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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. their's is an incomplete package -- mine is everything It's in the SF2 WW2 downloads section -- not that it's fully SF2, but it'll work in both my 2 favorite aircraft: flying boats and flying wings. you can't get more different than those 2!!!
  2. some tweeks: landinglight repositioning: on the tail light: [TailLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.0,-6.779,0.65 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.00 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.025 LightSrcRange=0.3 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=rudder of course, I switched my engine sound to the "merlin5" and, when using gunpods, you run out of ammo VERY quickly ... swich the 303s to FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN, as the game engine always sees gunpods -of any type- as the FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN (there's no fix or adjustment for that -hard coded) At Raven's request, I'm working on an SF2 pak, using Kesselbrut's Hurri pit, and some other SF2 tweeks (like a destroyed model) loving it!!
  3. File Name: Yellow US Fuel Truck Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 June 2012 File Category: Ground Object Mods Yellow US Fuel Truck = SF/Wo* & SF2 series Games (Any and All!) = A simple repaint of the stock OD US Fuel truck into a more 'easily' seen and sometimes period correct bright Yellow color. As used by the USAF through the 1950s and 60s; later models did seem to revert to OD and/or Theartre Camo patterns. To that end, the PSD templates are supplied (they're 1024x, so easy to work with) to allow other skinners the opportunity to create other skins. Designed as a 'stand alone' vehicle, the skin can also be added to the existing (US) FuelTruck (NOT the Zil for Red Side!!) and hopefully, the Game Engine ™ will randomly select it for use in/on the various terrains. The inis supplied herein are in ANSI format, allowing for use in both 1stGen SF/Wo* and SF2 series. See the 'To Install' section below for more notes, and how to add to Terrains as a seperate item via _types and _targets editing. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! This is a perfect addition for use alongside BadFrank's Yellow and Red "Follow Me" jeeps! They'll all add a little color to an otherwise drab setting. Happy Gassing! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. BULL!! tell that to Julhelm's Skyray... (my Scorpion mods are similiar, but ARE single-shot -- but people can hit the trigger pretty fast, and get pretty damn near the same effect of mass rocket firings)
  5. truck hunting in Burma.... (Raven's new Hurri IV)
  6. http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/index.php site is all in russian http://modelfan.ru/ site is russian, but has a translator button at the top for farposst, use the 'Katalog' look for Moderlers Data file (there's SEVERAL of interest <grin> at modelfan, you'll have to scroll through the aircraft sections (i disremember seeing, however) expect to loose a couple of days browsing ... might want to also look into a LARGE external HD for storage!!! and TEMPLATES!!! I'm reasonably certain LloydNB is going to be wanting them!!! (and me too!) suggestion: for all the hurris, try and keep the mapping the same. mesh names too, where possible
  7. sea hurri, too! don't forget, Kesselbruts Hurricane cockpit is freeware -- he's given his permission for any of his work to be freely used. I take you've go the SAM Modelers Datafile on the Hurricanes??? -- it's invaluable!!
  8. now, where did those bridges go????????????
