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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what, like below??? (backwards because that' show the skin is mapped -backwards and inside-out) it's a simple extra layer with the text typed in. Same is done for the various warning, rescue and so forth tags
  2. the ripply terrian may be ATI related ... they're always had problems of some kind yes, set shadows to HIGH only -- there's still some small anomoies with shadows cast by ground and TOD objects.
  3. not finished yet (obivous to all as those are MAX renders)) Luf46, possibly an Ju EF132, iirc
  4. got the colors as close as I can, but need some serial number for decals. Don't need all of them, just a sampling (apporx 18-24 numbrs) TIA!!
  5. i don't suppose we have the MAX files?? Got some shadow issues to deal with.... (on the JA, the AJ needs a new cockpit!!)
  6. weather generator = Dave. Dave = methane generator more methane,(ie: highter concentrations of greenhouse gasses) = modified EnviromentalSystem.ini modified EnvroinmentalSystem.ini = different weather patterns, globaly no problem!
  7. gotta go with the F-4EJ ... like was said, wicked cool paint jobs!
  8. I'd go with "Doing the Time Warp" .... again
  9. Nicely done my friends!! Excellent job! only one complaint ... without the 'cheater' decal, the nation name is grayedout on the loadout screen display. add this to each decals ini, where *** is the next numbr: [Decal***] MeshName=RightWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=0,0 Scale=0.00000001 Rotation=0 DecalMaxLOD=3
  10. LABS.... (somewhat surprised that Dave hadn't thought of this already! )
  11. why not use the SF2 template set I uploaded some time back? there's 2 paks, on just the hangar screen .. http://combatace.com/files/file/12452-sf2-hangar-screen-template/ and all the rest... http://combatace.com/files/file/10944-sf2-series-menu-screen-templates/ save ya a hellvalota time! after all, I still am the Hangar Screen King! EDIT: yes, get GIMP!!
  12. unless he's changed a stuff 'under the hood', no.
  13. Epic savings win.

    sometimes its not so much of not having the time, or not having the money -- its having someplace to DO it at!! Fortunately, my brother-from-another-mother, owns his own shop (well, him & his dad), so that's a lucky non-issue. Plus, having been in the biz for 30 years ... I still have 98.6% of all my stuff (~30k worth of tools!!!), stored in my mother garage (good thing she has a Corolla!) my 2 most prized tools: my Fluke meter and digial ocsillyscope. I really LIKE Swordsman's fix ... that's something even the dealer wouldn't have come up with (well, other that if possible, replacing that board!). Shows exceptional diagnostic skill, and the ability to 'think outside the box'
  14. do you reaaaalllllllllllllllllly want go there?? (not me personally, but some other might)
  15. i'll check it again! 2 minutes later... yup, it don't work. Well, rather than have Russ build a T-45 lod, I can rebuild all the inis, skins and such to use this one. Let me see what's what! edit: 1 minuet later.. ok, my bad! the t-45 IS a seperate lod; has different nose gear, and the hook. Disregard my previous post - in fact, Ill edit out the stuff for Goshawk
  16. go back a page or 2 Pete ... it's there!! http://combatace.com/topic/55714-sf2-screenshot-thread/page__view__findpost__p__555145
  17. many blessing and thanks!!! edited post to remove a very LARGE mistake!!
  18. don't remap it!!! I just redid all the skins!!! edit: screenie of new lod man OUT-frakking-STANDING!!!! I can finish off the decals, and have it out by the weekend!!!
  19. ....even the Navy gets a piece of the pie...
  20. i was gonna guess the front insturment panel. got a bunch of screenies zipped up, i'll PM them to you! thanks again Russ!!
  21. well, I PMed Russo, all we can do is hope!! (keeping fingers crossed!)
  22. it's called "rendevouzing with the tanker and plugging in" no fuel is transfered, as said before, the game does not support AFR

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