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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. no, that's just a painted on marking, with white rivets underneath, nudged -- stock skin, nothing been done to it (gonna switch that to a decal, btw) Hint: foward, and down
  2. anyone notice anything different on the KA-6??? Look closely now ....
  3. ok...now THAT'S slick!! nice one Ian!
  4. did you try turning off Labels, and playing on "Normal" as opposed to "Easy"???? try that and see what happens; cause right not it looks like a graphics issue (either card or somewhere else)
  5. yes, that's because you need to DEFINE the 'naval action areas' on the _water.bmp. Covered in several other threads, too
  6. when you're ready for screens, give me a week's notice to scrounge some images!
  7. ummmm...turns off the shadow???? [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800
  8. just needs a few more serials, redoing the mid-fues (add the slimer where the danger arrow is). All the inis are peaked and tweeked -corrected loadouts, folding wings, moving lights, etc. Hopefully, mid-week. all markings are decals, making is easy for other units to be created (although we still need the mesh names from TK for that oddly shaped bulge/blister/rudder actuator housing -- for ALL them A-6A, EA-6B, A-6E and this TRAM)
  9. there's better Mk46s in the Nimrod and Atlantique downloads; correct size/shape from the Argentine weapons pak
  10. pardon the Intrusion ... but we have a delivery to make....
  11. no, cause the stock runway textures are stored in the terrain cat. wonder if this may be related to the newly locked terrain cats, but Im just speculating.. nonstock terrains are working fine
  12. i'm trying to get the Daring destroyer names (all the decals were done by me like 3-4 years ago) working for RN CVBGs, too. Damn things won't show up! anybody wants to carry on with it, and get it sorted out, PM me!
  13. steam vents ... wouldn't be hard .... take a small object, very small and unobtrusive (sp?) like oildrum1 (or even with NoLod), give it an effect (ship smoke is too dark -- maybe LargeSAMTrail) place it where you want and it'll 'emit'. Same as was done by Gepard for the Reactor Cooling Towers. I guess nobody noticed the ever-lasting Springfield Tire Fire on the CenUS map? as to the new terrain engine ... I refuse to comment or state my opinion
  14. unicode or ansi has 100% NO bearing on anything ... the game reads both equally well (all my terrain mods ini are ansi ... and nobody's bitched yet) the problem, as always ... lies eleswhere. 1st and Foremost: check the MiniumBaseSize= on the Spirt ... if set the LARGE (as it should be), be triple certain that you're flying on a terrain that HAS the large airfield (Runway4)
  15. well, one can always (now -that we have to tools!!!-) edit the FlightEngine ini, and kick The Wall back a few dozen KMs
  16. how about just using plain text, like everybody else does? Having to edit out all the nonesene is too much!! once exported, LODs can't be changed
  17. it's nice to see my Harrier's get a proper home!!
  18. yes, it's not only masochism ... it's akin to insanity. there ain't a f***ing wrong the IIAF/IRIAF TMF Tomcat, that a few little ini tweeks won't fix. Most of which have already been done, as mentioned just above. If you enjoy spinning your wheels in the mud, go right ahead. Have fun figuring out the mapping for 3-tone camo -- nightmares galore. It's something I'd wouldn't waste time on, what with everything else needing to be done to NA. ---- bring on the MEUs!!! Got those nice Harriers (and skins) looking for home base!!
  19. a very well know issue ... there is NO fix for it, other than completely rebuilding the model. So, editing the ini IS the only solution
  20. NP, Stratos ... people SHOULD know the whys and wherefores, and consequenses thereof
  21. yes, doing double work ... it's what we live fore
  22. wasn't that what the original Gen1 DBS was about, as I recall?? and don't discount Cuba; they'll be the new financial and military powerhouse in the Western Hemisphere after the Zombie Apocalypse!!!
  23. yupers ... ever since TMF released their first Kittys -- the IRIAF was included in the pak, and gone through several updates too the most recent one can be had in the Operation Darius packages (disremember which one excatly, but most likely in the /Aircraft DL) If ya'll would take a few minutes, and study the latest TW F-14 inis, you find: not exported no userlist and so forth

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