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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. shoot, there's LOTS of screwy stuff in these inis!!! Glad you got it sorted!
  2. Ian really did a great job, in picking up my slack ... he and Dan deserve all the credit
  3. you're joking right, little brother??? its in the MiG-21 folder, of course!! Known in shorthand as 'the aircraft's main ini ie: MiG-21MF.ini, for example follow the instructions on the link above, and you'll be able to fix all the made-flyables with my (patent pending) "One Click Fix"
  4. expect to spend several hundred hours hand-tiling a lot of areas, expecially coastlines -- just wait till you get the do the cities (to say nothing of building the targets ini) Insert Evil Laugh ™ --> HERE <--- I also have a s**t-load of new IME transition tiles (that you'll most likely be needed -and other folks as well-) that'll be released sometime soon when I finish the Eastern Med terrain (Libya/Greece/Crete/Egypt/w.Turkey)
  5. that's a a normal occurance ... as covered here: http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/ after patching or DLC intalation, EVERY originally AI-controled aircraft made player usable will revert back to non-flyable. follow that link above, and follow the instruction I give in there.
  6. you 3D just absolutely amaze me!! I don't understand half of that, but the results ... oh yeah!!
  7. uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh..... twins!!!!
  8. LimitedNations=TRUE for GermanyCE; check the terrain's nations.ini, and add USMC?? the "NationName" decal is tied to the service (in this case, usaf instead of usmc) So if the nation shown on the 1st page is Navy, it should read "NAVY" (experiment with the stock F-15A, and see what happens!) interestering to note, the 'nation' is grayed out on the loadout page; did you paint the stars on, and not using an insignia decal?
  9. you mean an M1939?? it has a shadow issue, so leave it turned off --- I don't think you can add things either, but I've never tried, but really doubt it
  10. the remove component don't work on ground objects - I've tried it too! hey, if Monty is on the case, you'll get what you need. He's DA MAN!!! here's a 'detuned' version of the Oerlikon 35 dual mount, without radar, as originally produced in the early 60. You'll need the 35mm_KDA gun (also used on the Gepard SPAAG), but you should have that. It's called "2ZLA", and just ignore the userlist it's not active, and designed for the later version with Skygurad
  11. wasn't ther something like that in the Falklands mods?? edit: yes, its called "OerlikonAAA", and is a dualmount 35mm. It'll need some updating, and a userlist as more than just Argentina used it. edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oerlikon_35_mm_twin_cannon part of the Skyguard system, so will definately need updating for SF2. Problem being, if you hand-place, and call specifically the radar and gun mounts, they won't show on the RWR. Standard bug
  12. the tiles go in the main TE folder, for example... (since I have many of them, broken down by tile type...) C:\Terrain Editors\WoI_Only_TE\*name-of-tile.bmp* texturelist.ini can go in either, but I usually have it in the terrain folder, since I use so many custom-made tiles... C:\Terrain Editors\SF_Persian Gulf\PersianGulf\TextureListPersianGulf.ini
  13. Geo is closing his site down. He wanted to know what do with all his 'stuff'. I said "Upload it here!" If you'll notice in the file announcements for First Eagles (and EAW as a well -and SF soon to come!), some of his work is already starting to appear. Just want to say thanks, George, for all the work over the years; all your efforts will not get wasted or lost. They'll all find good homes! So, gents, there you have it!
  14. Go For It, Brother!! I'm QUITE interested to see how looks/turns out! maybe one sided mesh???
  15. chain link fencing surrounding the entire airport perimeter??? You're a glutton for punishment, Enda!!! assuming 100m section lenghts, and depending on how far out from 0/0 .... (even my supply base/army base used over 200 seperate entries -and those were only 375m from 0/0 ....) you're talking over 1000 entries. I think the max listings are 999 for target areas. be a good experiment! better still, would be to have a fence built into the TOD for the airfield permiter tiles; assuming an airfiled2farm 25/50/75 type of thing. For desert/desert airfield tiles ... I shudder to think! but that chain link fence can be used in MANY places!! as to the barbed wire by Monty, you can find in a lots of my terrains, DS,ASW,IR, IR2003, etc. the lods are barbwire01 barbwire02 barbwire03 and barbedwire.tga the fence your showing is (and you obviously know this already) Fence.lod FenceLong.tga it's definatley more of a security wall; as used in IR2003 at the base near the Iraqi/Iranian border NE of Basra hope that helps!
  16. that's NOT the wire fence! that's more like a Hesco wall you talking the barbed wire fencing?
  17. Victory In Europe Day

  18. each national insignia is controled by the game's Nations.ini. the decals are numerical; each number (Insignia001) cooresponding to the number of the nation (Nation001), as listed in the Nations.ini And yes, DO try to post in the correct forums.
  19. it might really help to know WHAT game you're asking about, so that 1) we can move this topic to the correct Forum and 2) give you the right answer!
  20. interesting to note, the bottom left corner of EVERY terrain is the 000000,000000 point. all 'places' are measured from that spot
  21. you have to deal with the DAT directly ... follow the instructions they give on their front page. http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/viewforum.php?f=6&sid=6719810597431d33dd8989377f13afbd I'd reccomend READING everything there, and following their instructions basically, it's their file, and to get it -and access-, you follow their policies.
  22. same as I did on a couple of scooters .... the difficult part is not finding the node name; that's listed in the aircraft's data ini , but the location coord. I'll see if I can find the example... edit: from the A-4L: [Decal028] MeshName=droptank_c DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Left FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.16,-1.20 Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal029] MeshName=droptank_c DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Right FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.16,-1.20 Reverse=TRUE Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal030] MeshName=droptank_r DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Left FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.30,-1.20 Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal031] MeshName=droptank_r DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Right FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.30,-1.20 Reverse=TRUE Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal032] MeshName=droptank_l DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Left FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.30,-1.20 Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal033] MeshName=droptank_l DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Right FilenameFormat=A-4L/VC13/D/tankstripe Position=0.30,-1.20 Reverse=TRUE Scale=3.0 DecalMaxLOD=2

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