that was released by the Dev A-Team, and removed from here when they left to their own site. --------------- Can the game be improved in certain areas? Of course! What game can't?? DanW, I'd like to personally thank you for talking to us. Still waiting for the RAAF Mirages!! now, where can I get a hi-rez version of that SF:AB shot for a screen saver? It's too funny!
  24. oh, man! that polka version ruuuuuuuuuullllzzzzzzzzzz!!!
  25. the stuff over at mcfly is like 5 years out of date the 08 level weapons editor is available at 3rd Wire, and in our SF/Wo* downloads sections, under Tools and Utilities.

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