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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. in a huff or a minute and a huff (thank you Groucho!!)
  2. Happy Birthday to

    a round on me for both yous!! have a GREAT day my friends!
  3. which is why, unfortunately, we have to upscale to at minium, 2048, and redraw every-frakking-thing!! Like I've done recently for the A-7 and A-6 (and the Netz) ... it takes about 5-6 hours per skin map, depending on detail (and most importantly!!) skill levels!! of course, one of the cheats I use, is duplicate and invert the background layer. And a LOT of edumacted guesswork! EDIT: forgot, I have a full template set for the A-4F; had to make one to do the new Kuwaiti Scooter skin
  4. seems like .. it did that for me when rebuilding the KAW mods folder. Of course, flying in 1950 prevents anything 'wrong' from showing (well, sometimes a J5 or Mig17 in 53...but that's rare) I left them in only because I need to place/test the NK SAM batteries from ~1972 onwards also, for inexplicable reasons, the non-flyables MADE flyable (Migs, C/F-104s, etc) revert back at random intervals. With no rhyme or reason, or patch/dlc upgrad or install can you saw coding glitch? I knew you could!!
  5. well, could use some Udajeets and F-302s, too. I've got a butt-load of decals (including all the starship tailcodes) for the DATs everlastingBeta Mongoose, that are looking for a home!
  6. with the old tile style, I'd say incomplete alpha on the sea1 tile ... but with this; gotta be a mesh issue report it to TK! macelena: do you have an old FlightEngine.ini in your /Flight folder? If so, rename or delet it. I had the same issue unitl I extracted a new one
  7. I also noticed the odd tiling mismatches, too. the desert tiles are visibly different that their neighboring, for example, sea2desert -- most likely a noise normal or HM issue there that did't exist on the originl terrain. Pity I can't get the frakking terrain to load in the TE ... I'd still LOVE to add the triple cursed rivers and correct the locations for Um Qusar, Basra, and several others at the head of the gulf
  8. hmmm.. somebody's name is conspiciously absent from the readme ... the guy that built and targeted the terrain....
  9. nice Hawkeye skin Brian! required screenshot...
  10. see ths post: http://combatace.com/topic/58773-mig-alley-update-thread/page__view__findpost__p__565140
  11. if all else fails the templates for the F-16A Netz are in the /tools and Utilities downloads section....
  12. from the isrealme terrain?? if it's using stary's tiles, re-download that tile pak, install and see what happens or remove all the tilse (tga and bmp) from taht terrain folder, point it ot the israelme.cat, and see what happens
  13. are you s**tting me???? It looks like any other windows executable....
  14. isn't it part of the A-16 download??? I seem to have a vague recollection of doing and uploading something reaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly similiar.....
  15. yup, each exe create it's own mods folder, thereby making is super easy to customize each and every one to YOUR liking! (fer instance: removing all but the Arab and Isreali aircraft from the SF2:I) you just simply delete the offending folders
  16. is that an aboukir filter I see under the nose???
  17. there should be templates for Del's Hercs, so taht's not a problem! maybe use the overall desert as a base?
  18. ok, here's another one, for today's glitch list... why does a terrain, that was fixed, and working perfectly YESTURDAY, all of a sudden NOT work today??? CubaOTC has just decieded that is don't like anything, and was just fine yesturday afternoon. i'm so close to just walking away from this whole stinking, pestulant, feculant mess....and just kiss last 7 years of my life goodbye. Having done mostly nothing else BUT terrains (and the occasional skin, aircraft, etc). This is just going too far. OTH, the Persian Gulf terrain is working fine...although the IR2003 places the CVBG in a completely different region than where I painted the green zone. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the function, and MALfuncitons we're seeing. And we sure ain't getting answers from The Man. I too, am beyond my wit's end (and found some rather interestering territory beyond That Wall...)
  19. right now, the terrain dosen't work AT ALL ... locks up, etc at 40%; used to lock at 80%. So, I have not clue at this point in time if it will ever be released. It makes no sense to release aircraft for the proper timeframe, without having the single most detailed terrain ever built for this game, playable on. We have to wait unitl TK fixes whatever is killing most of the add-on terrains before even thinking about releasing. so, in essence, don't hold your breath

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