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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'd also rethink the IR water .. no BG commander worth his stars is gonna pin his boats that far up the Gulf...they'd stay down near the UAE where there's plenty of sea room same thing with Libya... the enemy should be down more in the Gulf of Sidra (with maybe one between Greece and N.Africa) NATO pretty much owns the Med! as for cuba (I know that map is NOT for OTC...but more like the one below (nearly historical placements) a couple also have the 'regions' too clsoe to The Wall (Darwin example- that western bad guy zone)
  2. Version


    A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79) Skin Pak 1 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- = Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-6E_79 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA, DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it. The skin pak is designed to be used with my A-6E_79 Upgrade/Fixit/WhatHaveYou Pak, located here at CA at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/12760-3w-a-6e-tram-upgrade-kit/ The shins herein are conversions from the 1stGen A-6E Tram by MontyCZ. I'm really not sure who created the original skins/decals, but suspect it may have been Paul Nortness. The Lo-Viz skins are new creations, from the TRAM template I created a few weeks back, and the stock 3W Gray/White skin is used for VA-128, so =ONLY= the decals are being reused. The skins in this pak are: =Standard GullGray/White: VA-128 "Golden Intruders" =In Lo-Viz: VA-42 "Green Pawns" (called VA42lo) VA-52 "Knight Riders" (called VA52lo) VMA-533 "Hawks" (called VMA533lo) as seen during Desert Shield/Storm when based in Bharain. There is no "StartDefaultDate=" line for the Lo-Viz skins, as yet. When more have been created/converted, then it's suggested to add that line to the textureset inis with the date of 1985. That's a fair apporximation of the transition. For now, you'll just have to select them from the drop down on the loadout screen. Some of the decals have been modified from their original form to give a better 'fit' on the 3rd Wire model. To that end, some will notice the checks on the rudder for the Hawks is a seperate decal, whereas it was a single piece before. For the "Knight Riders", I've tried as best as possible to get the notch on the knight's helmet to line up with the position light (same as in Real Life; the light represented the Knight's eye). Decal Randomization is set to TRUE, but be advised of some oddities; these may be caused by the lack of a full squadron's numbers (TK has always reccomended a minimum of 18) or something odd induced by NA or 3/2012 patch. I personally suspect it's the lack of numbers. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing! Happy Landings, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  3. Finally got around to downloading this. (cause I needed a 'working' drop tank!) Great job on this Champ!! one small "fix it" for the wing position lights: copy/paste the statements below directly OVER the existing position light statements: [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.03 Position=-5.1127,-3.3142,-0.3166 LightSrcOffset=-0.2,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=Left_Outer_Wing [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.25,0.88,0.25 Brightness=0.03 Position=5.1127,-3.3142,-0.3166 LightSrcOffset=0.2,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=Right_Outer_Wing they'll now move along with the wing when folding.
  4. File Name: SF2NA A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79") Skin Pak 1 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 01 April 2012 File Category: A-6 A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79) Skin Pak 1 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- = Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-6E_79 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA, DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it. The skin pak is designed to be used with my A-6E_79 Upgrade/Fixit/WhatHaveYou Pak, located here at CA at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/12760-3w-a-6e-tram-upgrade-kit/ The shins herein are conversions from the 1stGen A-6E Tram by MontyCZ. I'm really not sure who created the original skins/decals, but suspect it may have been Paul Nortness. The Lo-Viz skins are new creations, from the TRAM template I created a few weeks back, and the stock 3W Gray/White skin is used for VA-128, so =ONLY= the decals are being reused. The skins in this pak are: =Standard GullGray/White: VA-128 "Golden Intruders" =In Lo-Viz: VA-42 "Green Pawns" (called VA42lo) VA-52 "Knight Riders" (called VA52lo) VMA-533 "Hawks" (called VMA533lo) as seen during Desert Shield/Storm when based in Bharain. There is no "StartDefaultDate=" line for the Lo-Viz skins, as yet. When more have been created/converted, then it's suggested to add that line to the textureset inis with the date of 1985. That's a fair apporximation of the transition. For now, you'll just have to select them from the drop down on the loadout screen. Some of the decals have been modified from their original form to give a better 'fit' on the 3rd Wire model. To that end, some will notice the checks on the rudder for the Hawks is a seperate decal, whereas it was a single piece before. For the "Knight Riders", I've tried as best as possible to get the notch on the knight's helmet to line up with the position light (same as in Real Life; the light represented the Knight's eye). Decal Randomization is set to TRUE, but be advised of some oddities; these may be caused by the lack of a full squadron's numbers (TK has always reccomended a minimum of 18) or something odd induced by NA or 3/2012 patch. I personally suspect it's the lack of numbers. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing! Happy Landings, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. odds are, yes. TK likes to keep the mapping nearly (operative word!) identical between variants of the same aircraft. BUT... one would need to inspect EACH and EVERY one of the seperate skin maps to be 100% certain.
  6. yes, it was. See the recent thread about some Intruders I'd uploaded. simple fix, use your imaging program of choice (GIMP, PhotoShop, Paint.net, even IrfanView) to 'save as..' bmp. and patch that damn install up!!!
  7. ain't nothing too it Sidd! The 3W positions are known (except for the electronics bulge). The decals are from the very old 1stGen TRAM by Monty 4 skin pak for the SF2NA TRAM coming very soon!
  8. Golden Intruders getting in a little Range time before deploying
  9. this help some, maybe?? http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/10/on-target-profiles-3-bae-hawk-in.html
  10. I wonder if we could ask or talk Ron into just selling the Intruder cockpit??? I know there's folks out there willing to pay for something like that!
  11. ah, that's too bad. So, I'll just go ahead and covnert them for NA usage. what I would try on the old one, is do a search in the data ini for "AnimationID=", write down ALL the numbers that show, the add the wingfold statements, using any of them that aren't being used (this is what I did for both the EA-6A and Agemmenon/Hawker's EA-6B). Remember, there is a max number of 10 slots at the very worst, it dosent work! edit: after adding the statement & ID number, obviously, test each one. but you prolly knew that!
  12. Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak (DAT) View File Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak -For the Dev A-Teams Avenger/Tarpons- For SF2, Any and All (full 4/5 Merged Prefered) *Note: may also for in 1stGen SF/Wo* WW2 Installs. This has NOT been tested!* *Note Deux: You =MUST= have the DATs original Avengers to apply this pak to!! If you do not or cannot access those downloads, -DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD- as you'll be unable to use it!!! This pack is a complitation of several other mod packs I've released for the Avenger ... it replaces any and all previous versions. Some relatively minor tweeks for the Dev A-Team Avenger/Tarpon WW2 carrier based torpedo bomber. Ini tweeks add my corrected lighting, switch the canopy and wingfold to manual animation keys (wings: shift/9 canopy: Shift/0 -the Usual Suspects). Those equipped with ASV or Yagi radars get a new avionics ini for the surface-search radar. Most other things remain pretty unchanged. All decal inis have been corrected for the proper pathways, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. New textureset & decal inis are included for those skins originally created by Gramps, as are a couple of new skin bmps that add the 'visible internal bulkheads' when the wings are folded. The new SF2NA carrier statements HAVE been added, but until we get all the terrains have been upgraded with the new/correct/proper water bmps, it may be a moot point. However, in campaigns when carrier-based, they should work fine. New Userlist.inis have also been created & supplied. It may not contain all users, as it's basiclly designed for USN/USMC usage. RNZAF can be added easily; if there's a skin for them! To soften that blow, I've done up a new skin for the TBM-3; VT-82 from USS Bennington in G system markings. To make things easier (and to pad the download), I've included ALL the skin and decal sets previously seen in the 1stGen downloads, or on my recently closed site that I've done. The readme for that is pak is included, just for historical purpses, as it has some "What If' background. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! As well as the usual "Notes" section. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/31/2012 Category DAT Mods  
  13. File Name: F4U-1D, VMF-112 Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 March 2012 File Category: F4U VMF-112, F4U-1D Corsair, USS Bennington 1945 Skin Pak == For WW2 PTO SF2, Any and All == *Note: can be used in any PTO centric install, and probably will work in 1stGens as well* A new skin for Wolf257's Corsair; to be used with my F4U-1D mod available here at CA at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/1532-f4u-1d-corsair/ This represents F4U-1D Corsairs as flown frum USS Bennington in the later months of the war. Decal randomization is set to TRUE (which won't work if used in 1stGen installs, but what the hey, right?) Also included is a 90%-ish SF2 compliant FM in/on/part of the enclosed data ini*, a new 'main ini' (F4U-1D.ini), and an SF2 Userlist.ini (as USMC is considered a 'Seperate Nation' for Export Purposes ™). It's advised other USN/USMC Corsairs have the necessary lines added, year adjusted and use this new userlist. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein *said data ini has been posted in the SF2 PropHeads Forum for some time Click here to download this file
  14. 30 minutes work, decals from the old TRAM, on the 3W TRAM, with my loviz skin. of course, the obvious issue of not knowing the mesh name for the ECM blister (yes, that DON"T work! and until The Maker deigns to speak to us with this name....). OTH, reducing the decal size a step or so, and making the 2digit modex decal for the fin top, is a nothing job
  15. I never got it to work, even in 08 levels those decals can easily be adapted for use on the SF2NA version ... be a LOT less work!!
  16. Version


    Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak -For the Dev A-Teams Avenger/Tarpons- For SF2, Any and All (full 4/5 Merged Prefered) *Note: may also for in 1stGen SF/Wo* WW2 Installs. This has NOT been tested!* *Note Deux: You =MUST= have the DATs original Avengers to apply this pak to!! If you do not or cannot access those downloads, -DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD- as you'll be unable to use it!!! This pack is a complitation of several other mod packs I've released for the Avenger ... it replaces any and all previous versions. Some relatively minor tweeks for the Dev A-Team Avenger/Tarpon WW2 carrier based torpedo bomber. Ini tweeks add my corrected lighting, switch the canopy and wingfold to manual animation keys (wings: shift/9 canopy: Shift/0 -the Usual Suspects). Those equipped with ASV or Yagi radars get a new avionics ini for the surface-search radar. Most other things remain pretty unchanged. All decal inis have been corrected for the proper pathways, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. New textureset & decal inis are included for those skins originally created by Gramps, as are a couple of new skin bmps that add the 'visible internal bulkheads' when the wings are folded. The new SF2NA carrier statements HAVE been added, but until we get all the terrains have been upgraded with the new/correct/proper water bmps, it may be a moot point. However, in campaigns when carrier-based, they should work fine. New Userlist.inis have also been created & supplied. It may not contain all users, as it's basiclly designed for USN/USMC usage. RNZAF can be added easily; if there's a skin for them! To soften that blow, I've done up a new skin for the TBM-3; VT-82 from USS Bennington in G system markings. To make things easier (and to pad the download), I've included ALL the skin and decal sets previously seen in the 1stGen downloads, or on my recently closed site that I've done. The readme for that is pak is included, just for historical purpses, as it has some "What If' background. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! As well as the usual "Notes" section. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  17. F4U-1D, VMF-112 Skin Pak



