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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. uploaded ... as I approved my own upload, HOPEFULLY!!!! (please gods!) this one'll work!
  2. I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet!! I'm on it!!
  3. safe to assume that you need the carrier stations in the _targets.ini??
  4. one must spread one's wings before flying ....
  5. here's one for us terrain & targets guys ... changes in the movement ini ... no more plotting x/y positions [Route001] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Reykjavík EndArea=Selfoss [Route002] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Selfoss EndArea=Vík í Mýrdal [Route003] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Vík í Mýrdal EndArea=Kirkjubæjarklaustur [Route004] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Höfn EndArea=Kirkjubæjarklaustur [Route005] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Egilsstaðir EndArea=Höfn [Route006] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Keflavík EndArea=Reykjavík [Route007] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Reykjavik EndArea=Selfoss [Route008] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Selfoss EndArea=Vík í Mýrdal (note the lack of shipping routes....there's something VERY odd going on here...)
  6. this is a GOOD one!! there are over 150 'tree' items in the _types ini!!! Those must've been fun to place.... standard targets (warehouse, fueltanks) are at or below the MinimumStrikeValue= in the single mission ini. So, that'll need editing for both the Miniumu and NormalStrikeValue (which is 200 -- too high!) The types ini is also gonna need some "modifications" to values, to test the strike missions btw ... our favorite target is conspicious (sp?) by it's absence from the terrain
  7. WeaponType=7 is the 'cruise missle' tag... time to start updating the Harpoon, SeaEagle and Excocets... interstering to note, it changes the guidence type (usually CGR) to ASM edit: and to confirm there are absolutely NO lods in the IcelandNA terrain .. just inis and textures
  8. lots of birds seem to be able to read both ... the DLCs are skined in jpg, ferinstance
  9. runway have no destroyed model; craters just 'spawn' on them, so they'll still be there visually did you get a mission succcess?
  10. stock aircraft have the canopy animation id listed in the /Crew section below, from A-4F: [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=PilotN3 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,3.08,0.69 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=0.00,3.02,0.26 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 2.61,-0.35 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 3.46, 0.91 CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=5 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=12 Armor .Thickness=12 Armor .Thickness=12 Armor[REAR].Thickness=12 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=12 foldy wings is trial and error (if anyone knows the one for the phantoms ... pleas share it!)
  11. navla map true ... that's gonna come in REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL handy for the persian gulf!!!
  12. what, you didn't pull the photo into PS, and do it as multi layers??? Howdcha think I did all the 100% historic nose arts for the P-61??? I'll venture a guess ... Camoflague & Markings #17 (nice side shot on pg15 -- that wouldv'e been the easiest one to use) Personally, I think it should be uploaded. It sharp looking (although I'd add the 4-digit BuNum, and the full BuNum tags on the tail )
  13. finally figured out which terrain it was, and tested the new version ; works perfect on planning map generation now thanks again!!
  14. I just noticed that today meself, when making a bunch of new ones.
  15. hmm...the guy that did that Matador, looks like he did a pretty good job!!! exhausted: (aren't CVE/CVL 43 and later??)
  16. so.... just to change the subject is anyone else NOT getting land attack missions, in the Single Mission screen? Or CAS or ARMED Recon??? what I mean, known aircraft, with know STRIKE, CAS, ARMED_RECON etc, cannot select those mission types on the IcelandNA map. Nor, Anty Shipping. They're not even selectable (or visible!) on the drop down. When I select STRIKE, all I get tasked with is hitting the Russkie carriers -- not a destroyer, or cruiser or fueltank or runway or even the EvilDamnCommBuilding. Methinks the carriers are the new CommBuildings! flyin for USAF/USMC/USN/RAF/FBCAF/LSMFT or whomever. Not showing up SOmething new and different in the IcelandNA terrain inis me things??? we need that extractor ------------- SOONEST!!! :yes:
  17. some 111B tweeks ... VF-84, (correct period markings for Rosie), over the Med. CAG Bird markings are decals; line birds have plane rudders VF-161, over the North Pacific coming soon...
  18. i don't think we ever assembled one, like we did for the Zipper (from SF1 to WoV) best thing to do, extarct everything with the A-6 prefix, expecially looking for bmps and tgas for the cockpit (theres a LOT edit: ok, looking at the 08 WoE Objects cat, it starts with A6A Attitude.bmp and ends with VDI component bmp don't forget the avionics and cockpit inis!!!!! (and the LOD!!!)
  19. A bug or feature??...... you deceide.... below, is from my base SF2 install (the all-is-everything mods folder), fully merged, with exp1, exp2, and NA. YOu can see the "tiles" or whatever terrestrial material applied, is missing on most of the land the 2nd shot, taken in almost exactly the same location, in the SF2NA folder (ie: run from the SF2NA.exe), is perfect (or as much as it is) I now offer for consideration, the renaming of Iceland to "WTFland??". no idea why one is perfect, one is fouled up, and they all run off the same core cats, dlls and whatnots. And...it was working perfectly this morning, and yesturday....
  20. explain that, if you would, please? cause all that renaming the folder does, is remove EVERYTHING in it from the Game Engine's ™ sight. As all others withOUT the modified flightengine.ini are working fine. (don't forget, all you RWR lists & tgas, enviromental mods -btw, stary's SARCASM mods is working perfectly in NA- and stuff like the seeker heads, etc) all are still working
  21. you can use the F model for the SB-17, as they had all the turrets removed (ok, chin turren replaced by a radome). Unless, of coure, you want the PB-1W for Korea, which had the the turrets put back on
  22. HEY!!! I resemble that remark!!! well, kiddies, time to get out the goats/chickens/cows/*animal of choice* for to sacrifice to the gods for that triple cursed extractor ... we can't get it soon enough
  23. Fubar is working on that ... trying to get Jon to activeate the RWR lights irrc, the node is 'fuel_probe' and can be hidden via a cockpit ini edit try this: [CockpitSeat001] HideExternalNode=Fuel_Probe ModelName=A-6A.LOD //Offset=-0.004,0.00,0.01 //Position=-0.35,2.55,0.74 Offset=-0.004,0.00,0.01 //Position=-0.35,3.30,0.74 Position=-0.38,1.25,0.95 note: this is for the Razbam pit ONLY!!! should look like below...(btw, this is zoomed back, so to show more)

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