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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. all this just to test the SHar 51 over the right terrain... finally said "hell with this!!', pulled my backup IndiaPak mods folder off the external, created a new exe, ran it, let it rebuild, moved everything over.... ...and the damn thing works just like it did before. if it's naval objects; that's kinda interesting as the 3 indian navy ships aren't even placed on the terrian! Has to be some fault with the objects themsleves oh, well, at least it's working now. But the terrain ain't getting navalized ... don't want to lose all the routes I painstakingly built well before all this insanity that NA has caused. thanks guys!
  2. that stuka is looking pretty good monty! -------- i know this should go in the 'what if' screenies, but it just looks so good. stary's SARCASM mod reallly rulz!!!
  3. File Name: HMAS Australia R-22 (SCB-125 "What If..." File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 April 2012 File Category: Aircraft Carriers HMAS Australia R-22 (SCB-125 "What If..." = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2NA = *Note: Full-5 Merged reccomended, but can be used in any game with access to the SCB-125 Essex CVs at the April 2012 Patch Level* A complete 'modernization' of the RAN "What If..." aircraft carrier HMAS Australia, as first seen in/on the Darwin (Modern) terrain. The ship has been brought fully compliant with SF2NA standards (well, after all it IS just a small repaint and ini edit!). This will give the RAN players, with the DLC A-4G (or other pre-existing variants thereof), and any "What If..." RAN birds somewhere to roost. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Any/All faults, mistakes, etc are mine & mine alone. I didn't write up a backstory, but you can make up your own! Be advised of some "oddities" when playing -- in other words, don't be surprised if you see USN aircraft on the deck! It's just how the game works, now, with carriers. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    HMAS Australia R-22 (SCB-125 "What If..." = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2NA = *Note: Full-5 Merged reccomended, but can be used in any game with access to the SCB-125 Essex CVs at the April 2012 Patch Level* A complete 'modernization' of the RAN "What If..." aircraft carrier HMAS Australia, as first seen in/on the Darwin (Modern) terrain. The ship has been brought fully compliant with SF2NA standards (well, after all it IS just a small repaint and ini edit!). This will give the RAN players, with the DLC A-4G (or other pre-existing variants thereof), and any "What If..." RAN birds somewhere to roost. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Any/All faults, mistakes, etc are mine & mine alone. I didn't write up a backstory, but you can make up your own! Be advised of some "oddities" when playing -- in other words, don't be surprised if you see USN aircraft on the deck! It's just how the game works, now, with carriers. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. thanks Paulo! both for the compliment, and more importantly, for airplane! (and to Cocas too!)
  6. like this: (you can also see how it's done, if you have SF2NA and the new icleland terrain) TerrainFullName=Vietnam, Southeast Asia DataFile=VietnamSEA_data.INI TargetFile=VietnamSEA_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=VietnamSEA_types.INI MovementFile=VietnamSEA_movement.INI NationsFile=VietnamSEA_nations.INI LocationMap=VietnamSEA_Location.bmp WaterMap=VietnamSEA_Water.bmp BriefingText=VietnamSEA_briefing.INI DogfightFile=VietnamSEA_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=106 Latitude=16 LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=green NavalMap=TRUE there is no mission extractor; you mean the cat extractor?? There IS a mission bulider from 3W; it isnt updated for SF2NA/other yet. year editing: http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/ after adding the naval statement, don't be surprised when you CAS & Armed Recon missions go to s**t; there's a fault that needs correcting with 'Primary Targets' (that they ain't tagged as such) that hopefully the next patch will fix
  7. water map goes into the terrain folder the NavalMap=TRUE statement goes in the terrain's main ini (VietnamSEA.ini) btw, SF2V dosen't go farther than 1973 ish. well before the operational start year for the Hornets. you'll need to adjust the games operation year spread (there's an how to in the knowledge base)
  8. did you add them to the _types ini AND the _targets.ini?? without the _types listing, the game engine won't "see" them
  9. well, nuts! Using those positions, it's still doing it, but the 'extra line' is now located in empty desert, so I think that's livable!!
  10. shoot...after reading how deadly they are, I'm afraid to download and instll it now!! I can see loosing the entire Air Wing in one mission!!
  11. the old readme has your name in it.... what needs fixing...????.(insert evil grin >HERE< ...hmmmm..... outrigger lengh??? they don't touch the ground. If it won't take you away from other projects, I'll "look" around and see what I can see (i'm so bad!) Anyting that needs MAX work, can always be fixed later -------- Ive sent what I was doing on the FA2 over to IanH and dtmdragon ... they've made some WONDERFUL fixes, so release is delayed until Dan adapts my tweeks to his.
  12. song cue .... "It's Rainig Badgers....." ???? ------ another harrier rebuilding ... (yes, I know the decals aren't right - on the right side "navy" would in be Hindi. Gonna have to bug Sandesh for help! Would have liked to take the screenie ON the inda-pak terrain, but that's another one where all my hard work (100s of hours..) was for naught; locks up at 80%; there now also seems to be a 'flying for the Red Side Bug', too on add-on terrains) "new" skin, adapted from the FRS1, post-2002 weapons mod (look closly...)
  13. "all improvements and enchancements are appriciated and ENCOURAGED!!!" I'm no Sundowner ...
  14. but we sure need it added to a butt-load of piston birds!! (TBolts, Corsairs, etc and so forth - not the mention Luftwaffe MW50!)
  15. using my E_79 templates I hope!! Put a lot of work in those (insert cross-eyed smilie >HERE<) interestering idea, and I like it!
  16. it should be here in our D/L SF2 Utilities and Tools section, too ooops...tht's the March 2012 version. well, looks like we need to 'git er done' for here too!
  17. trust me, I've alrady fixed it.
  18. none of them, (actuallyObjectData002.cat. And it's locked; lods are no longer avaialable since Nov 2011, iirc)
  19. nice skin dave! and badly needed too! coupi: it's the Sea Harrier FA.2 (FRS.2) -- almost ready for sf2 a shot of cross-deck training....
  20. LA-9 FM

    No, thank YOU for the FM work!!! That's something I've never been able to wrap my head around (now, terrains/targets...that's easy!) so...where does one find the La-9???
  21. hey, I'll try anything!!! Michael, when this get released, you'll hardly recognize it!!!
  22. Persian Gulf. it's ready to go, except for a 'front line' issue, and the CAS/Auntie_Shipping/Armed_Recon no primary targets problem.

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