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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. there's one for the Argie Scooters, but it has the round 'hump' as well ... looks like you'll need some 3d guy to make one!
  2. Gents, DO remember we have a "What If..." screenshots thread. Use it for the fictional stuff, if you please (btw: nice skins!!!) Egypt!!!
  3. since this, and the other Area88 skins are considered fictional.. PLEASE upload them to the correct download category, the "CombatAce What If.. Hangar" It makes file moderation easier. I've moved them to the correct section. Thank you
  4. it's a known bug ... the damn critter keeps showing up and turning OFF all my made-flyable stock MiGs/Su/etc. Wanna squash this little bastard!!! with a satisfying cruch!!!!!
  5. if Cadete is a freeware signatory, permission is already given. If not, shoot him a PM. I'm pretty sure he's working on one, though.
  6. looking good!! have done hundreds of lilghting fixes, I can appriciate what it takes to do it!!
  7. now, mind you, it still needs the TOD built .... and was really done as an experiment to see if it even could be done (or, should be done)... what do our other Terraformers/Tile Artists think??? (it's easy enough to switch back to the city1 if it looks too funky) the POV is looking north towards the Med
  8. lo-rez = stock Israel tiles but the terrain loads pretty fast!!
  9. it's a ground object problem; there's a whole thread on it around here somewheres. start by removing ships, and re-adding one at at time (the 3rd part cargoships, tankers, trawlers, etc). DOn't forget,too, all ships will need collison lods added you should also turn OFF the NavalMap, as that tends to 'remove' the Primary Target tag for Auntie Shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions. TK is aware of the issue, but so far nothing has come of it* Make a copy of the _water.bmp, (saving the original), and paint out the naval zones. when I built it, it was never designed with CV usage in mind -- the waters are too narrow/shallow in that upper part of the Gulf. The ocean east of Bahrain, where a CV would be, is too close to the Wall *=the same reasons the completed Persian Gulf map hasn't been released
  10. Happy Birthday to Column5 and Crab_02!

    Gentlemen! (I use the term loosely!!) I raise a toast to you both! have a outstandingly outsanding Birthday!!
  11. s**tcan the old one, and extract a new one.
  12. and that terrain ain't nowhere's near as accurate as mine Just so's everyone know, it ain't dead --no matter what Taz may think-, it's jsut sleeping very deeply. If you all haven't been following the posts (Taz -looking right at you), you're aware of the problems. Information will be released, when and if it becomes available For now, that's the end of this thread.
  13. Sometimes I despair at the Human Race

    and you're just figuring that out now??? once our fore-brains developed, evolution was done with us.
  14. because it was a pirated model, and therefore banned from CA
  15. thanks Eric! you know the code, right? I've only done the 20B, as that has the Libyan skin I wanted for the screenie...don't know if they all use the same node name [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-6.75,-6.7,0.35 LightSrcOffset=-0.3,0.00,0.00 Color=0.98,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=wing_left_outer [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position= 6.8,-6.7,0.35 LightSrcOffset=0.30,0.00,0.00 Color=0.25,0.98,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=wing_right_outer ----- [AvionicsData] Name=SRD-5M GunsightRangingOnly=TRUE RangeUnit=Meters TrackRange=1000.0 ScanBeamAngle=10.0 MinAltitude=1828.8
  16. Happy Birthday to...

    WOOT!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! have a superb day -- and here's a round on me!
  17. this is a great pak... the only things needed are tweeking all the data inis to 'attach' the position light to wings so the move when swinging, and adding the gun ranging radar to all the avionics inis.
  18. found another Dos Gringos ya'll might like:
  19. excellent job guys!!! many thanks!
  20. the original pylons were done by Cocas for me. the Horten was done by pasko, the fake pilot is FastCargo's the pylons actually ARE sidewinde/atoll rails that were originally done for Pakistani Mig21s (early model, chinese variant, with 4 pylone -J7??)
  21. it's a frakking nightmare to do ... trust me. When the SF2 WW2 section opened, took me 8 hours to rearrange it AND the What If section. I can just imagine breaking the Aircraft (and SKINS!!!) into Cold War/Modern/Post-Modern. makes my sphincter slam just thinking about it...
  22. Happy Birthday to....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ken!!! have a great day!

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