  9. other physical differences from A/C to G -- fin/rudder chord is thinner & not as tall on A, AFR probe was a 'bolt on item' for C this should help (book attached) if you need to Detail & Scale, let me know. It has some superb 5-views that illustra the differences better, methinks
  10. File Name: A6M2-N "Rufe" Floatplane Fighter File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 June 2012 File Category: A-6M Zero A6M-2N "Rufe" WW2 IJN Floatplane fighter For SF/Wo* or SF2 -- Please note, this aircraft is not fully SF2 compliant! The package, with the exception of the included destroyed model, and SF2-ized 'weapon' (ie: the floats) will need to be converted by YOU -the End User- for SF2 compatibility. The data ini has the added lines for the included destroyed model. It shouldn't change anything for SF/Wo*, except it not showing up after you shoot it down. It also is in DIRE need of a corrected/Updated 08 and/or SF2 level Flight Model. This mod is released "as is" (meaning as it was in 08). Adjustments/tweeks are encouraged! The readme included, is in it's original 2008 state. Seperate instructions are included for adding the destroyed model, for SF2 usage *Note: it will NOT take off or land on water (the game has never supported this), but from land bases. For some reason, the "invisible airfield" as used on several WW2 terrains is NOT working in SF2. BE ADVISED!!* ----------------- This is a modification to ArmourDave's A6M2 "Zero" fighter, converting it into the float-plane version as built by Nakajima for the Imperial Japanese Navy. Historically, probably the most successful floatplane fighter ever produced. There are 2 complete versions of the Rufe included in this package: 1) A6M2-N_Early: this has the light gray skin as used in mid-to-late 1942. This aircraft contains 2 new skins (created from a new template, based off the original skins as seen on some other Zero mods of mine); 11 Kokutai, based aboard the seplane tender 'Kamikawa Maru' in the northern Solomons circa July-August 1942, and 14 Kokutai, also based in the Solomons area. circa 1942 (actually the Shortland Islands, but who's counting?) 2) A6M2-N: this aircraft has the later (ie: early 1943 on) green overall camo. This aircraft ALSO contains 2 new skins (as above); 802 Kokutai based at Jaluit, Marshall Islands circa August 1943; and 902 Kokutai as seen in November, 1943 based at Truk. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    A6M-2N "Rufe" WW2 IJN Floatplane fighter For SF/Wo* or SF2 -- Please note, this aircraft is not fully SF2 compliant! The package, with the exception of the included destroyed model, and SF2-ized 'weapon' (ie: the floats) will need to be converted by YOU -the End User- for SF2 compatibility. The data ini has the added lines for the included destroyed model. It shouldn't change anything for SF/Wo*, except it not showing up after you shoot it down. It also is in DIRE need of a corrected/Updated 08 and/or SF2 level Flight Model. This mod is released "as is" (meaning as it was in 08). Adjustments/tweeks are encouraged! The readme included, is in it's original 2008 state. Seperate instructions are included for adding the destroyed model, for SF2 usage *Note: it will NOT take off or land on water (the game has never supported this), but from land bases. For some reason, the "invisible airfield" as used on several WW2 terrains is NOT working in SF2. BE ADVISED!!* ----------------- This is a modification to ArmourDave's A6M2 "Zero" fighter, converting it into the float-plane version as built by Nakajima for the Imperial Japanese Navy. Historically, probably the most successful floatplane fighter ever produced. There are 2 complete versions of the Rufe included in this package: 1) A6M2-N_Early: this has the light gray skin as used in mid-to-late 1942. This aircraft contains 2 new skins (created from a new template, based off the original skins as seen on some other Zero mods of mine); 11 Kokutai, based aboard the seplane tender 'Kamikawa Maru' in the northern Solomons circa July-August 1942, and 14 Kokutai, also based in the Solomons area. circa 1942 (actually the Shortland Islands, but who's counting?) 2) A6M2-N: this aircraft has the later (ie: early 1943 on) green overall camo. This aircraft ALSO contains 2 new skins (as above); 802 Kokutai based at Jaluit, Marshall Islands circa August 1943; and 902 Kokutai as seen in November, 1943 based at Truk. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  12. use the stock one??? seat_f-104 screenie looks good!
  13. wingtip sidwinders or fuel tanks midwing fueltanks/bombs/rp/p0rndispensers/etc centerline station (may not have carrier winders???) basically, the loadout as seen on the 104G at minimum, you'll need WarbirdTech #38 and In Detail & Scale #38
  14. hhmmm... it seems my Rufes are missing from the d/l secion too....have to remedy that soonest
  15. this is a BRAND NEW Hurri, people!! Completly new model, new mapping/skins etc. (although I'd have wished for higher-rez skins ...512x is a bit small) Well Done, Raven!! so, any chances for Mk I, II, etc???
