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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak (SF2NA) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 April 2012 File Category: Other SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! = REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, as you'll not be able to use it! A very simple reskin/redecaling of the recently added E-2C Hawkeye as used by the Japanes Air Self-Defense Force. 99.99999% Historically accurate decals replicate the 13 aircraft as used by 601 Hikotai. All markings are decals. No other inis or other mods are included (read: cockpit, avionics, data, etc); it's just the skin for now. I'm working on tweeking a few items missed or misplaced, and will upload a 'fixit' pak in the near future, with corrected lighting, a 'passable' cockpit', and manually folding wings. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein (it'd look great on the Kamchatka map, along with the F-4EJs!!) Click here to download this file
  2. SWEET!!!! It don't even need to be very fancy! thanks Russ
  3. Version


    SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! = REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, as you'll not be able to use it! A very simple reskin/redecaling of the recently added E-2C Hawkeye as used by the Japanes Air Self-Defense Force. 99.99999% Historically accurate decals replicate the 13 aircraft as used by 601 Hikotai. All markings are decals. No other inis or other mods are included (read: cockpit, avionics, data, etc); it's just the skin for now. I'm working on tweeking a few items missed or misplaced, and will upload a 'fixit' pak in the near future, with corrected lighting, a 'passable' cockpit', and manually folding wings. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein (it'd look great on the Kamchatka map, along with the F-4EJs!!)
  4. "AAAAAAAHHHH" as in the most famous scream of all time? i even use it for my empty recyle bin wav!!
  5. just some Harrier shots.... RN FRS.1, and INAS Mk.51 'stand in' (using the stock GR1 lods ... yes, I know the nose is different, but the original Mk.51 model is sorta messed up in SF2. and so is the IndoPak terrain ... nice how things that worked 5 weeks ago, just plane DON'T all of a sudden)
  6. edit part 2!! checking my SF2 'all is everything' folder.... I actually have the FRS.1 99.9% converted fro SF2; if you want, I"ll zip it up and shoot it your way if you want to finish it. all the avionics are updated to approx May, 2011 standard.
  7. don't remind me!!! I remember mis-writing a GA route on the SoCal terrain ... had a very involved and exciting tank battle in the Santa Catalina Strait, about 10 miles off shore!!! And they weren't even amphibious tanks! never use the mission editor meself for that ... which is why I create such 'involved' movement inis. I remember attacking convoys in USNF/ATF/FA, and if you took out the lead vehicle -which is ALWAYS the best tactic- the whole column would halt, and not even try to move away/around/back from the destroyed 1st one. Miss that
  8. change the RWR to vector, it's probably more correct look at the stock hud statments, for avionics60.dll, use the A-7A's statements (or for the harrier, maybe even FROM the stock Harriers!) from my AV-8A mod, which pretty much uses all stock bits: [HUD] HUDMaterial=HUDMaterial HUDColor=0.36,1.0,0.82,0.8 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.105,-0.090 ViewportBottomRight=0.105,0.180 GunBoresightAngle=-2.5 RocketBoresightAngle=0 [HUDMaterial] EffectShaderName=fltHUD.fx DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE positioning of the text, however, will most likely be different. NOTE: the AV-8A mod uses avionics70.dll
  9. it seems to be more prevelant than ever before in this series. Hence, the greater need for my "One Click Ini Fix", of which I've written a tutorial on, and can't find the cursed thing!!!! Here's how it works... make the AI bird flyable via the usual method. Save that ini. Now, with it still open, "Save As..." x-nameofaircraft.ini then, after it malfunctions again (and it WILL!), it's a simple reopen the xnameofaircraft.ini, "Save As" nameofaircraft ini (remove the x!!), and viola! back to flyable.
  10. judging how 'things are done' (like pilot positons or lights postions) -- and I'm probably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY off base here --, my guess is X/Y/Z just a wild-ass-guess, so don't take it as gospel!
  11. nice one Dave!! Stary, the Jag pit look MUCH better, too!! ---------------- just needs a readme, and data ini tweeks .. the postions of the postion lights are all fouled up (and missing the tail light) 99.99999% historic serials/markings now...if I could only figure out WHY it starts against The Wall on the Kamchatka terrain....(and the terrain aint even navalized!!)
  12. shooot....we're still using the Skyraider!!! 'specially for Korea!! right model (-4) and everything! nice start on the stuka!!
  13. don't forget to update the avionics ini to add the SF2 shader/texture statements for the HUD!!!
  14. that'd be great Ken!!! Like I said, it's not gonna do anything be sit there and look ready to sink!
  15. target areas are defined in the _targets.ini
  16. yah, would like them in-port at bandar abbas... it don't have to DO anything but sit there and get sunk if it's DAT, that takes care of dat!
  17. oh, I beg to differ ... on the Iran/Irag, and IR2003 terrains (ok, they're really the same map..). And the unreleased KAW map too. the vehicles WILL follow the roads. I also recall that the orignal GermanyCE had the trucks driving down roads (for the most part) It's a nightmarish, painstaklying, eye-crossing process. You have to fly a mission from the 'start point' (usually 1 tile width away is best ... don't start in cities!!!), 'fly' down the road, moting down the x/y coords, and the TURNS!!. Do this for the length of the route, to the deistination city (again, stopping at least 1 tile width away) winding mountain roads, however are to cmplete frakking insanity! (like below -- they do sometime go 'off roading'!!) [Route016] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Huichon EndArea=Magon-ni RoutePosition[001]=269031,533747 RoutePosition[002]=269054,533151 RoutePosition[003]=268922,432533 RoutePosition[004]=269112,531489 RoutePosition[005]=269447,531121 RoutePosition[006]=269986,531000 RoutePosition[007]=270697,530777 RoutePosition[008]=271031,529738 RoutePosition[010]=271503,529096 RoutePosition[011]=272649,528817 RoutePosition[012]=272961,528277 RoutePosition[013]=272994,526104 RoutePosition[014]=273065,525205 RoutePosition[015]=272924,524617 RoutePosition[016]=273076,523304 as for ground attack (ie: CAS), make sure they overlap so to 'mix up' enemy and friendly forces, as would be in a real tank battle. Meaning: making sure the middle points are witin 1km of each other (ie: the crappy gun ranges we have). You don't want them cruising around each other like it's 1916 at Jutland!! edit: forgot to add, the routes are only set (afaik) in the terrain's _Movements.ini
  18. translated: don't use specific 'called' SAMs and SAM Radars, use the generic tags of 'SAMRadar', 'EWR' and 'SAMLauncher', even when that give the wrong type ... it's the only way to have them show the TEWS. (hence, again, the need for proper userlist.inis for said objects...) a bug that drives me bat-s**t-crazy, especially when one knows exactly which type of SAM/Radar, and exactly where they go in what country...
  19. I belive (but don't actually remember!!!...) that it came with the original download. The skins date's closely match the LOD date, so I'd guess yes .. it comes with it
  20. surprised nobody'd thought of this one yet...
  21. the AV-8B(plus) has an Italian skin already. Might need soem other updating; i've seen pics with what looks like AMRAAMS under the wings.. nice to see the Garabaldi being updated! will look good on the libya terrain (with the 2011 update!)
  22. very small differences ... wings, body and iirc, tail are identical. might be some differences on the nose map ... I haven't studied the E maps too much (although I've done the tail on B/C -- those are mapped the same) best way to check, pull the 5 skins for each, and compare side-by-side
  23. this might help answer the questions: http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/02/7-corsair-ii-in-detail-and-scale.html

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