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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that'd be great Ken!!! Like I said, it's not gonna do anything be sit there and look ready to sink!
  2. target areas are defined in the _targets.ini
  3. yah, would like them in-port at bandar abbas... it don't have to DO anything but sit there and get sunk if it's DAT, that takes care of dat!
  4. oh, I beg to differ ... on the Iran/Irag, and IR2003 terrains (ok, they're really the same map..). And the unreleased KAW map too. the vehicles WILL follow the roads. I also recall that the orignal GermanyCE had the trucks driving down roads (for the most part) It's a nightmarish, painstaklying, eye-crossing process. You have to fly a mission from the 'start point' (usually 1 tile width away is best ... don't start in cities!!!), 'fly' down the road, moting down the x/y coords, and the TURNS!!. Do this for the length of the route, to the deistination city (again, stopping at least 1 tile width away) winding mountain roads, however are to cmplete frakking insanity! (like below -- they do sometime go 'off roading'!!) [Route016] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Huichon EndArea=Magon-ni RoutePosition[001]=269031,533747 RoutePosition[002]=269054,533151 RoutePosition[003]=268922,432533 RoutePosition[004]=269112,531489 RoutePosition[005]=269447,531121 RoutePosition[006]=269986,531000 RoutePosition[007]=270697,530777 RoutePosition[008]=271031,529738 RoutePosition[010]=271503,529096 RoutePosition[011]=272649,528817 RoutePosition[012]=272961,528277 RoutePosition[013]=272994,526104 RoutePosition[014]=273065,525205 RoutePosition[015]=272924,524617 RoutePosition[016]=273076,523304 as for ground attack (ie: CAS), make sure they overlap so to 'mix up' enemy and friendly forces, as would be in a real tank battle. Meaning: making sure the middle points are witin 1km of each other (ie: the crappy gun ranges we have). You don't want them cruising around each other like it's 1916 at Jutland!! edit: forgot to add, the routes are only set (afaik) in the terrain's _Movements.ini
  5. translated: don't use specific 'called' SAMs and SAM Radars, use the generic tags of 'SAMRadar', 'EWR' and 'SAMLauncher', even when that give the wrong type ... it's the only way to have them show the TEWS. (hence, again, the need for proper userlist.inis for said objects...) a bug that drives me bat-s**t-crazy, especially when one knows exactly which type of SAM/Radar, and exactly where they go in what country...
  6. I belive (but don't actually remember!!!...) that it came with the original download. The skins date's closely match the LOD date, so I'd guess yes .. it comes with it
  7. surprised nobody'd thought of this one yet...
  8. the AV-8B(plus) has an Italian skin already. Might need soem other updating; i've seen pics with what looks like AMRAAMS under the wings.. nice to see the Garabaldi being updated! will look good on the libya terrain (with the 2011 update!)
  9. very small differences ... wings, body and iirc, tail are identical. might be some differences on the nose map ... I haven't studied the E maps too much (although I've done the tail on B/C -- those are mapped the same) best way to check, pull the 5 skins for each, and compare side-by-side
  10. this might help answer the questions: http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/02/7-corsair-ii-in-detail-and-scale.html
  11. in a huff or a minute and a huff (thank you Groucho!!)
  12. Happy Birthday to

    a round on me for both yous!! have a GREAT day my friends!
  13. which is why, unfortunately, we have to upscale to at minium, 2048, and redraw every-frakking-thing!! Like I've done recently for the A-7 and A-6 (and the Netz) ... it takes about 5-6 hours per skin map, depending on detail (and most importantly!!) skill levels!! of course, one of the cheats I use, is duplicate and invert the background layer. And a LOT of edumacted guesswork! EDIT: forgot, I have a full template set for the A-4F; had to make one to do the new Kuwaiti Scooter skin
  14. seems like .. it did that for me when rebuilding the KAW mods folder. Of course, flying in 1950 prevents anything 'wrong' from showing (well, sometimes a J5 or Mig17 in 53...but that's rare) I left them in only because I need to place/test the NK SAM batteries from ~1972 onwards also, for inexplicable reasons, the non-flyables MADE flyable (Migs, C/F-104s, etc) revert back at random intervals. With no rhyme or reason, or patch/dlc upgrad or install can you saw coding glitch? I knew you could!!
  15. well, could use some Udajeets and F-302s, too. I've got a butt-load of decals (including all the starship tailcodes) for the DATs everlastingBeta Mongoose, that are looking for a home!
  16. with the old tile style, I'd say incomplete alpha on the sea1 tile ... but with this; gotta be a mesh issue report it to TK! macelena: do you have an old FlightEngine.ini in your /Flight folder? If so, rename or delet it. I had the same issue unitl I extracted a new one
  17. I also noticed the odd tiling mismatches, too. the desert tiles are visibly different that their neighboring, for example, sea2desert -- most likely a noise normal or HM issue there that did't exist on the originl terrain. Pity I can't get the frakking terrain to load in the TE ... I'd still LOVE to add the triple cursed rivers and correct the locations for Um Qusar, Basra, and several others at the head of the gulf
  18. hmmm.. somebody's name is conspiciously absent from the readme ... the guy that built and targeted the terrain....
  19. nice Hawkeye skin Brian! required screenshot...
  20. see ths post: http://combatace.com/topic/58773-mig-alley-update-thread/page__view__findpost__p__565140

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