  16. First off, I do NOT mod for 1stGens anymore, so some of the answers may be more directed towards SF2. Also, the terrain I have is updated for SF2 (well, the data ini at least), in partucular for the May2012 patch, with SF2NA (iirc) (minus a water.bmp). And to put things pretty bluntly ... ww2 modding is nearly dead. With 80-90% of all aircraft, objects, and etc "locked away" at the DAT site -and there are many end users who can't or don't want to go through the rigamarole to sign up or have been banned/refused membership- I find that the entire "program" is at an impasse. The other remainig WW2 stuff, in particular Wolf's, and a lesser extent, ArmorDave's IJN/IJA aircraft are inaccessable for LOD fixing -which is/are desperately needed!!!-, we are most definately between the storied 'rock and hard place' To not put too fine a point on it, until such time as new, freeware builds of the requisite WW2 aircraft, ships, ground vehicles and whatnots arrive, I have absolutely no plans on updating any of my WW2 terrains. It falls to the EndUser to make whatever changes are necessary to make them work (within the bounds I've set, as stated here: http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/page__p__545949#entry545949 due to some folks going in and f***ing things up, where they've no business even touching it. The changes they introduced screwed things almost beyond recovery. Having stated that, the caveat is: if such objects present themselves in large numbers, yes I will. ---------- So, lets see what we can address here... as to the BigE and PTs, have you LOOKED in the /Solomons-V3 terrain folder for such items??? Many times, under 1st gens, would would seem to be ground objects, are terrain objects (located in the terrain folder, like a building, as used similarly). If that is still so, change the _types listing to UseGroundObject= to FALSE also, there should be a sub-folder in the terrain folder called "put_in_groundobjects_folder" that should contain some of the ships. (also in the Okinawa, Midway original and Midway Upgrades). I'm sorry that you can't d/l more than one file a day, but post more! or purchase a subscription, if financially possible (sorry, shameless I know, but it does help support CA) The IJA mg gunner, iirc, is DATs ww1 lewis gunner (british?) The mentioned 'Geo's WW2 GrondObjects' should now be available here, somewhere. I take you've heard of "typos?" A simple text edit will fix that. When one is works with literally thousands of lines...mistake can creep in. Unfortnately, when I came to this planet, I had to leave my infallibility behind... as to non-folderized ground objects (pre-08). this thread in the KB.. http://combatace.com/topic/11815-ground-objects-format-update-no-groundobjectdata-ini-anymore/ might help. Also, studying any of the stock GO main inis (ie:CargoShip.ini) would show the proper format. as to item F, those objects never materalized; in fact, I don't even rmember what they might even have been. converting 1stGen terrains, to SF2 usage is also covered in the SF2 KB: http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ however, what is not stated (and at the time of that tutorial wasn't used/didn't exist) is a *terrainname*_water.bmp is needed for each and every terrain to make sure ships stay on the wet parts. "where no offense is given, none can be taken" i hope this answered some, and I know not all, of your questions
  17. BF = BS??? maybe??? they showed lots of stuff, mostly at the DAT site, that's never materalized not only were they doing a Canuk, but CF-105. which we also might be getting anyway, courtesy of one of our 3d Gurus ....
  18. brand NEW A & C models are needed -- we had f***loads of problems with ajundair's Paki A model (and B as well) for the Indo-Pak mod, that were, and still are, unfixable. as for the RF-104G, the Oprheus pods are readily availalbe in several weapons paks. there was no A recon model that I've ever seen described in any of my Zipper books (Pakis use a 2-seater B, and the back seater used a regular 35mm camera for the recon photos during one of the India/Pakistani "misunderstandings")
  19. Justice Served!

    yah ... kinda wondered about that too. oh, well "nothing to see here ... move along!"
  20. now, that IS weird ... I thought paypal was like cockroaches ... everywhere!!
  21. all of us get them direct from 3rd Wire. Why would someone go through Amazon??? Some internatinal glicth at 3W?? ------------------------------------------- ever occur to you that perhaps NOBODY had an answer, hence the laok of responses as compared to views???
  22. the lods have far to many faults, that cannot be fixed without the max files -- major 'tractor beams', open meshes, etc. best would be if a 3D Guru create new-build 104As for an RF-104G, why not just use the 3W one??? It's readly availabe, and a MUCH better model
  23. i'm sure I posted the FAN Jugs..... I just can't find them in d/l section!!!
  24. they should've painted on a 'evil bad guy mustache', too!! damn, that IS really fugly!!!
  25. just wish TK would give us the frakking mesh names for the mid-fin bumps!!! i asked him months ago, and never got a reply yup, decals is the best way to go - all you need is one base skin, and decal the rest!!

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