    VMF-112, F4U-1D Corsair, USS Bennington 1945 Skin Pak == For WW2 PTO SF2, Any and All == *Note: can be used in any PTO centric install, and probably will work in 1stGens as well* A new skin for Wolf257's Corsair; to be used with my F4U-1D mod available here at CA at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/1532-f4u-1d-corsair/ This represents F4U-1D Corsairs as flown frum USS Bennington in the later months of the war. Decal randomization is set to TRUE (which won't work if used in 1stGen installs, but what the hey, right?) Also included is a 90%-ish SF2 compliant FM in/on/part of the enclosed data ini*, a new 'main ini' (F4U-1D.ini), and an SF2 Userlist.ini (as USMC is considered a 'Seperate Nation' for Export Purposes ™). It's advised other USN/USMC Corsairs have the necessary lines added, year adjusted and use this new userlist. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein *said data ini has been posted in the SF2 PropHeads Forum for some time
  18. Version


    A-4Q Skyhawk - Skin update and ini Package for SF/WoW/WoE This is a complete package, including a full update of nosecone's Argentine Navy Skyhawk skin, that will recreate the A-4Q Skyhawk as used by the CANA (and/or FAA) during the Falklands War. What I've done is rebuild the decals ini, added a textureset ini, and completly rebuilded -from scratch- all the needed inis to recreate this aircraft. I've included nosecone's original readme at the bottom of this text file. Therefore, I can and WILL take no credit for the skins and decals. I'm just the ini dancer! Included is also my Argentine Skyhawk Hangar Screen, all set up for use in the main ini. == You must have the latest Weapons Pak to use the Avionics Humps and Other Weapons. Please see the "Weapons & Loadout Fixes" thread at CombatAce for more, updated weapons for the Argentine Air Forces == Please see the enclosed readme for relatively easy install instructions, and some notes of interest. All credit to nosecone, who did the original skin -- making sure everyone knows that!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. hellacios mission .... defending Ark Royal's BG against a gaggle of Bears, I didn't really notice the Brewers sneaking around (ok, I saw "Yak-25", and my mind thought the fighter version....) Until I caught the large flashs.... Bears buzzing around, my wingmates gone, out of guns & missiles, down to a single finger... carrier hit, but not sunk. Wow, really shows that missile equiped AD ships are truely needed!
  20. great paint scheme!! I LIKE it!!!
  21. I possed The Question, over at 3rdWire, and got a good response from Charles ... basically, rebuild all the ships to the new standard (that's a given!), make sure there's the new style water bmps (or water bmps with 'naval regions, also a given!) and build all mods folder that you want carriers in/on from the SF2:NA exe (the rename, run, thingy). which works (testing all day so far with KAW*) .. but is kinda odd, as I have the Icelamb map working it SF2, albeit post-56,, the Persian Gulf map and a couple of others, asll in SF2. SO, it definatley looks more of a boat issue. Still a pisser though *but didn't exactly explain WHY the SCB-125s, with backdated data and names inis didn't show)
  22. and don't forger the origial SF/Wo* 1stSeries Knowledge Base -- a LOT of good, basic information there too. Also, the supplied 'readme.txt' for the download should have full install instructions too. That's why we write them!
  23. well, I've gone though all that I can find, most expecially the Optionsini (this is in particular reference for KAW). The terrain itself has no start/end dates, so is available for all eras.... even with updated carriers (the BATAAN CVL, capun's CV-9, and Coral Sea -- which all fall in the 1942-1955 timeframe) they ain't working. Is this the final Death Knell for us propheads? No carrier action in the Pacific (or MTO!), and 1950s Korea?? gotta be something newly hard-coded, methinks. I've looked at literly every ini in all the mission/flight cats
  24. That's what I was gonna say ... "If you can't Mod, Purchase a Subscription". It'll help cover the cost of site maintence, and is one hell of a thank you, keeping the doors open. glad to see you're back AJ!

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