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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yea, it needs some FM and other work, but in mostly there! edit: forgot something! I can assemble a package, and have it ready in couple of hours. But as it's TMF, I'd like to check with Sony Tuckson first before uploading (and it won't be a perfect pak, just what I have)
  2. ok, you're talking about the Pilot_SHar and Mk10-1 seat??? that weren't hard!
  3. the FRS1?? I didn't have any problems bringing it over to SF2!! No issues with loads or anything! looking in my data ini, it uses the A-4 seat SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=0.00,2.80,0.3 what squadron? there's 7 skins in my folder, some solid, some 2tone. another ?, has anyone uploaded the FRS1 for SF2??? (it does need some finetunig, at least my version!)
  4. LA-9 FM

    I think I confused everyone, and myself, by thinking bunyap's La-11 was a 9. I think we actually don't have a 9, unless it's by the DAT. I have an SF2 La-11 package almost ready to go. It has an slightly modded 08 FM, but need further tweeking.
  5. your Etendard's loadout are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY wrong! Missing drop tank texture on the Mirage. ------------------ before jets, there was props!
  6. why anyone would NEED to extract all the files is beyond me ... as 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% get some small change with every patch... they go INTO the folder for what they are... example: Mig-21MF_Data.ini goes into the /Objects/Aircraft/MiG-21MF folder. Same for any aircraft or ground object - into the folder for what they 'work' on decals, I wouldn't even bother keeping the extracted cats; or even thinking about trying to find them a home in the mods folder ... the 9million gigs they take up ... whooossh!!! what I do, is just extract what's needed at the moment; for those that I wish to keep handy (like decals that are sometimes needed for reference or 'modifications'), I have a seperate folder to store them in in the /saved games/third wire. you will find however, you really won't need all the HD space taken up with them. Expecially the stock missions ... they're readily avialable from any/all installs edit: bonus points for IDing the Win7 joke folder....
  7. LA-9 FM

    it's not paskos, but wepnsqt's. His site seems to have disapated.... I'll upload mine; HOWEVER .. it's not fully sf2ed (and I didn't ahve a change to add Baff's FM) edit: OPPPS!!! was thinking of his La-11!!
  8. using level 2 for award, you only need to create the ones you want to show; you don't need the fillins between award004.tga award007.tga award011.tga etc like so. the game will just load those, and skip the blanks. Done it with nose arts hundreds of times...
  9. Shoot, (pun intended!) That's easy! .... (after all, I AM The Targets Guy ™ ) use the infantry squad (modded -you all have to call it something else, and make sure it dosen't show up in CAS missions), but give it have a TargetValue=0 in the types ini; place it in a village/hamelt/hut cluster, make sure the weapons can piviot and yaw like a ZSU, and see what happens I'm getting the same 'lockup' now all of a sudden in SF2V (which I actually hardly ever fly). Both at 40 & 80%. In my case, it's a Red Air issue (on Fresco-C and Fishbed-F) OTH, when I plotted that route, I used the targetste.msn, with CAP as the mission type. And moved the start piont to the x/y of the river, at 1000m alt try this one: YOu'll need to look on the planning map, locate a city, find it in the _targets.ini, and change the start coordinate for the Fresco. See if this works, copy it into a blank notepad, "save as" Fresco_targets.msn", and put it inot the /Missions folder. just more s**t he needs to fix! *****Don't forget to add ANTI_SHIP to the allowed mission statements for the Friendly missions******** [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON,ANTI_SHIP EnemyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,RECON
  10. well, that DO work ... in my SF2V install. It may be necessary to 'do something' with the stock ships, however. as you can see, the 'no primary target' bug is alive and well. If one wants to fly ONLY form land bases (ie: no water.bmp with carrier zones, and NavalMap=FALSE), they'll return to being the PrimaryTarget. wish to hell that would get fixxed!!
  11. edit: I actually HAVE the 3 sampans converted to cargoships -- they're from the KAW mod. Expect a PM with them here's a sample route... [Route00x] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Phu Ly EndArea=Gai Lam RoutePosition[001]=511064,777259 RoutePosition[002]=510957,788625 RoutePosition[003]=510596,789033 RoutePosition[004]=508942,789835 RoutePosition[005]=509005,792299 if you know the coordinate systems, you see where the boats would take a 'jog' as the river turns. The really hard part will be limiting WHICH ships show up -- as the game dosen't discriminate between the 'usual suspect' cargoship, tanker (the SuperTanker, really) and sampan-class little boats. the 2 existing patrol boats (patrolboat, P-4) aren't even listed in the veitnamsea_types.ini (but DO exist in my SF2:V /GroundObject folder -possilbly to to the Merge), but that's an easy add. Mind you, the 'patrolboat' is more a speedboad with a gun (read: Boghammer), while the P-4 is more military, with 2 torp tubes. There is a WW2 MTB floating around; I'll have to look and see if I converted it to a real boat (that runs around) Also, don't forget that only those classed as "Cargo_Ship" will appear on shipping routes.
  12. easisest way to to plot the movements, would be to use the 'targets test.msn', fly an Red bird, have it start at the mouth of the river, then just 'fly upriver (or down, depending which way you want the boats to float), and write down the x/y coordinates. i'll post an example later, as I'll have to build one!
  13. congrats on the addition! as for permission from me, go ahead and make them!!
  14. I don't know which PM level it uses (most likely planningmap1), but that's hell of an idea!! I've always wanted more accurate planningmaps, that look more like real nav charts!!! getting them to match what/how targets are set/placed in the _targets.ini; now THAT'S the question!! plannimg maps are (if 3 are used), 1 = 512x512 2 = 1024x1024 3 = 2048x2048 they must be square!
  15. that Harrier looks vaguely familiar!! ====== somebody wanted to know what Bandar Abbas looks like... (much modified from Gepard's original layout). Terrian is 99.99999% done. just waiting for the CAS, Armed Recon and Auntie Ship issues to get fixed, and then it'll get released.
  16. the UAE ones will come in quite handy, as the Persian Gulf map is just about finished!
  17. Silverbolt's Birthday!

    oh no!!! he's getting older!!! happy birthday Yuri!!
  18. Moved to Correct Forum ™ ---------- Might not be getting the EF2K, due to the game's end year, being before the service start year of Tiffy this should help: http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/
  19. i also do this to the message window: [MessageWindow] //BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <--commented out TopLeftPosition=0.22,0.8 BottomRightPosition=0.78,0.985 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 it removes that (to me!) annoying background bar
  20. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    miller lite douche?? "tastes great! less filling!" duck and runs.................
  21. screenshots, maybe???? if we can SEE the problem, maybe we can fix it???
  22. LA-9 FM

    excellent!!! thanks, I'll give this a test ride!
  23. neither are the landinglight lenses mid-wing!! they're under the nose the C model!
  24. this pdf might be of some assistance: http://combatace.com/files/file/6829-usn-bunums-1910-1995/
  25. PB: I was trying to add the Saknussem-Lindenbrook Geological Institute at the foot of Mt. Sniffles. On Gerwins terrain, it worked; the imported Building1 showed. On TKs, it didn't -- even with the lods and bmps placed in the /IcelandNA terrain folder. Nice to see the am_twr works! I have, however, added Reykeivek (sp?) city to both, but the docks don't show. Same docks Im using in the Gulf, that work fine! becuase Gerwin's is using tiles, my Reykeivek is a bit too far inland. On TKs, it's "close enough".

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