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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. thanks for the replies gents. all the other terrains (stock and 3rdparty) are working just as before, including Baltika's Iceland IN SF2NA as to the flight engine, the only thing changed in mine is the 'expanded wall trick', and is not in NA. OTH, a quick rename of the flightengine.ini, DID bring back the terrain texture; so it's definate taht something is/has been changed. when the hell are we getting that frakking extractor????
  2. YAPperPrise??? --- anyway, just Freestyle-ing over hills and through the glaciers... btw, has anyone found Mt. Snæfellsjökull yet??? Just curious
  3. sparse, in Terra del Fuego, and the Flaklands or, the other answer: "quite tastey, but stringy"
  4. must've done something wrong .. cause the stock WoV A-6A pit works perfectly for me....(as well as the Razbam in the E and E-TRAM) you DID remember to bring over the A-6A_COckpit.ini and A-6A_Avionics.inis, and listed them correcly in the A-6E.ini??? the position won't change, as its' the same physical model as before...
  5. just tested that ... I think CH called that right on the money!! I think that one DO look better!! now, as soon as we get the triple cursed new extractor ... lots of little fixes needed (not the least of which is cockpit position, but a better engine sound!)
  6. are those new radar facilities I spy, Ant??? testing a new skin, I think I accidently recreated history...
  7. you sure that stain isn't from purging the sanitary tanks?? :stink:
  8. i still think the original USNF one, with the Kitty on the Cat, is perfect for NA!!
  9. after the the first run, ya know, after the re-creation of the WW2 shortcuts after SF2NA instll, or patch or whatever, the engine will ALWAYS repopulate with all the stock items. best ways Ive found are... if having an alrady built WW2 mods folder (PTO as example), simply rename it to xPTO. Run the new exe (ie: PTO.exe) and it'll rebuild the new mods folder. Run the game onece, fly a mssion in Phantom (or just start a mission) exit. Delete the 'new' pto mods folder. Rename the original BACK to PTO. btw -- might want to keep the newest Options and Versions.inis, as CYA 2nd way, is leave the PTO mods folder as is, run the new exe, play a mission (with whatever), and then go into and manually delete all the modern stuff. I still have to do this for the KAW and PTO folder I have ... but I'm waiting for the main fixit patchs from 3W before regenerating these mods folders.
  10. all terrains work in NA just like they did before
  11. bunums: 157980-157985 F-14A Grumman 157987-157991 F-14A Grumman 158612-158637 F-14A Grumman 158978-159025 F-14A Grumman 159421-159468 F-14A Grumman 159588-159637 F-14A Grumman 159825-159874 F-14A Grumman 160299-160378 F-14A Grumman Iran 160379-160414 F-14A Grumman 160652-160696 F-14A Grumman 160887-160930 F-14A Grumman 161133-161168 F-14A Grumman 161270-161305 F-14A Grumman 161300-161305 Cx 161416-161445 F-14A Grumman 161597-161626 F-14A Grumman 161850-161864 F-14A Grumman 161866 F-14A Grumman 161868-161879 F-14A Grumman 161874-161879 Cx 162588-162594 F-14A Grumman 162596-162611 F-14A Grumman 162688-162717 F-14A Grumman that's just the pure "A" models. Anything else?
  12. as for Turkey squadrons, are they not showing in the dropdown on the loading screen??? They are for me.... as for the pilots ... welll....they were all available, until I closed my site. Guess I'll have to find the archived zips ....gods only know where I put them music and menus is lightweight stuff.... it's the terrain that needs a little help...have to figure out WHY we're getting NO land-attack mission in single missions. That's got ME bothered.... and of course, fixing both Red & Blue AD units.... JRL: they're already there. remember HOW SF2 works .... all mods folders see all cats and dlls, as they run off the exact same core files. Now, it's just a matter of experimentation, investigation, and modification
  13. that was easy... there's nothing wrong with the the skin maps. The issue is the LODs being used; they have slightly different mapping below is a screenie with your skin added to my AV-8A mod. No issues whatsomeever. (0ther than a simple rename of the skin bmps BACK to HarrierGR1_*.bmp) Set it up exactly as I did originally, and you're golden. Using the stock SF2E Harrier GR1 lods several advantages: 1) reduces total mod file size 2) uses LODs that work. 3) dosen't voilate EULA and CA policies about sharing 3rdWire LODS oh, to answer the question in the screenies thread, the InsigniaLV should be in one of the cats - used to be ObjectData005.cat. there's no need to include it, as it's in all SF2 versions.
  14. din't use 'em...yet wanted to make sure the skin worked ok first. I'll redeit the main ini to point to the GR1 lod, and then look at the rest re: NorthOps. Skin folder name and 'displayed name' are to different things.... textureset ini sets what shows on the loadout screen: [TextureSet] Name=Northern Ops Nation=USMC Squadron=VMA513 Specular=0.4500000 Glossiness=0.300000 Reflection=0.100000
  15. edit: I also changed the skin folder's name to "Snow" using the decals off the others, VMA-513
  16. just did that last night....before installing SF2NA. have 2 externals I backitup too ..
  17. Yaks are always in season
  18. don't forget the twinbomb rack in the kit... If you want me to take a look at the skin, I'll be happy to! ------- flying over the ramp, all I could think of was "man, I hope a flock of Floggers with RBKs don't show up! They'd make a hell of a mess of place!
  19. it's also missing its gunpods...that would further reduce it's range, as they sit on the external pylons, in place of fuel tanks what it needs is it's "auto-escape" routine!!!
  20. you're mapping is off ... you'll need to find on which skin bmp, and where on said skin bmp, the rails are mapped to. Use the panel finder, available somewhere in the 1stGen downloads (or maybe still at simmerspaintshop.com) DT interference is a known issue. edit: look on the _3 and 4 maps ... looks like lower rith on the 3, lower left on the 4 (gr1/av8a templates available in the sf2 d/l section -i do remember uploading them) edit -again! look for the 4 red triangle in the corner; those are the pylons you're DEFINATELY gonna need those templates!! the aircraft: http://combatace.com/files/file/11938-av-8a-harrier-for-sf2/ the templates: http://combatace.com/files/file/11943-templates-for-3w-harrer-gr1/ and you've seriously overloaded that bird!!!
  21. that's more than just a simple "bumping" incident!!
  22. yah, no matter how broke I get, I just can't see that happening. Been too long building stuff for free. And there's the quality measurement -- paywhere has to be better than ANYTHING produced by The Manufacturer ™ (which, in many casses of terrains, is actually true...as 3rd party modders working for free, we can take the time and make things super-detailed and accurate, as we have no budget constraints) like you, just trying to smack a little sense into some thick skulls
  23. yes. all naval aircraft start on carriers
  24. The Pub is NOT the place for SF/Wo* specific threads. It is possible that you can actually TRY and make these posts in the relevant Forums??? The Mods and Admnins are getting kinda tired of having to constantly move these where they belong. Please! Pay more attenion!! thanks!
  25. Not possible. Look at the map size, the location of The Wall (even with the expanded borders trick), the Real World ™ locations of the places mentioned. The map is as it is; work within it.

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