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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. as always, that one looks WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than mine!!!
  2. Needs a screenshot of the aircraft, brother!! Please!
  3. Version


    MiG-21MF, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings = For SF2, Any/All (albeit Designed with SF2:I in Mind) = A simple repaint for the stock MiG-21MF Fishbed-J in Egyptian Air Force service. This skin repsents 'late model' versions with the Hi-Visibiliby Orange Triangles. Based off the stock skin, and run though my Home-Grown Template Set ™; all markings use stock in-game items. This skin makes use of the 'start default year' statment in it's textureset.ini, and is set for 1983. My "best guess" as based on photos and other researched kinda stuff. This skin is in jpg format for post-Nov 2011 patch level. If you are not at that level (for whatever insane reason), you'll have to convert them back to bmp. Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis, making some small, but needed, adjustments. The canopy is activated via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™ -shift/0. The engine sound has been changed to the TMF "MiGEngine.wav", also included. It is also quite possible this skin can be adapted for use on other Fishbed variants, as used by the EAF. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Obviously, this mod makes the assumption (Oh! That Word!!) you've made this aircraft flyable. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  4. why not paint them directly on the tank, since they reside in each respective skin folder? the skin map is readily available (as should be a template, probably in the template pak I uploaded -- if not, I'll get it to you) and that other template you wanted is ready, if it's the EA6B #6 map, right?
  5. Version


    IcelandNA Targets Tweek for SF2:NA = For SF2NA, And/Or Full-5 Merged Installs ONLY!! = *Note: for the SF2:NA IcelandNA map ONLY!!! It may be usable on Gerwins TFD/HFD based terrain, but many items will need repositioning due to the existence of actual coastlines* Some very basic enhancements to the target areas on Iceland, to increase the 'eye candy' and try to make it loook like people actually live there. Using the basic layout of several stock 'cities', filling in some gaps. As to be expected, there are at least 2 Easter Eggs on this terrain - one real, one fictional. I've tried to keep the needed ground objects to a minimum, so they are not included. You should have them from other terrain mods. (fishing trawlers, small cargo ship). Tried to keep it a 'stock' as possible. However, some enhancements have been perfromed on Air Defenses on both sides, but a -very- minimum, just in case things change radically with the next patch. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. happy landings! wrench kevin stein
  6. File Name: Ki-201 Karyu - Updated!! File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Aug 2005 File Updated: 29 May 2009 File Category: Axis Fighters Ki-201 Karyu 'Fire Dragon' Update for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: 46 PTO installs -From the Original Readme: With the kind permission of the Dev-A Team, I've made some modifications to the existing Me-262 into the projected Imperial Japanese Army Air Forces Nakajima Ki-201. This was an actual aircraft, under construction when the war ended. Unlike it's smaller cousin, the "Kikka", this aircraft never flew. But.... If the war had continued on into 1946/47 it is possible they might have. 1/12/07 Update: This newest version 'fixes' a few problems I had on the original release; it includes a new re-vamped skin with more weathering and a few other fixes I've implimented since the 1st issuance of this "What If..." aircraft. This skin, being completly fictional, represents the 100th Independant Air Company, whose insigina is the Imperial sigal, circa 1899. There were no distinctive marking differentiating the 3 Chutai's, the differing colors of the tail numbers seperated them. You'll have individual aircraft numbers for 36 birds; approx 3 Chutai. A new Revi 16 gunsight has also been included. I've also taken the liberty of giving this aircraft an Allied codename. Since it's based of a wholy German design (and I'm assuming ATI would know this), I've called it "Fritz" Like the original, this is the FULL aircraft...ready to unzip and fly! ==YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PACK WITH THE WW2 WEAPONS!! == Please read the enclosed readme for full, easy to follow install instructions. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a PERMISSION aircraft ONLY!!! It is not to be included in any mods without express, written consent of the Dev A-Team. It is not to be shared in any other way!! Even though I, The Wrench, am a Freeware Signatory, this mod, and any other mods of DAT Procudts are NOT covered by the Freeware Treaty. Click here to download this file
  7. I, personally don't expect ANY new terrains from 3W ... what with IcelandNA in such a 'unfinished/uncompleted/bare-assed empty', any new lod-driven terrains will be, imho, "disappointing" we'll get us a nice shiny new MF1, and that'll be pretty much it. It'll be up to the skinners/decalers to do the rest
  8. well, if it's from the original OTC, why not just redownload the OTC mod, take the Crusader you need, and toss the rest???
  9. of course brother!! there's not really much need to update to SF2, as they're simple terrain objects with no 'readablity issues". don't forget to credit Major Lee, as he did the first 2 on the DBS terrain, oh so long ago are you SURE you don't want this one for Paran????
  10. "Otto's pole"????? I'm pretty sure I don't want to know.....
  11. Sicily is most definatly on the Libya map!! I distinctly remember putting a resturant near the summit of Mount Etna!! Corsica is behind "The Wall", unfortunately. However, on the WW2 Tunisia map ... both it and Sardinia are represented (but it'd take a hell of a lot of work to reubild THAT from WW2 to Modern Day Standards ™ -and Sardinia it near the northern edge of "The Wall" and unusable. And still not far enough east for Balkan states, or north to Aviono (sp?) this map is designed more to compliment the Libya map (and PB's Anatolia to some extent), and for possible use with Libyan/Egyptian "differences in understanding" and support for the 2010 revolt, or other 'conflicts of interest' == as to the DS question, you MUST be at the latest patch level -- April 2012 for those textures to work. That's something I didn't agree with, but it DOES make the download more than 25% smaller ===
  12. that gunship gray looks SHARP!! good catchs on the cockpit textures!!
  13. AND....... you can put decals on them, too!!!
  14. yup, there's a WHOLE section on that in the 1stGen Knowledge BAse, as Ant pointed out BUT.... down that road lies madness....and other bad things.
  15. paulo has to 2-tone in one of the Skytrain/Dakota paks, which can easily be repainted using the templates available in the D/L section. it's what I based the AC-47 on (which I keep forgetting to release....)
  16. a STOCK aircraft as DLC without the proper STOCK terrain to fly it on?? (not speaking about add-ons, as those are NOT taken into consideration at the Top Level) Doubtfull. but I voted yes anyway, 'cause I'm a Contrary
  17. Another Birthday!

    WOOT!!! happy birthdy, florian!!!
  18. afaik, the game engine still needs to know there's tanks there, and how much fuel they hold, hence the need for the weaponsdata entry. no lods needed (like the stock birds), just the data
  19. on problemo!!! the "final product" bmp has to square, 128x128, but it stretchs to the rectantle shape you see in game
  20. it never occured to me to make any for them! Or even what they might look like! for ideas, here's a good place to start: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ edit: ok, here's a little something I whipped out... the top one is Paran, bottom is Dhimar (reflecting they association with the UK) Obiviously, modified from real contry flags
  21. 2 off a new terrain (re)build... AUP Phantom departing Araxos Libyan Foxbat over Benghazi
  22. forgot to mention, in the MidWestUSA terrain, there are LOTS of custome tiles and TODs for the stock IME set ... feel free to use what you wish! edit -- linky: http://combatace.com/files/file/12535-midwest-usa-terrain-for-sf2/
  23. new map (well, a complete rebuild of a WW2 map), and yes -- it uses the dreaded/hated/much disliked IME tile set --and about 20odd new transitions for IME. i'll post screenies later in the screenshots thread -- actually, there's 2 already up in the old, locked screenshots thread, near the last 2 pages. look for an EAF phantom, and an EAF Fishbed, with the orange triangle id markers (new skin, soon to be released)

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